
Walk against Warming 2010 in Melbourne - 15 August

The 2010 Walk against Warming in Melbourne was different from previous years, being in fact largely symbolic. Instead of the usual march through the city, participants gathered in three critical electorates, Melbourne, Deakin and La Trobe before engaging in a mass letter-box with a message for climate change. In central Melbourne the initial rally attracted a larger than expected number, about 500, and there was a short backwards march to highlight the direction the major parties have been taking the country.


More on same-sex marriage rights rally - 14 August

There is a report with photos and short extracts from some of the speeches on Melbourne Protests -

Video to follow, but in the meantime, here are mp3s of extracts from three of the speeches, plus a few extra photos:


FairWear action on school uniforms - 16 August

Students, staff, and parents from Brunswick West Primary School joined FairWear campaigners and members of the Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia in an action highlighting that school's commitment to ethical uniforms, with a follow-up at the Thomastown outlet of BuxWear, where they awarded the company a 'Fail' report card for its use of sweatshop labour.


Traditional owner blocks uranium mining near Kakadu

Traditional owner Mr Lee, the sole member of the Djok clan and senior custodian of his at Koongara which borders Kakadu National Park has turned his back on potentially hundreds of millions of dollars of mining royalties by blocking mining on his land by French company Areva. He has offered for his land instead to become part of Kakadu National Park.


Nuclear debate heats up in Germany over new tax and plant lifespans

Germany's nuclear power plant operators have threatened to pull out of nuclear power generation in protest of a proposed tax. The general debate over the future of German nuclear power has heated up again.

Controversial negotiations are underway in Germany between the government and energy providers as companies threaten to shut down their nuclear power plants over a proposed tax on fuel rods and Germany's debate over its nuclear energy future reignites.

Equal Love rallies demand same sex marriage rights

Today rallies were held around the country to pressure the major parties to change their policies on banning same sex marriage on the sixth anniversary of Federal Parliament amended the Marriage Act to exclude same sex couples . Here is some video of Melbourne Rally .

Photos from John Wilson


Clash with fascists in Newtown

A group of fascists and neo nazis were found in Newtown this afternoon. They gathered provocatively at the "I have a dream" mural wall in Newtown. A hundred or so people of the Newtown community spontaneously gathered and overwhelmed them with their powerful presence and voices. The people chanted "nazis out of Newtown, nazis off the planet". They were physically confronted and forced to flee with their tail between their legs escorted by cops.


Tell the next PM where we stand on refugees

Picture: Najeeba with her younger brother Mahdi.

By Graham Thom

"We had to push our way onto the boat, people were screaming and pushing each other out of the way. It was so crowded we had to sit with our knees squashed against our chests for 10 whole days. No one knew how to swim. At the end of the journey, the boat got a hole and people were fighting for life jackets. We didn’t get one. If the Australian Navy hadn’t reached us, we would have died."

Humbug from politicians on government spending

Australia led the world in handling the global financial crisis by acting fast with stimulus spending, to help save big banks from insolvency and to preserve and generate jobs. Australia also had a legacy of negligible government debt.

But both stimulus spending and the abolition of government debt have come at a price. Stimulus spending needs to be repaid, primarily from taxation. And the low government debt was achieved by withholding crucial funds from health, education, public transport, housing, infrastructure, disability programs and the transition to renewable energy use.


Stand Up For Refugees - rally 13 August 2010

NZ Green Party MP Keith Locke was one of those who addressed a 500-600 strong gathering outside the Melbourne Town Hall last night at the end of a rally called by the Refugee Action Collective under the banner "Stand Up For Refugees".


The Work of violence:a timeline of armed attacks at Kennedy Road

An academic report has just been published on the attack on Abahlali baseMjondolo in the Kennedy Road shack settlement in Durban, South Africa last year.

Chance, K. (2010) The Work of violence:a timeline of armed attacks at Kennedy Road. School of Development Studies Research Report, 83, July 2010.

Deadly smoke alarms in 99% of Australian homes

This is a smoke alarm alert. You are most likely to be using the wrong type of smoke alarm which may not operate in time to alert you early enough to escape from smouldering fires.

People are dying, or thinking they are lucky to have escaped their house fire in their pyjamas, whereas their house could also have been saved if they had installed a different type of smoke alarm.

Gillard's regressive and right wing education policies explained

Below is the text of an article from the World Socialist Web that explains just how regressive the ALP's policies on education are. Teacher performance pay, bonuses for schools that do well on NAPLAN data, bringing in unqualified people to teach in schools...the list goes on. The Left in this country needs to wake up and realises this country is lurching to the right regardless of wins the next election.


Vote for Nuthin mp3

collage of events around a largely meaningless election in Australia

publicly funded media, youtube vintage excerpts

Vote shoe boat people by Chaser, Will Anderson, now show excerpt, Russel Brand, Tony Abbott Perfect by glenop, The Fundamentalist Adventures Of Tony Abbott - A Musical by Toby Thornett, Paul Keating, unknown poetry and jazz

length 28:26 min 128 kbps stereo 26.1 MB

Explosives depot threat to Sunshine Coast hinterland

By Arkin Mackay

Dam and Blast!

Just when we thought the pressure was off the Mary Valley for a while after the scrapping of Traveston Dam, there's a new threat to the area. A proposal currently being assessed by Gympie Regional Council could see the Moy Pocket quarry in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland become the site for an explosives storage and distribution facility that would provide explosives for extractive industry operations throughout south-east Queensland.

What does this mean?


Stop discrimination against Indigenous peoples

By Sarah Marland, Campaign Coordinator, Amnesty International Australia

He has worked hard all his life on a cattle station in the Northern Territory, droving, fencing and dropping bores. Yet Frankie Holmes Kemarr feels betrayed.

For the last three years Frankie, along with over 45,000 Indigenous people, has been subject to measures under the Northern Territory Emergency Response (NTER) that discriminate on the basis of race.

Hold community meetings to push actions Aborigines need to have instituted in the constitution

by ray jackson

whilst i am all in favour of our mobs being in both the australian constitution, along with any future bill of rights, i also see the process as being fraught with problems. problems that i see as only being solvable, in the main, by the atsi peoples initially.

whilst it cannot be argued against that south australia has the strongest and legal basis for their traditional lands, based on the historical letters patent being ignored by 'settlers' and sa governments, all the other aboriginal nations must be equal to the sa position for the return of their lands.


100 countries back a ban on cluster bombs

The world moved a step closer to a complete ban on deadly Cluster Bombs this week with a new treaty coming into force, backed by 100 countries.

The decision is the culmination of a decade long fight to have the weapons banned because of the dramatic impact on civilian populations.

Current estimates suggest more than half a million people have been killed by cluster munitions.

Human rights groups say cluster bombs have a very similar impact to landmines and have no place in modern warfare.
