
ILC hits back over ā€œuntrue, misleading, personal attackā€

The Indigenous Land Corporation has hit back at the anonymous posting of a story on the Indymedia website on July 10 branding it as ā€œinaccurate, untrue, misleading and a personal attack on ILC Chairperson Shirley McPherson.ā€

ILC General Manager David Galvin said the story, ā€œILC accused of defrauding Aboriginal peopleā€, attributed to comments allegedly made by Michael Anderson, was factually flawed and probably defamatory and had to be answered in detail to set the record straight.


Prime Minister avoids climate protest and talk of climate change

The missing words at Julia Gillard's first address as Prime Minister to the National Press Club was "climate change". Outside the building Climate activists from Rising Tide Newcastle had dumped a ute full of coal at the entrance. The protesters called on the Gillard Government to announce a climate change policy that addresses Australia's principal source of greenhouse pollution - coal.

Lemmings for Bloated Resource Rich Billionaires

As a historical symbol of revolt against injustice, Bastille Day is being commemorated world-wide.

On July 14th, Bastille Day, a group of activists gathered in front of BHP Billitonā€™s Melbourne office to alert their fellow citizens as to the corporate worldā€™s neo-conservative mantra:Servitude, Inequality, Hostility.

Called the ā€œLemmings for Rich Bloated Resource Rich Billionairesā€™ we promise to give our pennies freely so that they can continue to live the good life. Ha! Ha!


How to achieve zero carbon emissions by 2020

The public launch of the Beyond Zero Emissions report - Zero Carbon Australia 2020 - was delivered to an overflowing audience at Melbourne University last night. The report is one possible blueprint for acting on the challenge of climate change by converting the existing coal and gas fired carbon pollution dependent electricity generation to 100% renewables using only current technologies in ten years.


Slacktime Magazine mp3

various issues mixed and mashed

note: explicit language

mainstream media samples, "Boat People Quiz" by Clarke and Dawe, "Oz Politics the Musical" by news HD, "3 D Outside Every Cinema" by News Jack, Alex Jones Mashup from Distorted View Podcast

Length 21:40 min 128 kbps stereo 19.9 MB

Continuing genocide of Aborigines since invasion, international conference told

By Diet Simon

Melbourne, 13 July 2010 -- An Aboriginal leader has told about 500 international psychologists and psychiatrists meeting here that Australia has perpetrated genocide on Aboriginal people since the white invasion and continues to do so.

Michael Anderson, leader of the 3,000 Euahlayi, whose lands straddle the border between northwest New South Wales and southwest Queensland, made the accusation to a genocide section of the 27th conference of the International Association of Applied Psychology, running from 12 to 16 July in the Melbourne Convention Centre.

Veterans group to Gillard, ā€œNo more lies, respect soldiers' lives!ā€

press release
12 July 2010

Stand Fast, a group of veterans and former military personnel who oppose the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, has asked Prime Minister Julia Gillard to stop misleading the people of Australia and to come clean about the war in Afghanistan. The group's comments are in response to Gillard's use of the death of another Australian soldier in Afghanistan to peddle false justifications for Australian involvement in this unpopular war.


WGAR News: PM Gillard: No change on Muckaty nuclear waste dump (12 Jul 10)

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

WGAR Website:

PM Gillard: No change on Muckaty nuclear waste dump
Other Muckaty nuclear waste dump articles
Background to the Muckaty nuclear waste dump
Calls to reform the Australian Constitution
Deaths in Custody protest
New Way summit: Aboriginals to retake lands
Other Aboriginal articles


- Media Release

Australian Conservation Foundation:
Muckaty nuclear waste plan is a bad deal, not a done deal

Call for Gillard to install solar panels on the Lodge

The international climate activist organisation - - has launched a campaign for Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard to install solar panels on The Lodge. It has called for leaders of nations to instal solar panels on official residences, as part of global action on climate change on 10/10/10.

Brumby considers partial closure of Hazelwood while climate activists urge full phase-out

Friends of the Earth has welcomed the revelation that the Victorian Labor Government is considering closing down a quarter of the capacity of the Hazelwood brown coal-fired power plant, but has maintained a call along with other climate change and environmental groups for a full phase out of the developed world's dirtiest coal fired station replacing capacity with renewable power generation and energy efficiency savings.

Related: Environment Victoria | Climate Action Centre | Switch off Hazelwood |
Call for Gillard to install solar panels on the Lodge


Anti-whaling activist Pete Bethune released from Japanese jail

Pete Bethune, the anti-whaling activist convicted of assault in Japan and facing up to 15 years in jail has instead been released with a two year suspended sentence and can now return home to New Zealand.

Read more about this great news at the following links:

For earlier coverage of his trial on Indymedia visit

New Way summit: Aboriginals to retake lands

Melbourne 5 July 2010 - Aboriginal people have been encouraged to take possession of unoccupied and Crown lands including abandoned buildings to assert their ownership and original title. This proposal comes out of an Aboriginal conference held in Melbourne from 1-4 July.


Timor law lets war criminals off the hook

Amnesty International is urging East Timor to reconsider legal loopholes that allow Indonesian army officers who took part in serious war crimes to go unpunished.

A report released by Amnesty this week investigates the small countriesā€™ latest Penal Code, which shows no change to their amnesties relating to suspects of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Asylum seeker "debate" used to hide corporate coup

In a cynical and disgusting act, the ALP has stirred up a ā€œdebateā€ on asylum seekers within days of capitulating to the major mining corporations. Once again the rich and powerful seek to scapegoat the weak and vulnerable to disguise their misdeeds. The mainstream media has jumped to the cue, no-longer discussing the ā€œold newsā€ of how multi-national mining companies have successfully avoided paying billions of dollars in tax and helped engineer the overthrow of sitting PM in the process.


A touch of news mp3

A satirical collage of some US - Aus - and World news

Mainstream-News-Popkitsch-Media, Satirists J.Clarke - B. Dawe, Andy Salzman on Soccer [excerpts of J. Stewart's daily show], "Julia Gillard PM from the Moon" by David Knight, Robyn Williams [Letterman show] on Ozz rednecks, "Wiya Angela Pamela" by little sisters collective vs super realene bros, Onion Radio News

British peace activists acquitted over EDO Gaza direct action

In the early hours of 17th January 2009, during Israelā€™s ā€˜Operation Cast Leadā€™ offensive against Gaza, six people broke in to the EDO/ITT weaponsā€™ components factory in Moulsecoomb, Brighton, and caused hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of damage to the production line. This week in Britain all the activists were acquitted by a jury using the defence of necessity, that they were acting to preventing war crimes by the Israeli Defence Force against Palestinians.

Read some details of the case and the vindication of an acquital at the following links

Open letter to Federal Clerk of Parliament, Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Federal Parliament

Open letter to:

Federal Clerk of Parliament,
Prime Minister Julia Gillard,
Federal Attorney General Robert McClelland,
and all Federal senators and politicians

N.B. A copy of this letter was emailed to the above on Wednesday, 23 June 2010. There has been no response from anyone.

Speaker of Queensland Parliament ignores lengthy and ongoing protest outside his electorate office

Jennifer Nash, the mother protesting outside John Mickelā€™s electorate office on the lack of electoral representation on the issue of judicial abuse and judicial corruption against an unrepresented Australian child has been consistently denied electoral representation by Mr Mickel, her elected Member of Parliament and Queensland Speaker.