Students leading the way on environment

A group of students are showing politicians how it’s done when it comes to taking action on the environment.

The brightest students from nine Melbourne Schools including Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School and Melbourne High are coming together on October 23 for the 2010 Think. Act. Green Competition Ceremony. They will present their inspiring plans to improve the contribution of their schools and communities to a sustainable environment.

The teams are aiming to present the most impressive proposal to a judging panel including representatives from Shell Australia and Earth Systems for a $5,000 prize to put towards implementing their project.

The Competition Ceremony is the final stage of a community project run by Think. Act. Green, an organisation run entirely by students of the University of Melbourne. The aim of T.A.G is to increase environmental awareness amongst secondary school students by providing them with an opportunity to develop their financial literacy and professional skills.

The Think. Act. Green program kicked off with a seminar series followed by an environmental conference and several workshops. All of these events were run by members of Think. Act. Green in conjunction with environmental and energy industry leaders. The Competition Ceremony is the final stage of the program and will be held on October 23rd at The Spot, The University of Melbourne’s new Economics and Commerce building in Berkeley St, Carlton.

Last year’s competition winners, Presbyterian Ladies’ College, are currently installing a grey-water system to channel water from the boarding house showers into their surrounding gardens.

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