
Conservationists and scientists angry at Rudd retreat on climate

Conservationists and scientists have reacted angrily to the breathtaking act by the Rudd Government in taking the emissions trading scheme - the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme - of the legliative agenda for two to three years, delaying central action on climate change - the setting of a carbon price.

The Getup organisation have launched a public No confidence vote saying that Kevin Rudd has lost the courage of his convictions. He needs to hear loud and clear that he just lost our confidence as a result.


Krudd on climate: Absolute political cowardice

Kevin Rudd has betrayed his promise to take action on climate change. Click at to hold him to account.

"Absolute political cowardice... an absolute failure of leadership."1 That's what Kevin Rudd said just months ago about those who wanted to delay action on climate change. He was right.

Yesterday Kevin Rudd betrayed his promise to act on climate change, deferring action until 2013: six years after he called climate change the moral challenge of our age.

Federal ALP wants to jail people who help asylum seekers

The Federal ALP is planning to bring in laws that would declare anyone who assists asylum seekers in coming to Australia even if they receive no financial gain a "people smuggler" and they face jail time. The Melbourne Age states a "modern day Oskar Schindler" would face 10 years jail. The captain of the Tampa could have been jailed under these laws. The new law also gives ASIO the power to tap phones in Australia to tackle the "problem" of people smuggling.


New solar power station to run on sun and air

The CSIRO is about to build a new research solar power tower at it's National Solar Energy Centre in Newcastle that uses just the sun's energy and heated air in a Brayton turbine to produce electricity. This is innovative renewable technology - the largest of its type in the world - to combat use of fossil fuels and climate change, to be built and fully operational by March 2011.


Germans want nuclear plants phased out

By Julio Godoy

BERLIN, Apr 27, 2010 (IPS) - After tens of thousands of people turned out to protest against any extension of life to existing nuclear power plants, it seems clear that Germans continue to be emphatically opposed to nuclear energy.

See also "We'll be wherever they don't want us to be" -

Apartheid is alive and well

By Jake Lynch

Incarceration rates among Australia’s indigenous people bear comparison with the jailing of blacks in minority-ruled South Africa.

Aborigines make up just 2.5% of the country’s population, but they account for nearly a quarter of all prisoners.

In the Northern Territory, the ‘outback Australia’ made famous in the Crocodile Dundee films of comedian Paul Hogan, the proportion of those held under lock and key who are Aboriginal is a staggering 83%.

Registration opens for Australia’s largest Indigenous policy conference

Registrations are now open for the 2010 National Native Title Conference – Australia’s largest Indigenous policy conference - which will be held in Canberra in June.

Convened by the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) and National Native Title Council, the annual conference will be held in the national capital from 1-3 June and will be hosted by the Ngunnawal peoples, the traditional owners of the Canberra area.

ANZAC DAY – Glorifying war and empire

The annual orgy of nationalism and militarism known as ANZAC day has come around again and as usual is being used to justify our current imperialist military ventures and to whip up the patriotism of the young. Defence Minister John Faulkner gave a Dawn service speech from Afghanistan. Meanwhile over 300,000 people have joined a ANZAC day facebook page demonstrating how out of control the ANZAC “legend” has become in this country.


Next Aboriginal summit in Sydney in May

Goodooga, northwest NSW, 26 April 10 - - Aboriginal political activist, Michael Anderson, says the New Way Task Force will host the second New Way Summit at the Sydney University on the 8th and 9th May.

“This national summit will again be broadcast live throughout the internet for all to see,” Mr Anderson said, adding that the Task Force would include any feedback or discussion people may wish to engage in during the proceedings of the summit itself.

Canterbury City Council Mayor invites residents to volunteer to be part of some of Sydney's best festivals

The Mayor of the City of Canterbury, Cr Robert Furolo MP, is inviting residents to volunteer to be part of some of Sydney's best Festivals and get a back stage pass to Council events. (see for the full Mayor's message).

In this message he states "You don't need to have any experience and age is no limit, you just need to love working with people and embrace our values of 'Respect, Unity and Peace'.


Greenpeace, Sea Shepherd criticize commercial whaling resumption proposal

Representatives to the International Whaling Commission from a dozen countries are meeting in Washington negotiating a compromise agreement for the limited resumption of commercial whaling with strong controls for the next ten years. Conservationists from both Sea Shepherd and Greenpeace have attacked the proposal, "At the moment, it appears that the whales are making all the concessions, not the whalers and this proposal keeps dying whaling industries alive and not the whales." said Greenpeace Japan Programme Director Junichi Sato.

Human rights forum - so those who write the law can police themselves

By GetUp!

"It looks like two-fifths of bugger all." 1

That's how today's Sydney Morning Herald described this week's announcement by the Attorney General to ignore the majority of Australians who support enshrining our rights into a Human Rights Act.

Instead, the Attorney announced a piecemeal approach including a human rights forum, more education, and parliamentary oversight (so those who write the law can police themselves). Australia now remains the only Western democracy in the world to not have formal protection of its people's rights.

Stop Martin Ferguson dumping on traditional owners: Northcote Town Hall, 21 April 10

Federal Resources and Energy Minister Martin Ferguson's ears should have been burning on Wednesday evening as speakers at an information evening at Northcote Town Hall attacked his perverse obsession with building a nuclear waste dump on Indigenous land at Muckaty in the Northern Territory.

Related: Report on | Beyond Nuclear Initiative


Racial killing "hoon driving" per TV news - join the Aboriginal Political Party

By Michael J Connolly
Munda-gutta Kulliwari

Taking its lead from the white Chief Justice of the NT white Supreme Court, white university trained Brian Martin, who judged the violent race hate white mob head kicking and head bashing assaults that led to the death of an innocent Alice Springs Aboriginal man as "manslaughter by negligence" and at "lower end of seriousness", the white evening TV news called this repeated vicious conduct of racial homicide resulting from a course of repeated head-kicking and head bashing, to be "hoon driving".

International Journal of Indigenous Peoples calling for papers

By Helen Ross

AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples is calling for papers to be submitted now for 2010 publication.

AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples is a multidisciplinary peer-review journal. It aims to present Indigenous worldviews from native Indigenous perspectives. It is dedicated to the analysis and dissemination of native Indigenous knowledge that uniquely belongs to cultural, traditional, tribal and aboriginal peoples as well as first nations, from around the world.

AlterNative Dialogue

WGAR News: Raw sewage dumped in Ampilatwatja - Aboriginal worker dismissed (23 Apr 10)

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

Raw Sewage dumped in Ampilatwatja - Aboriginal worker dismissed
Public Forum: A National call out launched by John Pilger & Richard Downs
Update: Muckaty Station Nuclear Waste Dump
Other NT Intervention Articles
Other Aboriginal Articles


- Background

Melbourne Indymedia: WGAR News: ... Raw sewage dumped in NT ‘prescribed community’ (18 Apr 10)