
Mostly Goldman Sachs mp3

Finance-Current-Events-Song-Satire collage

Bonus Bet Against the American Dream, Pollution by Barry Jones, This Week in Cheating Goldman Test-Files, Goldman Sachs by Harry Shearer, Goldman Sachs by, plus more...

length: 37:12 min 128 kbps stereo 34.1 MB

WGAR News: Racial Discrimination Act - new legislation (17 May 10)

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

WGAR Website:

Racial Discrimination Act - New Legislation
Extension of Income Management Australia-wide
Documentary by Sinem Saban about the NT Intervention
Aboriginal housing in the Northern Territory
Aboriginal unemployment and the NT Intervention
NT Government policy marginalises Aboriginal languages
Second New Way Aboriginal summit
Other Aboriginal Articles


- Special STICS compilation

Solidarity with workers and people of Greece - 16 May

The Melbourne branch of Bash Back ( issued a callout for a show of solidarity with 'the workers and people of Greece', adding 'Considering that this country [Australia] has the largest Greek population outside of Greece there should be no question about the need to show solidarity.' Only a dedicated few answered the call - admittedly at short notice - meeting at the State Library in front of the statue of Victoria's 'hanging judge' Redmond Barry (still sporting a placard from the pr


Upper Hunter Valley coal mine defeated by thoroughbred industry

Greenpeace and the Greens have cautiously welcomed the decision by Kristina Keneally and the NSW Government to stop the Bickham coal mine, north of Scone in the upper Hunter Valley, from going ahead, saying it is a win for local community action. It was a strong well funded campaign by the thoroughbred horse industry and its economic contribution to the state economy along with community action which halted the proposed open-cut coal mine.


WGAR News: "Muckaty Voices" film; Senate Report into nuclear waste dump plan (16 May 10)

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

WGAR Website:

"Muckaty Voices": a film of resistance to nuclear waste dump plan
Senate Report into plan to establish national nuclear waste dump
Other Muckaty Station nuclear waste dump articles
Background to Muckaty Station nuclear waste dump


Beyond Nuclear Initiative's weblog: Muckaty Voices
Also, YouTube:

Global biofuel drive raises risk of eviction for African farmers

African farmers risk being forced from their lands by investors or government projects as global demand for biofuels encourages changes in crop cultivation.

See also the book


Big Profits, Ruined Lives and Ecological Destruction

Product Description

Melbourne Anonymous against Scientology - May 15

Also coinciding with the anti-homophobia rally at the State Library and the Buddhist festival was a demonstration outside Flinders Street station: members of Melbourne Anonymous (Melbanon) held an anti-Scientology protest, or 'raid'. Mostly wearing masks of various kinds, some grotesque, they handed out leaflets setting out the charges against Scientology and referring readers to the anti-Scientology website -


"Free Lolita!" - Melbourne's contribution to worldwide protest 15 May

While thousands rallied at the State Library against homophobia - of which more elsewhere* - smaller protests took place further south, at Federation Square and outside Flinders Street station. At Federation Square, against a backdrop of the Buddha festival, a group of mostly young people joined a worldwide protest against the continued captivity of "Lolita", an orca captured in 1970 and kept in a tank not much larger than herself. They handed out fliers and displayed placards showing photos of the Miami Seaquarium where the unfortunate creature is imprisoned.


Greece: Blood and tears for the proletariat!

That's the remedy to all the bourgeoisies of the world against the crisis!

In order to resist the policy of blood and tears which the bourgeoisie inflicts on it, the proletariat has no other possibility than the resumption of the class struggle, starting with the rejection of anti-worker measures by the government and the calls for “national solidarity”, and for sacrifices “to defend the fatherland and democracy”.


Second New Way Aboriginal summit: “Reject the names invaders gave us”

Goodooga, northwest NSW, 15 May 2010 -- Aboriginal political activist Michael Anderson (pictured) said today that the second New Way Summit held over the weekend of the 8-9th May at the Sydney University was very successful.

While it was very difficult for many people to attend, the internet is very effective at getting to a large audience, Mr Anderson said.


Melbournians shout, "Pants To Poverty!"

