
Vedanta Resources' head abandons London talk after Survival announces protest

FTSE 100 mining company Vedanta Resources’ billionaire owner Anil Agarwal has pulled out of a London conference, where he was due to speak, after Survival International announced plans to demonstrate outside.

According to London police, Agarwal pulled out of the conference two days after Survival announced plans to picket the event. He was supposed to be talking at the London Business School about ‘inclusive growth’.

Solidarity with the workers' struggle in Greece

Yesterday 11/5/2010 a solidarity gathering with the workers struggle in Greece took place at the Greek Consulate in Sydney, Australia. The same building also holds the branch of Laiki Bank, the subsidiary of Marfin Bank in Sydney.


Can we trust our media? The shocking behaviour of The Age's journalist John Garnaut

This year mark the 2nd anniversary of the Earthquake in Sichuan, China (12 May 2008), 5th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, USA (29 August 2005), and the 1st anniversary of the Black Saturday (Bush fire) in Victoria, Australia (7 February 2009).

Muckaty radioactive waste bill to be voted on tomorrow - opposition update 12 May 2010

By Nat Wasley, Beyond Nuclear Initiative

(Pictured at left are Muckaty traditional owners)

With the National Radioactive Waste Management Bill scheduled to be voted on in the Senate on Thursday (May 13), the campaign against a radioactive waste dump at Muckaty, 120 kms north of Tennant Creek in the NT, is at a very important stage and there are lots of opportunities for people to support Traditional Owners and the Barkly community and make this a national issue and embarrassment for the Rudd Government.

1- Senate Report

Senate report increases determination to fight Muckaty nuclear dump

The Beyond Nuclear Initiative (BNI) says a Senate report on the National Radioactive Waste Management Bill released on May 7 is deplorable and will invigorate efforts to oppose a dump at Muckaty Station in the Northern Territory.

Pictured: Muckaty traditional owners outside the Senate Inquiry hearing in Darwin

Related: Muckaty radioactive waste bill to be voted on
By Beyond Nuclear Initiative


Crown Solicitor defends Carenne staff charged with whistleblower offence

Charges against three senior Carenne Special School staff were mentioned before the local court in Bathurst on Monday 10 May. Lee Churches, Neil Moon and Terry Neal are facing charges of taking detrimental action against a whistleblower.

Hit the 'emergency stop' button on the Afghanistan war!

In the week before Easter 2010 the Bonhoeffer Peace Collective went to the Swan Island Military base to press the emergency stop button on the war in Afghanistan. They face Geelong Magistrates Court in the last week of May/first week of June and would love you to join them in a celebration of active, vibrant resistance to war on that day. Join them in either an arrestable or non-arrestable action back at the base straight after their court appearance. Now it's your turn to hit the emergency stop button!


Environmental and anti-globalisation activist awarded Sydney Peace Prize

Physicist, environmentalist and anti-globalisation activist Dr Vandana Shiva has been awarded the Sydney Peace Prize for 2010 for her commitment to social justice, her advocacy of human rights, empowerment of women, and her scientific contribution to environmental sustainability.

The City of Sydney Peace Prize lecture will be delivered by Vandana Shiva at the Sydney Opera House on November 3 followed by an award ceremony on November 4.


Melbourne water supply at risk from golf course development

Eastern Golf Club is on the move. They are moving from their currently location at Doncaster and are planning to move to a new site at Yering. The sale of their land at Doncaster is expected to raise $100 million and is Australia's largest golf club sale.


Australians form 'human lifesaving rings' for refugees

Over the weekend Australian refugee supporters attended 'Human Lifesaving ring' events in cities around Australia to send a clear message to politicians: asylum seekers should not be used as political pawns. The events were organised by Amnesty International, Get Up, Refugee and asylum seeker support groups, union and church groups.


Awful days ahead for refugees

Over the next few weeks hundreds of Afghan Hazaras in Darwin, Christmas Island and Villawood detention centres, are going to be refused visas on the grounds that Afghanistan is "evolving" and that it is safe to return. The evidence of persecution and the stories of fear of return have not changed in the past month.
The Hazaras were being granted refugee visas at the rate of 100% until now. What has changed are politics in Australia and the looming election.


Brunswick free speech rally fights corporatisation of public space

"Here in Barkly Square we are seeing something that is all too common. We are seeing the corporatisation of public space." said Brian Walters at a rally and march for Free Speech in Brunswick on Saturday May 8, 2010. Brian Walters should know, he is a lawyer, former Liberty Victoria president, and a former Free Speech Victoria vice president.


WGAR News: New National Congress of Australia's First Peoples (9 May 10)

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

WGAR Website:

New National Congress of Australia's First Peoples
Film Screening: The Ampilatwatja Walkoff vs. The Intervention
Rally against Racism: Stop racial discrimination in the N.T.
Other NT Intervention Articles


- Radio

The Wire: Launch of National Congress of Australia's First Peoples

Global capitalism freaks out at Greek worker resistance

The E.U. and the IMF on behalf of international finance are demanding that the Greek people pay for years of corrupt rule and tax evasion by the Greek elite at home and to help payback the billions of debt transferred from the private to the public sector as a result of the bailouts to banks after the 2008 GFC. However Greek workers are not following the script and are mobilising on a massive scale. Join the Can't pay wont pay solidarity action


The hidden anti-war history of Mothers Day

Mother’s Day has been reduced to a highly commercialised retail event but in 1870 in the US pacifist, abolitionist and sufffragette Julie Ward Howe wrote her “Mother’s Day Proclamation” which said women of the world should demand an end to war with the internationalist cry “We, the women of one country, will be too tender of those of another country To allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs."

The full Mothers Day Proclamation reads

Teachers union NAPLAN back down under ALP anti-worker attack

On Thursday 6th May the AEU the public school teacher union backed down on a NAPLAN boycott in the face of an anti-worker attack from the Federal ALP led by Julia Guillard. The AEU responding to grassroots teacher anger had called a boycott of the NAPLAN to prevent the publication of “League Tables” of schools based on the new Federal “MySchools” Website. Teachers across the country had been threatened with disciplinary action and individual fines of up to $6600 as Guillard gleefully used anti-worker laws to bully teachers into submission.


Only Independent politicians actually represent the best interests of their constituents

I totally disagree with Member for Gympie, David Gibson’s negative comments in yesterday’s Gympie Times on the defection of Aidan McLindon and Rob Messenger from the LNP, which is absolutely NOT pointless!

Time to replace Hazelwood coal power station for climate change

Over 250 people gathered on Thursday May 6, 2010 for a protest on the steps of the Victorian Parliament in Melbourne, called for Victorian Premier John Brumby to take strong climate change action and negotiate the closure of the Hazelwood brown coal fired Power Station in the La Trobe valley by 2012.
