Brussels keen for EU states to bury nuclear waste

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Imminent EU proposals will call on member states to define national strategies for the storage of radioactive waste, emphasizing the advantages of deep burial underground.


The European strategy for atomic waste traditionally is dump it just right next to the iron curtain. Oh wait... there is no iron curtain any more? Never mind - the President of Germany is going to hide it in his backyard, so that his heirs can figure out on their own what to get rid of!

The so-called nuclear fuel cycle is so inefficient that the same material needs to travel around about 20 times to exhaust the energy in it. Yet although there is considerable pressure on the transport bottleneck, no technical way has been discovered to circumvent it, short of quitting. If it was not a legacy technology it would avoid the risks in transport already, most of which are not caused by protesters. But since it is it can't.