
Veterans group says hidden casualties must be considered in war debate.

Press release - 18 October 2010
On Tuesday, 19th October the Australian Parliament will debate Australian military involvement in the war and occupation of Afghanistan. Stand Fast, a group of veterans and former military personnel opposed to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, is calling on the debate to openly consider and recognise the hidden casualties of this war and the long term cost this has on communities.

Finsbury wins ‘PR Disaster of the Year’ award

On the eve of the PR Week Awards, human rights organization Survival International has presented its 'PR Disaster of the Year’ Award to Finsbury PR and its founder Roland Rudd for their work with FTSE-100 mining company Vedanta Resources.

Finsbury is the retained PR agency for Vedanta Resources, which has been the target of a worldwide campaign to stop it building a bauxite mine in the hills of Niyamgiri, Orissa, India. The mine would have had a devastating effect on the Dongria Kondh tribal people who live there.

Students leading the way on environment

A group of students are showing politicians how it’s done when it comes to taking action on the environment.

The brightest students from nine Melbourne Schools including Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School and Melbourne High are coming together on October 23 for the 2010 Think. Act. Green Competition Ceremony. They will present their inspiring plans to improve the contribution of their schools and communities to a sustainable environment.


How dare this man talk of poverty and dignity in the same breath?

By ray jackson, president, indigenous social justice association

(My response to an article in The Australian by Gary Johns in which he suggests “INCOME control deserves a broader trial, despite risks”.)

UK activists blockade oil refinery

In an inspiring direct action in the UK, 400 climate activists have blockaded an oil refinery. 12 female protestors chained themselves to parked vans, others mounted tripods and still others linked arms across the refinery entrance. Organised by the group Crude Awakening they were highlighting the connection between dependance on oil and worsening climate change.

100 times the Hiroshima radioactivity on one train

Keep up to date at - I will do a wrap-up when it's over.

A train carrying nuclear waste with radiation equivalent to about 100 Hiroshima bombs is running through heavily populated France and Germany to a dump that already contains the equivalent of nearly 900 Hiroshimas. Stored throughout Germany is the radiation equivalent of 10,500 Hiroshimas.

Appeal to save Sakineh Ashtiani from being stoned to death

Sign appeal at

You can also write to the religious leader

Ayatollah Sayed ’Ali Khamenei
The Office of the Supreme Leader
Islamic Republic Street - End of Shahid Keshvar Doust Street
Tehran, Iran

and the supreme judicial authority

Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani
Office of the Head of the Judiciary
Pasteur St., Vali Asr Ave. south of Serah-e Jomhouri
Tehran, Iran

Clean energy hero dies

One of the world’s clean energy heroes, the German Herrmann Scheer, has died of a torn aorta in Berlin, aged 66.

The Social Democrat member of parliament played a large part in writing Germany’s green energy promotion legislation, which has made the country a world leader in the field and has been copied by dozens of countries.

Once called by Time magazine a ‘Hero for the Green Century,’ Scheer wrote several books on renewable energy, including A Solar Manifesto and The Solar Economy. He made a film, The Fourth Revolution – Energy Autonomy. - A failure in Australia in 2010?

Bill McKibben, founder of called in September for this years global actions on the 10/10/10 to be direct action focused. As far as I am aware the biggest action to occur in Australia on this day was the Hazelwood demo in Victoria. This action attended by 300 people did not contain any direct action component nor did any other actions around Australia on this day.

A reduction In freedoms (an American point of view)

9/11 was a day which shook our country (America) to its core. People who would use religion as an excuse for war attacked our great nation on the grounds of its greatest city and two other locations. In doing so we lost roughly 2988 American citizens, but their memory and the spirit of what that memory means will live with us forever. Years have passed but it is still something all Americans carry in their hearts as a tragedy and there will never be a shortage of tears for the victims of that day.


The Shortwave Report 10/15/10 Listen globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (October 15) is up at the website in both broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) (28:59)
(NEW! If you have access to there is a higher quality version posted up there {26.7MB}

This week's show features stories from China Radio International, Radio Netherlands, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.

Campaign for abortion rights intensifies with not guilty verdict

Media statement by the Pro-Choice Action Collective

Abortion rights campaigners vow to intensify campaign

Pro-Choice Action Collective activist, Kathy Newnam said:
“Today’s acquittal of a young Cairns couple in the abortion case in Cairns is a victory for abortion rights. The fact is that the couple never had a case to answer – a woman has the right to control her own body.

"The verdict was met with prolonged applause and cheering from abortion rights supporters in the public gallery.


Combet cool on Hazelwood closure

Hundreds of activists travelled to the Hazelwood brown coal fired power station, 180 km east of Melbourne, for the 101010 global work party on Sunday.

Environmental groups in Victoria are behind a campaign to replace the aging Hazelwood power station with renewable energy. Premier John Brumby wants to close the power station down in stages and wants Federal Government financial assistance in doing so. But the new Federal climate change minister Greg Combet is decidedly cool on the idea.

The Switch Off Hazelwood organisers are calling for:


BD News: Responses in Timor-Leste to Australia's asylum seeker plans

Update on Australian PM's proposal for Asylum-seeker Processing in Timor-Leste

BACK DOOR Newsletter on Timor-Leste:

Australian PM's proposal for Asylum-seeker Processing in Timor-Leste:

13 October 2010

A collection of articles and news items about Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard's proposal to establish a processing centre in East Timor for people seeking asylum in Australia.

Please find below the latest 17 articles from the website.

Warlukurlangu Artists in Bahrain

Story of aboriginal art at La Fontaine

TRADITIONAL aboriginal art will come to the fore in Bahrain tomorrow night at the opening of the Songlines art exhibition at the La Fontaine Centre of Contemporary Art, Manama.

According to event organisers, aboriginal art is more of a ritual involving mystery and symbolism, than purely artistic expression.

The art is described as "dreamings" and narrates stories and history of tribes.