
Searching for real estate in the night sky

I bump into people on the street. I avoid getting run over by impatient drivers. I watch people pile into buses and trains. I wait in queues. There's no peace even at the library. And the noise! I listen to cars and trucks and all manner of noise all day and all night long and it's obvious to me that there are too many people on this planet!

Melbourne pro-Palestine BDS action - Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid

A Pro-Palestine Anti-Israeli Apartheid Boycott Divestment and Sanctions Action in Melbourne Central was carried out by the C.A.I.A. (Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid). It targeted Jericho Cosmetics in Melbourne Central, an Israeli cosmetics company, on December 3rd

Be sure to check out the websites Global BDS Movement for more info (

To see footage of this action vist On Youtube


Reporters Without Borders condemns hounding of Wikileaks

Reporters Without Borders condemns the blocking, cyber-attacks and political pressure being directed at, the website dedicated to the US diplomatic cables. The organization is also concerned by some of the extreme comments made by American authorities concerning WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange.


Mass arrests disrupt coal supply at Bayswater, Keneally given ultimatum on coal

130 people pushed over a fence and entered onto land adjacent to the Bayswater coal-fired power station on Sunday 5th December. 12 people attached themselves with a device to the train tracks and approximately 60 of the 130 remained in the vicinity of the tracks. The remaining protestors tried negotiating with Police and stating that they were willing to voluntarily remove themselves from the train tracks on the condition that The NSW Premier Kristina Keneally withdraw the 'Bayswater B' proposal, commit to no new coal in NSW and begin a transition to renewable energy immediately.


US inequality and New Zealand, a human rights perspective

New Zealand has been given another chance to free itself from discriminatory collectivism while the US seems to be still battling with it. NZ was saved by the emerging truth of human rights omissions and one of life's miracles, the major Christchurch earthquake (no one killed). The past 20 years in NZ was based on the simple idea that 'the collective is everything and the individual is nothing' driven by the bureaucracy, the status seekers, and supported by governments not, as often believed, by the corporations, the wealth seekers, who however have benefited considerably.

US inequality and New Zealand, a human rights perspective

New Zealand has been given another chance to free itself from discriminatory collectivism while the US seems to be still battling with it. NZ was saved by the emerging truth of human rights omissions and one of life's miracles, the major Christchurch earthquake (no one killed). The past 20 years in NZ was based on the simple idea that 'the collective is everything and the individual is nothing' driven by the bureaucracy, the status seekers, and supported by governments not, as often believed, by the corporations, the wealth seekers, who however have benefited considerably.

New intl. anarchist website:

This site is about anarchism, for and by anarchists worldwide. Hopefully it will be a resource and a community place where people can get together and organize, or just make friends with like minded people.

Some of the goals of this site is :

* To promote Freedom, Solidarity, Direct Democracy, social revolution, Equality, free speech, atheism, ecology and science/progress.

* To counter the propaganda of both the "left" and "right" and all those threatened by anarchism.

* To spread news and events in order to organize and encourage people to participate.


Regarding article by Josh Gordon in the Sunday Age, 5th Dec, 2010, titled, "PM has betrayed me: Assange".

Is "whistle-blower" the new word for ""? Can't we just call him a "dobber"?. Or, how about "journalist"? And do we call Julia Gillard a PM or a shameful whimp? Our Australian leaders. Why are they all so pitifully weak? Do they think it's not bleedingly obvious to the rest of the world?

First Nations party 'could become kingmakers' in Central Australia

From ABC Alice Springs

A Charles Darwin University political analyst is forecasting a proposed Indigenous political party could attract 20 per cent of the votes in Central Australia. A Gurindji elder is hoping to launch the First Nations Political Party next year, and this week the Australian Electoral Commission has begun advertising the proposal. Professor Rolf Gerritsen says Central Australia could be the party's biggest support base in the country.



Regarding the article in the Sunday Age, Dec 5, 2010 - "PM has betrayed me: Assange"...
Is "whistle-blower" the new word for ""? Can't we just call him a "dobber"? Or, how about "journalist"? And do we call Julia Gillard a PM or a shameful whimp?

Larissa Behrendt: indigenous policy — three fixes in three minutes

Source posting at

by Larissa Behrendt, Professor of Law and director of research at the Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning at the University of Technology

Indigenous policy needs a complete rethink. As Kevin Rudd said during his historic speech apologising to the stolen generations, we have to stop making the same mistakes that we made in the past. Fine rhetoric — but indigenous communities now need that sentiment to guide policy makers.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander human rights issues in the Constitution

further to our investigations on the federal government proposal to add aboriginal and torres strait islander human rights issues, because that is what they are and mean, to the australian constitution the following pieces are offered.
firstly is the recognition of the concerns and the needs that are built-in to any such change by helen irving, professor of law at sydney university and specialising in constitutional law.

Call for papers for the 2011 National Indigenous Domestic Violence Conference


Calling for Papers for the 2011 National Indigenous Domestic Violence Conference to be held at Sea World Resort, Gold Coast , Australia on May 17-19, 2011

Indigenous presentation stole the show at GCA-DV’s Global DV Conference in Kuala Lumpur

3,600 anti-nuclear protesters in drizzly cold in German Baltic town, more actions imminent

By Diet Simon

On Sunday (12 Dec) in classic winter weather 700 people celebrated the cancellation of nuclear waste transportation to Russia from Ahaus by forming a human chain around the temporary dump there. A new demo was called for 30 January outside a nuclear research facility in Jülich, near Cologne, from where 152 containers of waste are shortly to go to Ahaus. Also on 12 December 850 people demonstrated in Freiburg, southwest Germany, for immediate cessation of nuclear power production. There was a Franco-German summit in the town at the time.


Mirror sites for Wikileaks as efforts to shut it down continue

Wikileaks is coming under further attack being targetted for massive denial of service cyber attacks, Amazon has refused to host the site, its DNS server has removed the site and Paypal has blackbanned them. However the site continues under the slogan ""WikiLeaks strikes back. Cut us down and the stronger we become"

To see which sites are mirroring wikleaks visit Wikileaks Mirrors

A recent list of mirrored sites can also be found at Twitter


Cancun: Tiquipaya summit recommendations essential to humanity

As the United Nations Climate Conference take place, thousands of environmental activists and campaigners head to Cancun, Mexico, some to take part in open protests others to participate in the alternative grassroots Global Forum for Life and Environmental and Social Justice.

Is the Qld government corrupt?

Is the Qld Government Corrupt ? in my opinion the corruption starts at the bottom of the ladder and goes all the way to the top, but if you want to find out for yourself then click on this link: with actual Government Documents,and then you can make your own opinion about Queensland Corruption ?


Rancher defies court order – Brazilian Indians still hostage

Picture: Nearly all Guarani, such as this woman's community, have seen their land taken for ranching or sugar cane production.© F. Watson/Survival

A beleaguered Indian community in Brazil which has been cut off from the outside world by the rancher who has taken over their lands is still imprisoned, despite winning a recent court ruling.