
BD News: Australian PM seeks support from Asian leaders for asylum centre in Timor-Leste

Update on Australian PM's proposal for Asylum-seeker Processing in Timor-Leste (31 Oct 10)

BACK DOOR Newsletter on Timor-Leste:

Australian PM's proposal for Asylum-seeker Processing in Timor-Leste:

Sentru Prosesamentu ba Refujiadu iha Timor-Leste ka lae?:

Um Centro de Processamento de Refugiados em Timor-Leste?:

31 October 2010

Timor law lets war criminals off the hook

Amnesty International is urging East Timor to reconsider legal loopholes that allow Indonesian army officers who took part in serious war crimes to go unpunished.

A report released by Amnesty this week investigates the small countries’ latest Penal Code, which shows no change to their amnesties relating to suspects of war crimes and crimes against humanity.