
Bushmen face agonising wait for right to water


June 9, 2010

A High Court judge on 9 June reserved judgement on the Kalahari Bushmen’s bid to gain access to a borehole which they rely on for water.

The Bushmen were at the Botswana High Court to hear their application for permission to use their borehole which the Botswana government has banned them from using.

Did dead Aborigine receive proper medical care in the gaol system?

by ray jackson, president, indigenous social justice association

(The coroner is to investigate the death of an Indigenous inmate at Ivanhoe's Warakirra Correctional Centre in western New South Wales.)

his name i am informed is royce williams and he had a known history of heart disease. his brother i am told also died of a heart attack.

the immediate questions that must be asked and answered is to the circumstances of his death. was he receiving proper medical care whilst in the gaol system? how long had he been in gaol?

Minimum wage rise less than inflation

Fair Work Australia this week lifted the minimum wage by $26 a week or 69c an hour. The minimum wage is now $15 an hour or $569.90 per week. Whilst the agreement was greeted by the ACTU as a very good outcome for working Australians, it actually represents a cut in real wages, the 4.8 percent increase is below the official Consumer Price Index, which has risen 5.4 percent over the past 21 months since the last rise.


US Food and Drug Administration finds lead in lipsticks

We Want Beauty Without Poison!

A disturbing report surfaced last week that could have many women kissing off their lipstick.

The FDA tested a number of lipsticks from various brands and found lead in every one.

Especially discouraging is the fact that the three lipsticks with the most lead are also some of the most popular -- CoverGirl, Revlon and L'Oreal.

Botswana Bushmen appeal to Prince William


The Bushmen of the Central Kalahari Game Reserve have appealed to Prince William ahead of his visit to Botswana this month.

In a letter to the prince, the Bushmen’s organization, First People of the Kalahari, said,

‘Last week, police and soldiers came to our lands with guns and forced some of our brothers and sisters out of their homes in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve. This brings back terrible memories of when the soldiers forced our people from their homes in 2002.

New Way Aboriginal summit just before NAIDOC week


Goodooga, northwest NSW, 7 June, 2010 - - The next New Way Aboriginal summit has been shifted from June to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of July to take advantage of NAIDOC week, which begins on the 4th, attracting greater attention than usual to Aboriginal issues.

The Chair of the New Way Summit Task Force, Michael Anderson, cites the Melbourne summit convenor, Ms Sharon Firebrace as saying the new dates are more appropriate because it is in a week when people will focus on Aboriginal issues.


Sherbrooke students rally for peace

Students from Sherbrooke Community School attended the peace rally on the eve of Nuclear Abolition Day organised through ICAN Australia. The vigil included a retelling of the legend of Prometheus and Pandora, and the mural telling of such a legend formed the backdrop to help create a dramatic atmosphere to urgently highlight the plight we all face in the wake of nuclear armament. We enjoyed a delicious vegan meal, complete with soy chai, and were thoroughly transfixed by the live story telling that was enhanced by live music and hip-hop.


Nuclear Abolition Day vigil in Melbourne – 4 June 2010

On the eve of Nuclear Abolition Day ICAN Australia launched a new short video entitled “Who by Fire” based on a retelling of the legend of Prometheus and Pandora displayed in a mural on the wall of the Fire Station Museum on Victoria Parade. Before the screening, which took place at Trades Hall, there was a peace picnic in Parliament Gardens, courtesy of Friends of the Earth ACE Collective, and a live performance of the work interspersed with live music and rap.


International Whore Day call for sex worker rights

Sex workers in Australia joined thousands of other sex workers around the world to celebrate and commemorate the 35th anniversary of International Whores Day the 2nd June. A diverse range of events are being held around Australia over a week of celebration. On Saturday June 5 2010, Scarlet Alliance marched from the Sydney Opera House to celebrate this occasion and to protest against the lack of anti-discrimination protections afforded to sex workers.


Protests in Melbourne and Sydney against Israel and the Gaza blockade

Further protests in Australian cities at Israel's continuing violent blockade of Gaza. As the MV Rachel Corrie was being intercepted by Israeli commandos for running the Israeli blockade of Gaza, thousand of people were gathering in Sydney and Melbourne to protest Israel's Monday attack on the flotilla of 6 ships carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza that resulted in the death of 9 innocent volunteers.

Related: Australian Gaza activist still in intensive care | Cyprus Indymedia: Israeli Commandos Stormed Aid Ship to Gaza MV Rachel Corrie | Melbourne Photos, Melbourne Video, Melbourne Protests photos & Report | Sydney Video | Initial Australian protests


Greenpeace activist injured during attempt to save Bluefin tuna

A Greenpeace activist was speared through the leg and severely injured as he and other activists from the Rainbow Warrior and the Artic Sunrise confronted French Bluefin fisherman and attempted to release Blue Fin trapped in a net. Recently the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species failed to ban Blue Fin Tuna fishing despite the fact stocks are crashing globally to critical levels.

Protesters scale famous Melbourne hotel with climate message for World Environment Day

Four climate protesters have scaled Melbourne's famous Young & Jackson hotel, hanging a 23-metre long banner from the building. The banner covering the giant “Time Square” electronic sign on top of the hotel reads “No more climate back flips - Switch Off Hazelwood.”

The World Environment Day protest aims to highlight Kevin Rudd's policy reversals on climate change and is part of the campaign to replace Hazelwood power station with renewable energy.


Australian Gaza activist still in intensive care

According to a a report in The Age Australian activist Ahmed Luqman Talib. The 20 year old was shot in the leg during the Israeli raid and according to his father "left to bleed" for 12 hours, resulting in severe blood loss. He is currently in intensive care in Istanbul. His wife Jerry Campbell, 22, and sister Maryam, 18, also report mistreatment.


Israeli violence in international waters- recording

This is a link to a recording from the Greek ship 'sfendoni' which was among those in the freedom flotilla on their way to Gaza. There were many nationalities on board, not to mention the Israelis, so there is English spoken as well. This recording needs no explanation. It is witness enough.

We are giving our spirit and blood, freedom to Palestine, freedom to Gaza.ελλάδα/αποκλειστικά-στο-tvxs-ντοκουμέντο-από-την-επίθεση-στη-σφενδόνη

Mabo Day - 3 June

Next weekend Australians will once again be celebrating the Queen’s Birthday with a public holiday. It is ironical a page in Australian history that occurs around the same time that is far more significant for Australians than the Queen’s Birthday will be largely ignored by Australians. On the 3rd June 1992 the Australian High Court found that indigenous Australians had rights to land in law because of their occupation of this continent before Captain James Cook in 1770 claimed Australia as property of the British Crown.
