
"Noel will not accept our collective trauma - people do not choose to live in poverty"

By Ray Jackson, President of the Indigenous Social Justice Association

(My response to Noel Pearson's 2010 John Button Oration - "Nights when I dream of a better world: Moving from the centre-left to the radical centre of Australian politics" on 07.09.2010 in Melbourne,

Letter from Parliament Square

Letter from Parliament Square by Paul O'Hanlon

This article is about the long term peace campaign of Brian Haw and Barbara Tucker; the so called ‘Democracy Village` which occupied Parliament Square gardens for several months until July 20th this year had no connection with Brian Haw’s long running campaign.


"We have to take our share of the blame"

By Aunty Bess Price

(A speach given in Alice Spings on 22 October by this senior Warlpiri woman from Yuendumu.)

My mother and father were born in the desert. They lived their childhood out of contact with whitefellas. They were terrified when they first saw a whitefella.

They taught me the Old Law that our people lived by. That Law worked when we were living in tiny family groups taking everything that we needed from the desert.

It is Sacred Law. There was strong Law for sacred business. If the sacred Law was broken both men and women could be killed.


The Shortwave Report 10/29/10 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (October 29) is up at the website in both broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) (28:59)
(NEW! If you have access to there is a higher quality version posted up there {26.7MB}

This week's show features stories from China Radio International, Radio Netherlands, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.

Writers and creatives get published in Vibewire!!!

Vibewire is calling for submissions from aspiring writers, journalists, photographers and artists.

We are giving writers and other creatives the chance to be published online and in print.
Our current November Theme is Failure.

We are looking for submissions that somehow reflect that theme, from under 30's.
A 1000 word limit applies, and images should be submitted in 300 DPI format.
Deadline is November 28th.

Writers can get themselves published online by submitting their work to Vibewire's Portal website.


Cyberterrorism knocks out tribal rights organization's website

October 28, 2010

Human rights organization Survival International has been targeted by a massive cyberattack, knocking its website offline.

Survival believes the attack is likely to originate with the Botswana or Indonesian authorities, or their allies.

The attack comes one week after Survival reported on a shocking video of Indonesian soldiers torturing Papuan tribal people, and four weeks after calling for tourists to boycott Botswana over the long-running persecution of the Kalahari Bushmen.

French students mobilize: "Sarkozy, you're screwed, the youth are in the streets!"

From our correspondent in Paris --

Something New – High School and College Students Protest the Pension “Reform” – Why?

French Students Mobilize: “Sarkozy, You’re Screwed, The Youth Are In the Streets!”

Amnesty appeals for radios for Burma

By Verity Coyle, Burma Campaigner, Amnesty International

I’ve just returned from the Thai-Burma border where I witnessed the suffocating restrictions the military junta puts on almost everything the Burmese people watch, read and hear - blacking out the rest of the world.

In recent weeks, ten thousand of us have applied pressure demanding Burma’s closest neighbours support freedom for the Burmese people.

Push to make coal history - Northcote, 28 October 2010

To chants of “Coal, don’t dig it/ Leave it in the ground/ Time to get with it”, members and supporters of Darebin Climate Action Now marched from Northcote Town Hall to the office of local Labor MP Fiona Richardson to demand an end to the Brumby government’s pro-coal policies. They handed out leaflets calling on people to ‘Vote Climate’ in the upcoming election, and posing the question ‘Can we trust Labor on Climate?’, and also delivered a copy of Beyond Zero Emissions’ Zero Carbon Australia Stationary Energy Plan to the office.

The callout:


No future in forest furnaces

27/ October/2010 - Independent Forest activists painted a 20 meter slogan reading “No Future In Forest Furnaces” on prominent Hobart southern outlet Water tower.

Activists are responding to the industry push for investment into Woodfired power development during recently announced forest negotiations. We see this as a provocative and very unhelpful move by
forestry interests to cling to a dying woodchip industry, dragging down Tasmania’s native forests with them.


