
Six officers targeted for discipline over Doomadgee case

CMC Palm Island report available here:

By Chris O'Brien

Queensland's Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) has demanded police be disciplined for their handling of Cameron Doomadgee's death in custody on Palm Island six years ago.

Mr Doomadgee, 36, died in the Palm Island watch-house, off Townsville in north Queensland in 2004, leading to several inquiries.

The CMC has been reviewing the police handling of the case.

Aboriginal activist and ex-player: "Racism rife in NSW Country Rugby League"

The racism-in-rugby furore leading to Timana Tahu handing back his Blues' jersey is not an isolated incident, says Michael Anderson, an Aboriginal political activist and former professional League player.

The NRL says there is no racism in rugby league. Many voices, including Aboriginal ex and current players, say there is.

Ex Manly player Anderson says for racist comments to still be brushed over within the NRL is an

indictment on the league.

He says racist attitudes in sport start at home - and are rife in country areas.


Human safaris threaten tribe on Indian Andaman island


June 16, 2010

The survival of the Jarawa tribe of the Andaman Islands is being threatened by human safaris run by local tour operators.

[The Andamans are a group of Indian Ocean archipelagic islands in the Bay of Bengal between India to the west and Myanmar (formerly Burma) to the north and east.]

Thousands rally in support of Ark Tribe and against ALP Building Commission

1500 people rallied in Adelaide outside the Magistrates court where Ark Tribe a CFMEU member faces possible jail time for defying the anti-worker Australian Building Construction Commission (ABCC). Other workers in Melbourne vigiled outside the offices of the ABCC overnight.


Will Afghanistan’s mineral wealth bring the nation’s rebirth?

Overnight, Afghanistan has gone from being a political pariah to one of the most significant, and potentially richest, countries on the globe. But can the rocky, war-torn desert - known mostly for harboring terrorists and exporting opium - be reborn as a major commodities exporter?

U.S. geologists have found some $1 trillion of untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan, The New York Times reported Sunday. Afghanistan's mineral wealth includes large caches of iron, copper, gold and lithium that could turn the country into one of the most important mining centers in the world.

Protest targets Italian government over Ethiopian dam disaster


June 15, 2010

Demonstrators outside the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rome today will urge the government to deny Ethiopia €250 million for construction of the controversial Gibe III dam.

The dam will devastate at least eight tribes living in the country’s Lower Omo Valley, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

WGAR News: Events: New Way Summit (Melbourne) & Indigenous & Non Indigenous Gathering (Alice Springs)

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

WGAR Website:

Event 1-3 July: New Way Summit (Melbourne)
Event 6-9 July: Indigenous & Non Indigenous Gathering (Alice Springs)
Aboriginal low-paid employment
Aboriginal unemployment
Aboriginal housing
Other NT Intervention articles
Other Aboriginal articles


- Media Release

Indymedia Australia: New Way Aboriginal summit just before NAIDOC week

Solidarity intervention for anti-fascist Jock Palfreeman

On Monday 14 of June 2010 took place a solidarity intervention for Jock Palfreeman in The Hub, Newtown. We occupied the square for several hours, displaying banners and flags, handing out many texts (below), and playing anarchist and anti-fascist music. There will be a screening of a documentary about Jock's situation- "One Night in Sofia" at Black Rose 22 Enmore rd, Newtown 8pm 16/6/2010



Australian govt wants ISP's to keep your web search records for 10 years

If planning to implement one of the most draconian web censorship regimes in the world was not enough, the Federal ALP now plans to force ISP companies to keep your web search records and even possibly your emails for 10 years and for these to made available to law enforcement agencies without any need for a warrant.


Australian Wikileaks founder targeted by the Pentagon

Since June 7th , U.S. Army Private Bradley Manning, has been in custody in Kuwait as he is investigated for releasing the footage of U.S. state terror in Iraq to Wikileaks entitled Collateral Murder . The Pentagon now apparently wants to find and question Australian Wikileaks founder Julian Asange over this and other documents Wikileaks may have. This is an outrageous attempt by the U.S.


Intervention failing the children

By SARAH MARLAND, campaign co-ordinator for Amnesty International Australia

June 14, 2010

Three years on from the intervention, there is scant evidence that compulsory income management is doing any good.
REPORTS of widespread child abuse in Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory shocked the nation in 2007 and prompted the Northern Territory Emergency Response - a large-scale Commonwealth government intervention into nearly every aspect of the lives of about 45,000 Aboriginal people.

More dodgy materials exposed - The Age and John Garnaut case continue

On 24 May 2010, I posted my 2nd report in regard to The Age and John Garnaut’s dodgy journalism case under the heading: “Media Accountability - The Age must say ‘Sorry’ to Australians”. As promised in the report, I then notify The Age Newsdesk, John Garnaut, Media Watch and Walkleys Foundation the following day (25 May 2010).

WGAR News: Federal Court legal challenge over nuclear waste dump (13 Jun 10)

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

WGAR Website:

Federal Court legal challenge over nuclear waste dump
Other Nuclear articles
Background to Muckaty Station nuclear waste dump


- Media Releases and Announcements

Maurice Blackburn Lawyers:
Indigenous owners launch Federal legal challenge over Australia’s first nuclear waste dump

SAM web community media dormant at least 12 months

Oz IMC here is looking good. Important story from Ray Jackson near the top too.

For the last 2 months the Sydney Alternative Media website has been dormant. The lead story remains one on the ructions in the TWS national green group.

The reason is that the editor, owner, this writer has return to legal practice so there are time constraints.


PHILIPPINES: Marcoses come close to full circle

With three of them now holding elective posts – including one senator – the Marcoses have come close to full circle.

Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., the only son of the ousted president, was among the new senators-elect proclaimed last May 15, five days after the country's first automated elections. His mother, Imelda Romualdez-Marcos, is the new representative of Ilocos Norte's second district. His sister, Maria Imelda Josefa “Imee” Marcos, is Ilocos Norte's new governor.

American IT criminals

(Drink Or Die) was said to be founded in 1993 in Moscow by a Russian with the handle "deviator" and a friend who went by the code name "CyberAngel." By 1995, the group was global, but the above is very debatable, for an Australian from the central coast code name Bandito (Hew Raymond Griffiths) was the head of DOD for many years & he was arrested & extradited to America to receive a 51 month jail term issued by the FBI.

Penan jungle people score victory over Malaysian Borneo loggers

By Bruno Manser Fonds

(26 April 2010))

LONG SABAI, SARAWAK / MALAYSIA. Two logging road blockades (pictured) erected by Penan communities have caused a Malaysian timber giant, Samling, to withdraw its bulldozers from the rainforests on the upper reaches of the Akah river in Malaysian Borneo.

The blockades had been erected in March 2010 near the villages of Long Sabai and Ba Kerameu at two strategic locations. The communities had announced that the Penan were willing to fight for the conservation of their last virgin jungle.

Change this election

By The GetUp Team

What if $20 a week could help change this election? With the change you'd spend on coffee, you can help turn your principles into progress.

You've told us what you want to change in this election. It's time for action to solve the climate crisis. It's time to fix the broken mental health system that's shattering young lives. It's time to protect Australia's precious forests and to fight the conservative hysteria about refugees.


Slack Radio mp3

When schizophrenia meets daily news, and common sense becomes assaulted with popkitch culture products - I know it's a busy week, but...there must be somewhere some slack...

collage show with news media-youtube-video and sound-samples

length: 29:55 min 128 kbps stereo 27.4 MB