
COP15: Climate spokespersons sentenced guilty: This is a giant defeat for democracy

By Soli
The Copenhagen District Court has found Stine Gry Jonassen and Tannie Nyboe guilty on charges of being organisers and instigators of violence and vandalism. The incident took place on 16th of December at Bella Center last year during the climate summit in Copenhagen. The two women were sentenced to four months of probation.

One of the judges disagreed with the verdict and thought the accused should be acquitted of all charges. Stine Gry and Tannie Nyboe both acted as spokespersons for the Global Network "Climate Justice Action" (CJA).

The Shortwave Report 11/26/10 Listen globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (November 26) is up at the website in both broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) (28:59)
(NEW! If you have access to there is a higher quality version posted up there {26.7MB}

This week's show features stories from China Radio International, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Netherlands, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.

A peak into the human well being equation

The man who invented the term “Peak Oil” delivered a lecture at Melbourne University on Wednesday night declaring that: “fossil fuel energy does the work we don’t like doing ourselves” and “without energy there can be no economic growth”.

Kjell Aleklett, Professor of Physics at Uppsala University in Sweden and President of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas (ASPO), believes that oil, gas and coal are reaching peak production, which is set to leave the world with a deficit of energy relative to future demand.


Launch of the new Stiff Gins single


@ The Red Rattler Theatre, Marrickville


Having recently emerged from an intense period of recording and in anticipation of their full album release, the Stiff Gins – one of Australia’s best known and most loved Indigenous acts – get set to debut their brand spanking new single, Diamonds on the Water and preview a selection of their new songs to devoted fans at Marrickville’s Red Rattler Theatre on Saturday 27th November.

Amnesty International: Sign against discrimination against women in Iranian law

By Rose Kulak

Brave women in Iran are being harassed, arrested and even tortured in their campaign for equality before the law. Now they're asking for our support.

It’s one of the most challenging countries in the world in which to campaign for human rights - but the women of Iran are defying harassment, battery, imprisonment and even torture to be heard.

Father stabbed her in the head put her to bed to die!! D.O.C.S have taken all 3 children

Please give your support to this woman whose daughter is in a critical condition in hospital.

Maddison is in a critical condition in Sydney childrens hospital.. her FATHER stabbed her through the head and put her to bed to die!!

Now D.O.C.S have taken all 3 of Kristys children for something that WAS NOT Kristys fault!! Please help us make sure justice is served!


Ark Tribe found not guilty

The following text is from the CFMEU website:

The landmark Ark Tribe verdict was handed down this morning at Adelaide Magistrates Court, and he was found not guilty.

In a statement released immediately after the verdict, National Secretary of the CFMEU Construction and General Division, Dave Noonan, says the union is elated.

“We have been fighting this for 18 months, and this is terrific news for Ark and his family.

It proves what a shambles the ABCC is. A worker has been dragged through hell for what?


Protest to IKEA over lives-destroying palm oil candles

IKEA sells vast quantities of candles made of 32,000 tonnes of palm oil a year. People, animals and the climate suffer as a result.

At the latest since a protest campaign in February, driven by the German Rainforest Rescue organisation, IKEA has been fully aware that people and climate are ruined when jungle is destroyed for plantation land.

Yet this transnational home wares giant that touts its environmental "credentials" persists in selling products made from 40,000 tonnes of palm oil.

Aboriginal housing program exploits Aboriginal workers

Reposted with the kind permission of Green Left Weekly

By Peter Robson

Aboriginal workers are being paid 'next to nothing' to build houses for their people, under the federal government's housing project. Gurindji workers went on strike, October 20.

Aboriginal workers in the government's $672 million Strategic Indigenous Housing
and Infrastructure Program (SIHIP) are working for what amounts to half the dole
plus rations. However, these workers are still being recorded as contributing to


ALL OK to execute lesbians (& other GBT people) without cause

By Barbary

'Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people were once again subject to the whims of homophobia and religious and cultural extremism this week, thanks to a United Nations vote that removed “sexual orientation” from a resolution that protects people from arbitrary executions. In other words, the UN General Assembly this week voted to allow LGBT people to be executed without cause'.

This is the first sentence of a Facebook post.

I couldn't believe it, so I went to the UN site itself. Here's a bit more:


Lest we forget: The Coniston massacre

Warning: This story includes names of deceased people that may cause sadness or distress to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

By Amanda Midlam

Ask yourself and others a quick quiz. What was the Coniston massacre? Who boasted of having killed 31 people in Australia? What is William George Murray, also known as George William Murray, remembered for? The appalling truth is that for most of us Murray isn’t remembered for anything, yet it was he who boasted of killing 31 people and the true figure is probably much higher.


“We must think positive on the acceptance of change”

By ray jackson, president, indigenous social justice association

the law council of australia recently sent out the attached draft constitutional reform document ( to allow proper discussions to be held by the people of good will rather than just hear from the usual parrots from the right-wing think-tanks.

William Moss is looking for publisher for book on, was it corruption by judicial systems NSW state and federal courts

Want publisher for 4-6 books to do with the getting the $250,000.oo owed to me by News Ltd in 2005, no one has heard of the court cases been going on between William Moss akas William Miller since 2007, as to the cover up by News Ltd and blanket ban by all TV, Radio and paper media outlets, is it corruption by Judge Delaney was the first hearing judge that ignored was it perjury and was this done because of bias, did he have the same view as resent Judge Adams in hearing 16.8.2010 where he said that the reporter didn't have authority to approve quarter a million for story this is in transc

Human Rights Watch calls Indonesia to stop stalling on investigating torture video episode

Human Rights Watch today urged the Indonesian government to use the newly available video testimony of a torture victim to mount a thorough, impartial, and transparent investigation into the episode. The torture of Tunaliwor Kiwo, a Papuan farmer, and his neighbor, was recorded with a mobile phone on May 30, 2010, and the video came to light in October. Kiwo recounted the details of his torture in videotaped testimony only made public in recent days.

Berlin breaks German law to dump nuclear waste in Russia

By Diet Simon / MONITOR

The German government is ridding itself of highly dangerous nuclear waste by dumping it on rural people in Russia who can’t defend themselves. They’ve already suffered terribly in Mayak, said to be the most radioactively contaminated place on the globe. See Sign a petition at

Gurindji spokesman: “Stop the NT Intervention - constitutional recognition is a token that will change nothing on the ground”

A spokesperson for the Gurindji people in the Northern Territory has
today condemned the hypocrisy of Minister Jenny Macklin’s support for
constitutional recognition of Indigenous people while she continues to
enforce the NT Intervention.

John Leemans led a stop work rally of more than 200 workers and
supporters from the remote communities of Kalkaringi and Daguragu on
October 20 to highlight the deteriorating working and living
conditions for Aboriginal people under the NT Intervention. A short
video documenting the strike has been launched on ‘Youtube’.

INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY with the 14 anarchists kidnapped by the Chilean 'democracy'.

Last August, 14 anarchists were arrested accused of "terrorism" by the Chilean state, around the mediatic "Bombs case", 10 are still in the Maximun Security Prisons, under Pinochet's anti-terrorist law.

Australian government avoiding responsibility to care for abused children

Sign over the responsibility for foster children to the pedophiles in the churches that preyed on these children in the past. Great idea.

This approach has been tried in America and created a system where a young child who is taken into fos...ter care is worth more than an older child. The infants and unborn chiildren of lower income families are targeted as they are unable to afford effective legal representation.
