
Real jobs not ration cards: speaking tour of Peter Inverway from Kalkaringi NT - and other NT news

By Jean Parker

1. Real Jobs not ration cards: speaking tour of Peter Inverway from Kalkaringi NT

In this email:

1. Real Jobs not ration cards: speaking tour of Peter Inverway from Kalkaringi NT
2. Sun June 20th: 3 years of racist shame! Stop the NT Intervention rally
3. Appeal for funds to fly speakers from the NT
4. July 6-11: Defending Indigenous Rights: Land~Law~Culture conference in Mparntwe (Alice Springs)
5. New Intervention Laws near passage - new income management policy

Death in custody at Ivanhoe gaol on 3 June

ray jackson, president, indigenous social justice association

i am reliably informed that an aboriginal inmate, name not known, was found deceased in his cell this morning. his age was given as 36 years old.

the gaol governor at ivanhoe has stated the inmate died by natural causes. such terminology generally hides a multiplicity of concerns.

his cell-mate is said to have stated that his mate complained of becoming all sweaty and cold and had pains in his right arm. whether assistance had been sought during the evening is not known.


Aborigines can't claim Moree park, but Woolies can

The NSW government has paved the way for a Big W store to be built on an historic Moree sporting oval - an Aboriginal burial site - despite a week ago rejecting a land claim over the reserve because it was public recreation space.

Report in the Sydney Morning Herald:

Xstrata Wandoan coal on hold due to poor planning not tax, say environmentalists

Friends of the Earth have accused Xstrata of using the Rudd Government's Resource Profits Tax as a scapegoat to cover up for their own poor planning with regard to the Wandoan coal project that has now been placed on hold.


Monetary Affairs with Prof. Bernard Lietar mp3

Analysis and suggestions for addressing the dysfunctional aspects of society, the environmental exploitation and war-fare.
Interview and lecture samples from youtube, excerpt of 'Communism" youtube, sound-excerpt of "or a lie" by Sodacake

Youtube keyword: Bernard Lietaer

Violence against tribes opposing British companies in India

By Survival International
June 2, 2010

Tribal rights organization Survival International has called for an urgent investigation into the increased violence against tribal peoples in the state of Odisha, India. Police have fired into crowds demonstrating against UK-linked company TATA, which owns Jaguar, Land Rover. Corus and Tetley. Survival is concerned that protests against FTSE-100 company Vedanta Resources in the same state will also be met with violence.

Translation of declaration by pro-Palestine activists detained in Bersheeba Prison

The declaration below was written by a group of Greeks from the cargo ship "Eleftheri Mesogeios" and the Sfendoni, two of the ships hijacked by the Israeli Defence Force while on their way to Gaza in company with the ships from Turkey (IHH) and 1 from the Free Gaza movement. The imprisoned passengers wrote this declaration while still detained at Bersheeba prison yesterday evening, when they gave it to the Greek ambassador who made it public. The full report can be found at

Veterans group says President Obama not welcome down under

MEDIA RELEASE, 2 June, 2010 - Stand Fast, the Australian-based veterans group which is comprised of veterans and former military personnel who oppose the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, is calling on all people of conscience to protest the upcoming visit of Barack Obama in mid-June.

"Why should we welcome a war criminal?" asked Stand Fast spokesperson and East Timor veteran, Hamish Chitts. "Obama is not a force for progress, he is not a man of peace - from his first day in office he has firmly placed himself in the camp of the warmongers and war-profiteers."


New study estimates economic value of wetlands conservation

What value our wetlands? How do you value a wetlands environment? How do you value the indirect ecosystem and biodiversity benefits of having healthy wetland environments? An economic study of the Hattah wetlands within the Hattah-Kulkyne National Park in northern Victoria attempts to answer these questions putting a direct economic value of $14.5 million dollars per year for maintaining the Hattah Lakes in a healthy state with adequate water levels.

Related: Protection of Murray River redgum wetlands 'sold down the river' by NSW government


Lula to Obama: Drop dead

By Joaquín Bustelo

May 28, 2010

The US. drive towards war with Iran has now sparked public denunciations and recriminations between Brazil and the United States.

Speaking yesterday at the Brooking Institution, Secretary of State Clinton said the United States had "very serious" differences with Brazil on Iran, accusing President Lula of "enabling" Iran's nuclear weapons program and "buying time" for it. She said that what Lula had done "makes the world more dangerous."

