High Court

WGAR News: "Stop Aboriginal deaths in police custody by saving the Custody Notification Service"

Newsletter date: 15 May 2013


* Change.org Petition: Stop Aboriginal deaths in police custody by saving the Custody Notification Service (CNS)
* Aboriginal Legal Service NSW/ACT: ALS News: Save the CNS
* The Wire Audio: Argument between governments puts lives at risk
* The Stringer: Funding cuts means more Aboriginal peoples incarcerated
* NIRS: Urgent funding call for anti-deaths in custody measure
* NIRS: ALS warns lives could be at risk unless phone line is funded

* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Gerry Georgatos on Aboriginal imprisonment

WGAR News: Government cuts a major blow to the territory's vulnerable children and families: SNAICC

Newsletter date: 19 December 2012


* SNAICC News: Government cuts a major blow to the territory’s vulnerable children and families

* Jon Altman and Susie Russell, Evidence Base Journal:
Too much 'Dreaming': Evaluations of the Northern Territory National Emergency Response Intervention 2007-2012
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention

* 2012 National Congress meeting in Alice Springs: Speeches, Videos and Photos
* Background to National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples

WGAR News: "High Court gives Congress chance to argue equality before the law"

Newsletter date: 15 December 2012


* National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples: High Court Statement
* Human Rights Law Centre: High Court to hear landmark case on race discrimination and "special measures"

* The Wire Audio Interviews: Amelia Kunoth-Monks following in her grandmother's footsteps
* ABC Alice Springs Audio Interview: Guestroom - Olga Havnen
* 19th Maurice Blackburn Oration: Professor Clare Martin
* VEOHRC: Human Rights Oration 2012: Ron Merkel, QC
* STICS Forum Videos: After the NT election... The Struggle Against the NT Intervention:

Mabo Day - 3 June

Next weekend Australians will once again be celebrating the Queen’s Birthday with a public holiday. It is ironical a page in Australian history that occurs around the same time that is far more significant for Australians than the Queen’s Birthday will be largely ignored by Australians. On the 3rd June 1992 the Australian High Court found that indigenous Australians had rights to land in law because of their occupation of this continent before Captain James Cook in 1770 claimed Australia as property of the British Crown.