[ De ] Nachrichten Kommentar 2010-10-28 mp3

Australischer Nachrichten Kommentar mit Wolfgang

Afghanistan Krieg Debatte, Wiki Leaks Iraq War Logs, Joe Hockey's Bank Bashing,
ASX und Singapore Stock Exchange Merger, Corruption Index von Transparancy
International, John Howard's Schuhe werfen Konzept UND MEHR...

14:25 min 128 kbps stereo 13.3 MB

Schuh Werfer on Youtube:


Indians demand answers as Amazon is sold to foreign oil companies

Oil exploration in Peru's Amazon has generated
wide-scale indigenous protests. ©D. Dudenhoefer

Survival logo small.png
Peru’s latest Amazon auction has been challenged by indigenous groups after it emerged that they may not have been consulted before their land was sold off to foreign oil companies last week.

Tim Proffitt's MySpace, etc.-Tea Party Brownshirt (Typical)

Head-stomper, woman-beater Tim Proffitt of Paris, Kentucky: All about a typical Tea Party Brownshirt. Get inside the life of the head-stomper and inside his own head. It's all about prejudices discredited in the US decades ago, and their revival in the recent Southernization of the USA.

Scenes such as Tim Proffitt stomping the head of a Move On activist while one or two other "men" held her on the pavement at a Rand Paul for US Senate event remind me of scenes from the long ago past.


Campaign continues for parliamentary seats for Aborigines

High-profile lawyer and activist Michael Mansell from the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre argues for seats to be reserved in Parliament specifically for indigenous Australians. "If you're going to have representative democracy it's got to be real, not imagined. And the best way to do that is to allow Aboriginal people to elect our own people to represent us in the federal parliament," Mansell told the IPS news agency. The concept is not a new one.


The NT Intervention – worse than Workchoices

Stop the NT Intervention – Jobs with Justice for Aboriginal workers

The NT Intervention promised to deliver ‘real jobs’ for Aboriginal communities. Instead, thousands of waged jobs have been lost and Aboriginal organisations have been crippled as Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP) close down.[i]


Anti-war activist throws shoes at John Howard - NICE WORK!

Peter Gray an anti-war activist should be congratulated on first verbally confronting John Howard the war criminal over his decision to send Australian troops to the illegal invasion of Iraq and then throwing his shoes at him - live on television, on the ABC's Q & A show.

See the Footage of the shoe throwing on Youtube

He yelled "This is for the Iraqi dead" as he threw his shoes.

To read more about his action and his subsequent comments read:


Russia turns into international nuclear waste dump. Does it want to destroy itself?

By Lyubov Yu. Moskvina

Most probably, Russia can be destroyed for a token fee... Since the application of nuclear energy started, the number of casualties has increased manyfold, and the number of accidents has increased, too. Putting the obvious economic benefits of nuclear energy on one scale, and the no less obvious danger – on the other, the advantage is almost always on the side of the first.

CSIRO: South East Australia becoming drier, global warming implicated

A new report into the changing climate of South East Australia and particularly the Murray Darling Basin indicates an increasing risk of below average rainfall and runoff into streams and generally drier conditions. The change in the climate has, at least in part, been attributed to an increase in atmospheric anthropogenic greenhouse gases associated with global warming.

Related: Climate scepticism, anthropogenic global warming and drought in south east Australia | Study predicts extreme drought conditions worsening globally with climate change

Wikileaks reveals more U.S. war crimes

At 5pm EST Friday 22nd October 2010 WikiLeaks released the largest classified military leak in history. The 391,832 reports ('The Iraq War Logs'), document the war and occupation in Iraq, from 1st January 2004 to 31st December 2009 (except for the months of May 2004 and March 2009) as told by soldiers in the United States Army. Each is a 'SIGACT' or Significant Action in the war. They detail events as seen and heard by the US military troops on the ground in Iraq and are the first real glimpse into the secret history of the war that the United States government has been privy to throughout.