
U.S. war criminals in Oz as Australia boosts its involvement in U.S. war machine

Hillary Clinton arrived in Melbourne today (6/11/2010) and will soon be joined by Secretary of Defence Robert Gates. These high level U.S. war criminals will then be meeting the Prime Minister and other politicians as part of the annual AUSMIN talks in Canberra on Monday. The whole visit and itinerary has been kept secret, supposedly for "security" but more likely to prevent any public protests against U.S. imperialism and the U.S. Australian alliance. On the agenda for the talks include the development of new U.S. bases in Australia, escalation of the conflict with Iran and of course Australia's involvement in the increasingly bloody Afghan war. If anyone has any details of any snap protests planned please post ASAP.


Obama: Stop funding Indonesian torture of Papuans

Human rights organization Survival International is asking President Obama, who is due to visit Indonesia next week, to suspend US military assistance to Jakarta until its forces stop killing and torturing the people of West Papua.

Obama’s visit comes shortly after the emergence of shocking video footage showing Indonesian soldiers torturing two villagers in the West Papuan highlands. The Indonesian government has admitted that the torturers were its soldiers.

Rap satire "Wikileaks and the War on Journalism"

A great new "Rap news" video produced by Melbourne based alternative media outlet "TheJuiceMedia" has been published online. Entitled Rap News vs News World Order (Wikileaks and the War on Journalism), the video that cameo's Julian Assange himself has already been viewed almost 100,000 times on Youtube.
Check it out yourself - you won't be disappointed
Rap News vs News World Order (Wikileaks and the War on Journalism)

Alexander Downer exposed: a report from Cyprus Indymedia

Below is an article produced by a member of the Cyprus Indymedia collective specifically for publishing on the Australian Indymedia site on the destructive role that former Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer is playing in Cyprus in his current role with the UN.

Alexander Downer on the Global Scene
Radical and Mainstream Press: a Convergence?

Brown coal power bonanza GDF Suez with Hazelwood

GDF Suez, is taking over Hazelwood Power Station, via merger to form New International Power. Business description states world ranking of 1, 2 or 3 in businesses of LNG, hydro, wind and nuclear power. Curiously, at their website, only thing mentioned for Australia is Sita, waste recycling. Spin off from GDF Suez monster, Degremont Suez, is lead partner in Victorian very mistaken Desalination plant.


[ De ] Nachrichten Kommentar 2010-11-04 mp3

[ German language ]

Australischer Nachrichten Kommentar mit Wolfgang

14:33 min 128 kbps stereo 13.3 MB

[ By the way, re query for uploading mp3/4 files to IMC Australia:

please check with admin ppl ]


The Shortwave Report 11/05/10 Listen globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (November 5) is up at the website in both broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) (28:59)
(NEW! If you have access to there is a higher quality version posted up there {26.7MB}

This week's show features stories from China Radio International, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Netherlands, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.

600 people arrested in India for opposing nuclear plant, hundreds more voluntarily risk jail

World's largest nuclear park is planned in Jaitapur, in Ratnagiri district on the coast of southern Maharashtra. The park would comprise up to six large nuclear reactors bought from the French nuclear giant- Areva. In addition to the inherent hazards of nuclear power, the project threatens the livelihoods of about 10 000 farmers and fishermen and their families.

Culture of bigotry hindered Australia’s ability to integrate with its Asian neighbours

The recent reaction by the Australian politicians toward the proposed merger between the Singapore Stock exchange (SGX) and the Australia Stock Exchange (ASX) is a typical example of a bigotry culture in this country.

The very minute the news of SGX intention to merge with ASX was leaked to the public arena, our politicians begin to jump up and down against the idea without even trying to find out in detail the rationale of the proposed merger, and the possible benefits to Australia. Their responses are so pathetically predictable in a habitually hysterical manner.

DCAN picket office of State MP Fiona RIchardson - 'Vote Climate for All of Us' - 3 November 2010

The stretch of High Street outside the office of ALP State MP for Northcote Fiona Richardson was more than usually noisy this morning as peak-hour motorists – and several cyclists - responded to the call from members of Darebin Climate Action Now who were picketing the office with placards opposing the projected HRL coal-fired power station in the Latrobe valley and calling for real action on climate change.


Celebrities back call to boycott Botswana diamonds and tourism

Survival logo small.pngSurvival International will today call for a boycott of Botswana diamonds over the government’s treatment of the Kalahari Bushmen. The tribal peoples’ rights organization is also urging the public to boycott tourism to Botswana.

The diamonds boycott will be launched with a protest and letter hand-in outside De Beers’s flagship diamond stores in London and San Francisco. De Beers is part-owned by the Botswana government.

“Jobs with Justice” – Melbourne anti-Intervention rally

Rallies were held around Australia on Friday 29 October under the banner of ‘Jobs with Justice’ and an end to the Northern Territory Intervention as part of a National Day of Action. The rally in Melbourne attended by approximately 500 people ended with a sit-down at a major city intersection, bringing peak-hour traffic to a halt for over twenty minutes. Related: Youtube footage of sit-in -- Report on rally from Melbourne Ant-Intervention Collective -- More photos on Melbourne Protests Weblog


Peaceful civil resistance in Stuttgart, violent police action...

Andreas Weiland


The Merkel administration has reached agreement among cabinet members that a new act will be submitted to parliament. It increases penalities for passive resistance to up to three years in prison while threatening throwers of bottles and stones with up to five years in jail.

The fist of the law still hits hard

By Ray Jackson, President, Indigenous Social Justice Association

Benjamin Thomas Price, an ex Queensland police officer, is now safely behind bars after being found guilty in Townsville Court of at least two vicious assaults upon a male and female supposedly in his care. The publicity arising from the videos of those two assaults shows Price brutalising his victims while other police merely watched in a most undetached manner at the Airlie Beach police station during 2007 and 2008.

BD News: Australian PM seeks support from Asian leaders for asylum centre in Timor-Leste

Update on Australian PM's proposal for Asylum-seeker Processing in Timor-Leste (31 Oct 10)

BACK DOOR Newsletter on Timor-Leste:

Australian PM's proposal for Asylum-seeker Processing in Timor-Leste:

Sentru Prosesamentu ba Refujiadu iha Timor-Leste ka lae?:

Um Centro de Processamento de Refugiados em Timor-Leste?:

31 October 2010