
Oil companies banned from uncontacted Amazon tribes’ reserve in Peru

By Survival International

A reserve for uncontacted tribes in the remote Peruvian Amazon has been made off-limits to oil and gas companies.

The decision was revealed on 21 May at a promotional event held in London by Perupetro, the state company responsible for promoting oil and gas exploration in Peru. The vast majority of the reserve had been previously open to exploration by Brazilian company Petrobras, in an area known as ‘Lot 110’.

GetUp! significantly influencing political outcomes

By GetUp!

No urgent call to arms today: instead, a note of congratulations. GetUp members have been on a roll in recent weeks, creating national headlines and locking in a big victory protecting native forests. Hear about the four ways you're making an impact.

1 - The views of GetUp members are creating headlines (and cartoon punchlines)

Greece: Protest against transphobia and homophobia

Greece: Protest against transphobia and homophobia

A successful protest took place on 19 May 2010 in Athens, Greece outside the offices of transphobic and homophobic ESR organization (National Radiotelevision Council).

Calling all rebels - another hunger strike in Ireland

Today, a selfless, dedicated and uncompromising Irish Republican political prisoner, Liam Hannaway, lies unbowed in a cold and unforgiving British gaol cell, as he enters his 35th day on Hunger Strike whilst being incarcerated at Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland’s pleasure at Maghaberry Gaol, located in occupied Irish territory that is known as the State of Northern Ireland.

Amazon mega-dams endanger uncontacted Indians in Brazil


Two mega-dams being constructed in the Brazilian Amazon threaten to devastate several groups of uncontacted Indians. The Santo AntĂŽnio and Jirau dams are being built on the Madeira River, next to the territory of isolated Indians who are unaware that much of their land is likely to be destroyed.

A recent expedition carried out by FUNAI, the Brazilian government’s indigenous affairs department, confirmed that there are uncontacted Indians living and hunting in the area affected by the dams.

A survivor of the Sri Lankan war shares her story

By Amnesty International

Vasuki is a Tamil refugee now living outside Sri Lanka.* In 2009, she spent several months in the country’s ‘No Fire Zone’, moving constantly and struggling to save her 2 small children. She describes what she saw during the horrific war between the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and the Sri Lankan security forces. Her only hope during that time was that the UN would come to their rescue. It didn’t happen.

Vasuki shares her experiences trapped between the warring sides.

Stolen wages helpline opened

By Anna Nikolov

The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) recently launched a free, confidential telephone information service to assist Aboriginal people claiming unpaid wages and entitlements from the NSW Aboriginal Trust Fund Repayment Scheme.

PIAC’s Stolen Wages Helpline offers free information and advice to people making claims under the Scheme.

PIAC has been instrumental in ensuring that Aboriginal people have access to legal advice and support in relation to these claims.

EU aims at zero emission houses from 2020 on

From 2020 all new buildings in the European Union must fulfil strict energy saving rules. The European Parliament has just passed the relevant regulations.

From 2020 new residential and office buildings will have to be built so that they produce almost as much energy as they consume. From 2021 private buildings and from 2018 public buildings will have to be fitted with technologies such as heat insulation, solar installations or low-energy lights to amount to extremely low energy consumption (near-zero-energy house), the Parliament demands.

US apologises to American Indians

THE US formally apologised to American Indian tribes today for "ill-conceived policies" and acts of violence committed against them.

Republican Senator Sam Brownback read the congressional resolution at an event attended by representatives of five Indian nations at the Congressional Cemetery in Washington: the Cherokee, Choctaw, Muscogee (Creek), Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate and Pawnee nations.

Ban indiscriminate killers - sign anti-landmine petition

Dear friends,

Momentum is building for the U.S. to finally sign the international treaty to ban landmines. But military advisers might block it. Let's send a global chorus of support to win the ban at last.

Mao Sopheap was orphaned by a landmine. Then, when she was 16, she stepped on one herself -- her left leg was blown apart and had to be amputated. During an interview she cried:

"That mine has given me a future of tears until the end of my life."

Western governments silent in face of Thai massacre

Once again the West’s commitment to human rights is shown to be selective. As Thai troops finally cleared the Red Shirts demonstration in Bangkok today, Western governments remained silent as they troops shot scores of people over the last week with high powered military rifles and shot guns. The silence is in stark contrast to the condemnation of the Iranian Government for its crackdown on the “Green Revolution” after last year’s election in Iran.


WGAR News: New research questions the effectiveness of NT income management (19 May 10)

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

WGAR Website:

Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
Research on the impact of income management on store sales
Health impacts of the Northern Territory intervention
New National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples
Other Aboriginal Articles


Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Northern Territory National Emergency Response

Oil and gas for Maori too - a very important message about owning our resources

by ray jackson, president, indigenous social justice association

[Excerpt from a story in the Taranaki Daily News, in full at

Maui Oil, a 100 per cent Maori-owned exploration company, plans to drill for oil in the Awanui, St Mary's Church, Eltham and Gladstone St cemeteries [in Taranaki]. When spoken to, company CEO Joe King laughed off the possibility of objections. "Look mate, resource consents aren't needed for oil exploration so objectors can go to hell," said Mr King.

Mammon votes for Abbott

How universal suffrage entrenches vested interests, and what to do about it — by Gavin R. Putland.

Does Tony Abbott expect to win votes by promising to give away Australia's mineral resources more cheaply than Kevin Rudd? No, he expects to win material support from the mining industry, which in turn will help him to win the election on other issues, with the result that the mining industry gets the policy it wants.

Solidarity intervention and public speaking for strikers in Greece

On the afternoon of Sunday 16/5/2010 took place a solidarity intervention and public speaking for the strikers and our comrades in Greece. For several hours we occupied Newtown square, banners were hung around, displayed many anarchist flags, distributed texts, scattered flyers throughout the area, and played Greek anarchist music.


People before profit! Don't make Asia Pacific a sweatshop hell! -- Our strong call to ABAC meeting

NAFITU and YFOTU Press Release for Approaching ABAC Action on 517  

People Before Profit Don’t Make Asia Pacific A Sweatshop Hell! --Our Strong Call to ABAC Meeting

Time: 12:30, May 17, 2010 (Monday)

Venue: Taipei International Convention Center (No.1, Sec. 5, Hsin-YiRoad, Taipei)

International Contact Persons: Weili Chu (General Secretary, NAFITU): +886-981238732, Lennon Ying-Dah Wong (International Coordinator, YFOTU): +886-933908994


Bushfire testimony on tragic cost of electricity privatisation

Testimony presented to the Victorian royal commission into the Black Saturday fires indicating that powerlines sparked several major bushfires has been virtually ignored by the media. The silence is in marked contrast to the frenzied reportage immediately following the February 7, 2009 fires of allegations that many blazes had been lit by arsonists.