Kicked to death by "persons of good character" - memorial cross set on fire

By Ray Jackson, President, Indigenous Justice Association

There are times when I wonder if we really are in a post-racial world and I should stop worrying about racism. We've come a long way after all. And then there are other times when I am reminded of how little some things change.

This story is a few weeks old now, but I just came across it and it sickened me so much I had to share it with you. Even if you choose not to see it as being primarily about racism, it certainly is a sad indictment on the savagery some people are capable of.

The referendum did nothing other than to allow us to be counted in the census

By Ray Jackson, president, indigenous social justice association

(Comment on "A national hoax uncovered: The 1967 Aboriginal Referendum" published by George Villaflor in the 27 May edition of the National Indigenous Times. George is a descendant of the Wagiman peoples of the Northern Territory and has a legal background.)

an excellent article by george villaflor on the ongoing problems, still, with the 1967 referendum in this week's national indigenous times. (and not just because i have an opinion piece in it).

Sign AVAAZ protest against Israeli killer raid on Gaza aid flotilla

Israel's deadly raid on a flotilla of aid ships headed for Gaza has shocked the world.

Israel, like any other state, has the right to self-defence, but this was an outrageous use of lethal force to defend an outrageous and lethal policy -- Israel's blockade of Gaza, where two thirds of families don't know where they'll find their next meal.

Protests condemn Israel over attack on humanitarian flotilla to Gaza

Protests in Australia condemned the Israeli attack on the humanitarian aid flotilla to Gaza resulting in the death of 10 civilians and injuries to 30 more including to one Australian. 1500 people listened to speakers and marched through the streets of Melbourne on short notice. In Sydney a crowd of 4000 people marched and listened to speakers with passion and anger. Other protests were held in Brisbane, outside the Israeli embassy in Canberra, and 150 people attending a protest in Perth.

Related: Israel kills peace activists aboard flotilla | Israel: How to explain a massacre | AVAAZ petition | Declaration by Greek activists from Bersheeba Prison | Melbourne Photos (Flickr) | Melbourne videos (youtube) 1, 2 | Melbourne Protests


ISRAEL: How to explain a massacre

By Uli Schmetzer

Venice , May 31, 2010 - The great lesson from the bloody Israeli raid on a flotilla of pacifists heading for Gaza with humanitarian aid is how easy it has become to control public opinion as long as the information is manipulated and comes exclusively from one source – the government and its military.
As we know governments and the military always tell the truth - unlike the others.


Bushmen take Botswana government to court over water rights

By Survival International

Kalahari Bushmen are taking the government of Botswana to court over its refusal to allow them access to a water borehole on their land.

The case is due to be heard at Botswana’s High Court in Lobatse on 9 June 2010.

When the government evicted the Bushmen from the Central Kalahari Game Reserve (CKGR) in 2002, it capped the borehole, the only source of water for the Bushman communities in the Reserve.

Poverty blamed for Darwin clashes between Aborigines and African refugees

By Voice of America

Refugee leaders and police in the Australian city of Darwin say poverty is behind a series of attacks on young African immigrants by gangs of Aboriginal teenagers. Some young immigrants have been forced to leave Darwin, a city known for its cosmopolitan society.

Full story at

6 Greeks from flotilla to Gaza allowed to return to Greece

Six Greeks have been released by Israel and have returned to Athens. A press conference has just ended where they revealed the details of their treatment by the IDF and the condition of the other passengers on two boats, Sfendoni and Eleftheri Mesogeio. A transcription of the press release will follow in the following hours.
For ongoing events see digital camera:

Greek Site:

Workers and slum dwellers bear brunt of New Delhi Commonwealth Games preparations

The authorities want to present the Indian capital as a world-class city but the rapid, deadline-driven overhaul has led to concerns about the plight of construction workers and slum dwellers who have been evicted.

Report by Germany's international broadcaster, Deutsche Welle, at,,5635555,00.html?maca=en-newsletter_...

East Timor stands up to Oz bullying over Timor gas

It was reported in the The Age today that Timor Leste was prepared to stand up to the combined bullying of the Australian company Woodside and the Australian Government and leave gas in the ground “for generations” under the Timor Seaif necessary until Timor could get a fair deal over where the gas is processed.
