
National day of action highlights local forest furnace threats

Tasmanian environment groups will join with communities around the country tomorrow to voice concerns in a nationwide Day of Action against the burning of native-forest products in power stations to generate electricity.

Wood-fired power generators would adversely impact Tasmania’s clean, clever brand and represent a major new threat to both high conservation-value forests and the ability to reach agreement around a lasting solution to the forestry crisis in Tasmania.


Israel kills peace activists aboard flotilla

The Israeli navy has raided and killed up to 19 peace activists aboard the international flotilla heading towards Gaza with humanitarian aid. One Australian activist was shot in the leg and seriously injured and a journalist was tasered. The Australians were held for three days in Israel before being deported. The flotilla carried supplies like medical equipment and a dental equipment had peace activists, media and politicians from over 40 countries on board. Eyewitness accounts from activists of the Israeli attack are now emerging. Israel is a nuclear armed rogue state that deserves to be an international pariah. Visit for updates of events.

Nachrichten Kommentar von Nimbin Australien 2010-05-28 mp3 [German language]

Nachrichten Kommentar von Nimbin Australien

German language

Australische politische Ereignisse kommentiert mit Martin und Wolfgang

19:00 min 128 kbps stereo 17.4 MB

Out Atkinson and out now!!!

By Ray Jackson

Sam Watson is absolutely correct in calling for the Queensland Police Commissioner, Bob Atkinson, to resign his post immediately. It must be remembered, as I am quite sure that all of those who have been following the Doomadgee case will remember, Bob Atkinson was very quick to use his position as Police Commissioner to defend then-S/S Christopher Hurley over the killing of Doomadgee on Palm Island.

Then-Premier Peter Beattie also gave his unqualified support to Hurley and the whole Queensland Police Force.

They say "sorry" mate she'll be right - we say let's set all genocidal institutions alight!

222 years ago the conquistadors of the First Fleet issued an eviction notice to the Aboriginal people. Since then not a day has gone by where the first inhabitants of this land have been free from attempts to obliterate their identity and culture.


Gaza aid flotilla to set sail for confrontation with Israel

A flotilla of eight boats carrying thousands of tonnes of construction materials, medical equipment and other aid is preparing to sail to Gaza in the next few days, setting the scene for a confrontation with Israel which has vowed to prevent the ships breaking the blockade on the Palestinian territory. Read about the progress of the flotilla at

From Paris to Perth, crowds storm streets to make Finance pay

Around the world, crowds took to the streets in a dozen cities last week to call on the world’s financial institutions to take greater responsibility for their actions. The Robin Hood Day of Action was a global event timed to coincide with Make Finance Pay, a week-long initiative pushing for a Financial Transactions Tax or FTT.


Hazara Australians to protest across Australia at Afghanistan genocide

Hazara Australians are saying that Afghanistan is unsafe for Hazaras and they are asking the international community to intervene and protect Hazaras from being massacred. Thousands of Australian Hazaras and their supporters will gather in all main cities of Australia on Sunday, 30 May 2010 to protest against the current wave of attacks on Hazaras by Kochi (nomad) as the Taliban Pushtoon forces backed by Karzai Government and to show that the condition for Hazaras in Afghanistan and those fleeing as refugees, is unsafe and far from improved.

Obama urged to protect Peru's uncontacted tribes from oil pipeline

By Survival International

President Obama has been urged to help protect Peru’s uncontacted tribes when he meets with Peruvian president Alan Garcia on 1 June.

Survival International has written to President Obama highlighting the threat posed to two of the world’s last uncontacted tribes by the construction of an oil pipeline in the remote Peruvian Amazon.

Anti-whaling conservationist Peter Bethune's show trial - solidarity call out

The trial of Peter Bethune began on 27th May in Tokyo. Peter pleaded guilty to charges of trespass, property destruction, carrying a knife and disruption of commercial acitivty. He is contesting the charge of assault. The charges arise fromhis Febrauy 15th, 2010 boarding of the illegal Japanese whaling vessel the Shonan Maru No.2. Peter was attempting to deliver a citizens arrest warrant, along with an invoice for the loss of his ship which was sunk earlier by the Japanese whalers.


