Tell GetUp! what you want them to emphasise for the coming election

By The GetUp Team

The 2010 election is coming quickly--as early as July 24, just 9 weeks from now. In 2007, GetUp members shocked the political world with an unprecedented campaign from an independent movement. We were on the ground, online and across the airwaves. Now it's time to GetUp again in 2010.

The progressive mandate won in 2007 has fallen on hard times, with Government back downs on climate action, refugee policy and a human rights act, along with neglect of mental health. In 2010 we need to reaffirm the mandate for reform.

We have a strategy to put these progressive issues on the agenda in this election and to realise the mandate won in 2007. But to finalise plans, we need to hear from you, for there can be no strong, independent progressive force in this election without your actions, your donations, your volunteering and your commitment.

So, tell us which aspect of our strategy is most important to you. Go to and click on one of the 4 options below (read them all before selecting). That will register your choice and take you to a page where we have just a few more questions about your views on this election:

1. GetUp will put progressive issues and policy front and centre in this election, including climate change, refugees and mental health. Rudd and Abbott don't want to talk about them, or take positive action, but we will make these issues impossible to ignore.

2. Tony Abbott is taking the country in a conservative direction, and dragging Kevin Rudd with him. GetUp will expose Abbott as a radically conservative throwback to the Howard Government--rejected by the electorate in 2007.

3. GetUp will target our issues campaign against 'conservative monsters' in both major parties whose voice and influence have lead to inaction on climate change, inhumane policies towards refugees and a whole host of progressive setbacks.

4. GetUp will amplify up-and-coming progressive voices in Parliament by concentrating our issues campaign in their electorates to show how a strong stance on climate change, a compassionate position on refugees and a supportive policy for those suffering ill mental health can win votes in Australia.
This is your movement. Let us know what's most important to you, so we can direct our resources, finalise our election plans and make 2010 another election to remember.

Thank you for sharing your views,
The GetUp Team