At lunchtime on Wednesday may 12th the event 'Pants Off' made fair trade underwareness. A group of fair trade conscious people met (helped by triple j shout out on the radio!) at RMIT Kaleide Theatre, stripped down to their 'Pants To Poverty' label underwear, braved the cold and strutted down with a cheeky grin to the state library proudly shouting along the way “Pants To Poverty!” The event was organised together by non-profit organisation RMIT fair trade collective and Pants To Poverty Australia to bring attention and awareness to the concept of fair trade as part of the 'Big Swap – Fair trade Fortnight' trying to encourage people to change to fair trade products.


"Why don't the people get rid of the lizards?"

"why don't the people get rid of the lizards?" said Arthur Dent. Well it seems the people are doing very well at getting rid of the lizards, due to climate change. Yep, it is our carbon emissions which is driving up global mean temperatures, altering the climate and driving lizards, Koalas and other species to extinction. The quote from Arthur Dent comes from Douglas Adams explaining the concept of democracy in the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

Unfortunately, it seems we are getting rid of the wrong lizards - the ones with four feet that eat insects and are important prey for other small carnivores. That just leaves the cold-blooded political Lizards we have elected to office, still in charge and warming themselves in the glow from the fossil fuel vested interests.

Rising carbon emissions threaten crop yields and food security

Crop yields are under threat from rising carbon dioxide emissions with climate change, according to new scientific research. In a new study published in Science on wheat and the mustard plant Arabidopsis at the University of California at Davis, scientists found that increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide interferes with plants’ ability to convert nitrate into protein resulting in lower nutritional yield.

Related: Koalas face starvation, extinction due to climate change | "Why don't the people get rid of the lizards?"


Koalas face starvation, extinction due to climate change

Rising carbon dioxide will stimulate eucalypt growth, but this will entail reduced nutritional yield and higher levels of phenols which will doom Koala populations to slow death by starvation and extinction according to scientists. Other arboreal creatures like the greater glider, common ringtail possum, and common brushtail possum may also suffer the same fate.


Chris Hurley caused Mulrunji's death then lied about it, magistrate finds

By John Paul Janke.
POLICEMAN Chris Hurley caused the death of Cameron Mulrunji Doomadgee in the Palm Island police lockup then lied about it because he feared retribution, a magistrate has found at the third inquest into the controversial death in custody case. Deputy Chief Magistrate Brian Hine accepted the fatal injuries suffered by Mr Doomadgee - a burst portal vein and a liver which was cleaved in two - were caused by Senior Sergeant Chris Hurley. However he was unable to rule whether the injuries were inflicted deliberately or accidentally.


Sign a petition urging the U.S. to stop offshore oil drilling

By avaaz

We've all seen the outrageous images: a monstrous oil spill is gushing as much as 2,500,000 gallons of crude a day into the Gulf of Mexico.

Before the spill, U.S. President Obama and Congressional leaders were planning to ramp up offshore drilling. Now, with the spill, the politics have shifted -- and an opportunity has opened for the world's biggest historical climate polluter to shift away from oil and towards climate-safe energy sources.

Turkey: Solidarity call for the "Platform of struggling workers"

A number of militant workers from recent workers' struggles in Turkey, including National Tobacco and Alcohol Monopoly (TEKEL) workers, Istanbul Water and Sewers Department (ISKI) workers, firemen, Sinter metal workers, Esenyurt municipality workers, Marmaray building workers, dustmen, workers from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) and workers from the ATV-Sabah News Corporation, have come together and established a workers' group called the Platform of Struggling Workers.

Sunshine Coast Council slow on the uptake of independent water technology as quadrupled water prices loom

By Diet Simon

By 2017 households in southeast Queensland will have to pay four times as much for water as they are paying now. From the 1st of July the Queensland government will be managing and supplying water.

This results from the state government’s seizing bulk water infrastructure such as dams and treatment facilities from local governments.

Many councils are angry that they have lost control of and were not paid the full value of these facilities.
The Sunshine Coast Regional Council, which runs the fourth-largest municipal area in Australia, is one of them.

Large-scale grid connection of wind power the main theme at world conference

By World Wind Energy Association

More than 150 presentations from all over the world on the large-scale integration of wind power will be made at the 9th World Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition (WWEC2010) in Istanbul, Turkey, from 15-17 June.

The programme is now available and can be downloaded at You can register your attendance at

WWEC2010 will comprise 30 sessions with more than 150 speeches and presentations covering all important topics of wind energy utilisations.