
Solidarity with Villawood detainees: detention kills

On Tuesday night there will be a solidarity gathering for Josefa Rauluni, who took his own life on Monday morning, as well as the detainees currently protesting on roof in Villawood. One of Josefa's relatives, also a detainee in Villawood, was placed in isolation and had his mobile phone confiscated. The solidarity gathering will be at the hub in Newtown from 6pm (Tuesday 21st September).

A group of 20 to 30 people went to Villawood on Monday night to show solidarity with the detainees after a Fijian man in the prison committed suicide and 10 Tamils were still on the roof protesting.


Hazelwood a lemon - protest at GDF Suez offices

Monday morning, 11am September 20, the group Switch Off Hazelwood Switch On Renewable Energy , delivered the new owners of Hazelwood power station - French company GDF Suez - a box of lemons and a letter informing them of the nature of their recent acquisition.


One detainee dead - protests continue at Villawood Detention Centre

In another tragic event in an Australian detention centre a 36 year old Fijian man has jumped to his death at the Villawood detention centre on the day he was to be deported. A number of Tamil and Afghan asylum seekers whose claims have been rejected and who were alsoupset at the treatment of the Fijian man then climbed on the roof at Villawood, threatening to jump. Their banner read "We need hope and freedom". A number of solidarity actions were organised in Sydney, including two people being arrested after locking on at the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. Eventually the Tamil and Afghan asylum seekers got down off the roof, only to be replaced on the roof by a second group of Chinese detainees
Related: Sydney Morning Herald coverage - Solidarity protest - RISE updates on situation - Arrests at DIC - Melbourne Solidarity Protest Called


Switch Off Hazelwood action update

Only 3 weeks to go till the International Day of Climate Action on Sunday, 10th October. Last year, this was the world's most widespread day of political action in history, and this year the protest at Hazelwood power station will be the lead Australian event for this day. Images and media from Hazelwood will therefore be seen around the world as this global day of action unfolds.


Food matters mp3

Impressions from the local market in the middle of nowhere

Tempeh factory with Josh and Kyla, science, history and health of food teaching with Jeanie, Music and chat with the Barkersvale Brothers.

length: 22:25 min 128 kbps stereo 20.6 MB

Anti-fascist occupation of Newtown Square

Newtown square/The Hub was occupied today by anarchists, anti-authoritarians, antifascists and people in solidarity to make a demonstration against the Sydney Fascist Forum happening this weekend in Tempe.

Texts were distributed and banners were hung around reading "NO BORDERS", "NO NATIONS", "SOLIDARITY IS OUR WEAPON, WAR AGAINST THE WAR OF THE BOSSES", and "NO COMPROMISE WITH FASCISM".


Picket of Chilean consulate in support of Mapuche hunger strikers - 17 September 2010

The Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET) organised a picket outside the Chilean Consulate in Melbourne at lunchtime today, displaying the Mapuche flag and delivering a letter to be forwarded to the President of Chile, Sebastian Pinera.


Link between peace and sustainability recognised at Brisbane event

There is no more unsustainable activity than war. War causes the breakdown of the social and ecological community to the extent that it may be a risk to the survival of human beings and all life on our planet in the extreme event of nuclear war. Indeed, even the preparation for war (maintainence of the military through economic, political and social support and the provision of locations for bases and training) is toxic to human relations and the environment alike.


Internationally significant environment, not clapped-out cattle country


Thursday 16 September 2010

Over the past three days Wiradjuri Traditional Owner, Neville 'Chappy' Williams has been back in the Land and Environment Court challenging Barrick Gold's expansion of its' cyanide leaching mine in Lake Cowal – the Sacred Heartland of the Wiradjuri Nation.

“This is not a modification, it is a radical transformation which will destroy Aboriginal sites, including already registered sites and will further desecrate our country,” said Mr. Williams.

More mental relief mp3

It was incredibly boring this week in Oz, so...

Polygamy Shots, People in Melbourne, Science behind Law and Order by College Humor, Jesus Medley with Will Anderson, Satire by Peter Schneider, Satire by John Lennon, Cia apologizes for accidental Overthrow of Costa Rica by Onion News Network, Andrew Lawrence Edinburgh 2010

29:40 min 128 kbps stereo 27.2 MB

Victorian Traditional Owner Settlement Bill 2010

Gary Murray 14 September 2010

The Traditional Owner Settlement Bill 2010 (Vic) creates certainty for developers, land and water proponents and the State. The state legislative regimes further weaken native title and cultural heritage rights and interests through the surrendering and withdrawal of native title rights and in the destruction and salvage of cultural heritage.

1. Background


Future Shots - Sustainability Film Challenge for young Victorians

Calling all young Victorians with a vision for a sustainable future

Are you under 25 and want to win some great cash and prizes? The Future Shots Sustainability Film Challenge is now open. For the second year running, Future Shots invites all Victorians 25 and under to create a short film of under three minutes addressing the theme of sustainability.

With over $9000 in cash and prizes to be won, Future Shots encourages young Victorians to creatively explore sustainability in their world.

Entry deadline is 15 November 2010.

Tens of thousands expected in Berlin for anti-nuclear protest

Chancellor Angela Merkel had hoped that with a quick resolution, she could sidestep a national debate over nuclear energy in Germany. Many, though, see her new plan as a windfall for the country's power utilities. Opposition, both within her government and elsewhere, is on the rise. This article was written by German news magazine Spiegel's staff journalists.

Election breakthrough – action needed

Most progressive voters would be happy with the result of the August 21 federal election. A Gillard government reliant on the support of a Green member of parliament, a former green and two other independents who broke their conservative party bonds on principled grounds – that has to be good news. In July next year the new Green Senators take their place to give their party the balance of power in the Upper House

"End the Afghanistan War" - peak hour vigil 14 September 2010

Anti-war campaigners held a vigil at the Elizabeth St entrance to Melbourne Central station during the peak hour rush this evening, holding banners reading "End the Afghanistan War" and "Hit the STOP Button on the Afghanistan War". Although most passers-by were obviously rushing to catch their trains, as can be seen in some of the accompanying photos, many took leaflets, and a few stopped to discuss the issues.