Nine-year-old's poem about an Aboriginal hero

Children from Lindfield East Primary School in Sydney were asked to write a poem about aboriginal heroes.

Of aboriginal heroes
There are some near at hand
Like Lewis C. of Mumbulla
Who quietly took a stand
When loggers on their huge machines
Came to waste his land.

He stood there and refused to move
As they waited round a tree
His courage in the face of law
Was quite a sight to see.

He understands a principle
Big picture legislation
It's standing up for what is right:
Moral determination.

When whites recognise black sovereignty,

Outrage as Botswana Tourism Board wins prestigious award

By Survival International

There was outrage on 26 May as the World Travel and Tourism Council announced the Botswana Tourism Board as winner of a Tourism for Tomorrow award, despite Survival International's condemnation of the government’s treatment of the Kalahari Bushmen.

The Botswana Tourism Board, a government body, won the ‘Destination Stewardship’ award, which recognizes ‘dedication to and success in maintaining a programme of sustainable tourism management’.

WGAR News: Calls for compensation for the Stolen Generations (27 May 10)

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

WGAR Website:

Calls for compensation for the Stolen Generations
Compensation and Reparations Petition
Stolen Generation legal action
Stolen Generations Working Partnership announced


NSDC National Sorry Day Committee:

Stolen Generations Alliance:


- Radio

666 ABC Canberra: Afternoons with Genevieve Jacobs
Sorry Day

Tell GetUp! what you want them to emphasise for the coming election

By The GetUp Team

The 2010 election is coming quickly--as early as July 24, just 9 weeks from now. In 2007, GetUp members shocked the political world with an unprecedented campaign from an independent movement. We were on the ground, online and across the airwaves. Now it's time to GetUp again in 2010.

The progressive mandate won in 2007 has fallen on hard times, with Government back downs on climate action, refugee policy and a human rights act, along with neglect of mental health. In 2010 we need to reaffirm the mandate for reform.

Howard and Krudd should be charged with crimes against humanity

by ray jackson, president, indigenous social justice association

the resignation of malcolm fraser from the liberal party clearly shows the depths of callousness and insensitivity that the abbot-led coalition, with some few exceptions, has sunk to in their lust to regain government.

not surprisingly, the krudd government, instead of taking the high moral and humane position, has answered the anti-asylum stance of the opposition by sinking even lower in their grab for the racist xenophobic vote that the coalition is also pandering to.

Anti-nuclear protest at RIo TInto AGM in Melbourne - 26 May

Energy Resources Australia (ERA), the company responsible for the Ranger uranium mine recently revealed to have leaked millions of litres of radioactive water into the World Heritage-listed wetlands of Kakadu National Park (, is a subsidiary of Rio Tinto, which held its AGM in Melbourne today.


Join campaign for quality paid parental leave

By Greens Senator, Sarah Hanson-Young

The Australian Greens are determined to do all we can to see a quality paid parental leave scheme up and running in Australia soon.

But the scheme the Government will pass in the Lower House this week is selling Australian families short.

To make our stand stronger, we want to know why a real Paid Parental Leave Scheme is so important to you

Paid parental leave is about giving new mums and dads irreplaceable time with their babies and helping women stay in the workforce after they have children.

Media accountability—The Age must say ‘Sorry’ to Australians

On the 12th May 2010, I filed a report under the heading: ‘Can we trust our media? The shocking behaviour of the Age’s Journalist, John Garnaut’. In this report, I describe how I uncovered the shocking behaviour of The Age’s Journalist John Garnaut in his report dated 9 May 2009 under the heading ‘Journey through an earthquake’.

WGAR News: New laws that extend income management Australia-wide (23 May 10)

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

WGAR Website:

New Laws that extend Income Management (IM) Australia-wide
"Muckaty Voices": radioactive waste concerns go global
Background to Muckaty Station nuclear waste dump
Articles on the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention


- Greens Special Feature

Rachel Siewert: Income Management