William Moss is looking for publisher for book on, was it corruption by judicial systems NSW state and federal courts

Want publisher for 4-6 books to do with the getting the $250,000.oo owed to me by News Ltd in 2005, no one has heard of the court cases been going on between William Moss akas William Miller since 2007, as to the cover up by News Ltd and blanket ban by all TV, Radio and paper media outlets, is it corruption by Judge Delaney was the first hearing judge that ignored was it perjury and was this done because of bias, did he have the same view as resent Judge Adams in hearing 16.8.2010 where he said that the reporter didn't have authority to approve quarter a million for story this is in transcipt not judgment, so what this is a perjury case of reporter Luke Mcilveen in the NSW Supreme Court, judgment can be found in recent decisions in 2010 on Supreme Court Moss V Mcilveen, you'll have to wait for the book to see transcripts and read for yourself the twists done to the evidence put forward in court by William Moss by Judge and defence barrister for News Ltds employee and how the NSW DPP choice not to prosecute Mr Mcilveen even if the NSW Supreme Court found he had committed perjury, plus no one told William Moss he had to subpeona defence witness to give evidence, so it was up to the defence barrister and Judge Adams to make up the defence, also in 2005 to ID him self to Mcilveen Miller then told Mcilveen of his Moss name and to check the Telegraph add section for his address and the silly as the judge and barrister call him Mcilveen wrote down a car rego he had advertised with Victorian number plate WWm-007, when asked by Miller in court Mcilveen said Miller what the telegraph to buy that plate for him, read what Judge Adams and barrister came up with in judment, if there is any one that can help William Moss with publisheing his books,
call him on 0403 414 179.