
Two more milestones for Animal Rights Zone (ARZone)

Animal Rights Zone (ARZone), the international abolitionist animal rights social network, celebrates its first anniversary on 21st December 2010 - and has also just topped 1500 active members who take part in weekly global “chats,” write forum and blog entries, and post videos in order to highlight and discuss the pressing issues of the day in the animal advocacy movement.

How THEY plan to break Bradley Manning to get Julian Assange! How WE plan to stop THEM doing that!


1) 18 December 2010: A Typical Day for PFC Bradley Manning
2) State of Play (according to the English "Independent" newspaper
Sat. Dec. 18th) - "Assange begins mansion arrest but his 'source' feels
the heat".
3) "He's in There for Us, We're on the Loose for Him!"
- Solidarity,the only Way to Counter the Techniques fine-tuned at Guantanamo
& Abu Ghraib Unleashed on Manning!
4) What we can Do To Support the Nonviolent Resistance of Bradley Manning
5) Three Men Who May Spend the Rest of their Lives in Prison Because
of this War!

Choices and Options

Few of the people in my country, America, dispute the fact we live in a nation which savors freedoms and liberties. Often taken for granted, we have so many choices. We can converse with who we choose and when. We communicate online with whomever we wish barring few exceptions. We can send mail to almost anyone. We can hear from any and all political parties during presidential elections - that is given they're Democrat or Republican.

What can we do to support the non-violent resistance of Bradley Manning?

Tell others who Bradley is, why he is being detained and tortured. He is being detained and tortured because of this clip. Cut and paste it with the Bradley Manning support website and his prison address....
- Scrawl "Free Bradley Manning on a wall.

- Hold a vigil, pray for him out loud at your church, speak about him out loud on street corners or on campus, hold a meeting. show the leaked clip (above), spread the word via your networks, make links
with other whistleblowers


Activists opposing coal seam gas appear in Brisbane court

Two activists who unfurled a banner off the roof of the Quennsland Parliament House opposing coal seam gas are to appear in Brisbane Magistrate's Court today (December 20). Dr Bradley Smith (27) and Dhruva Horsfall (21), from Friends of the Earth were able to access the roof and unfurl a banner from the Parliament House facade that said "Don't undermine our farms" to the cheers of Farmers and conservations protesting against new coal mines and Coal Seam Gas expansion.


Solidarity from Sydney to the uprisings in Europe

Solidarity with the ongoing student revolts in London, Rome and the workers and fighters of Athens. One banner of solidarity we issue now but toward a stronger voice and insurrectionary situation we aim. politicians and capitalist scum we are every where. Solidarity is our weapon


Marrickville Council first to support the boycott Israel campaign


Marrickville has become the first local council in Australia to join the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel.

This week the Council voted 10 to 2 for the motion to support the BDS -- an international campaign designed to stop trade and investment in companies, sporting teams and other institutions with ties to Israel.

It aims to coerce Israel to restore human rights and return occupied land to Palestinians.


Update: Visy workers win dispute

Update December 17th 2010 - all charges have now been dropped against the strikers and the dispute has been settled with the agreement of the union. Visy has agreed to not freeze the conditions of casual employees - the major sticking point in negotiations.

This is a great result for a group of workers who stared down government and police harassment. Congratulations to all those in the community and other unions who stood by these workers.

Visy workers secure casual pay rates and vote to return to work - Dec 17, 2010


Support the Climate Camp arrestees!

On Sunday 5th December, hundreds of people gathered near Australia’s equal single largest source of greenhouse gas emissions - Bayswater Power Station in the Hunter Valley - to challenge the NSW Government’s proposal to build another coal-fired power station that will rival the size of Bayswater.


A message from Anonymous

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

Greetings. We are Anonymous. A lot has been said over the last few days, however, not all of it was fair or accurate. We would like to set the record straight.

Anonymous is not unanimous. We use the Internet as a tool to congregate, communicate, and articulate; but we speak and act with many different voices, and in many different places. As the net has evolved, so have we and our methods.

Update: Defending Melbourne's Aboriginal school

Below is an update from the Melbourne Anti-Intervention Collective from the 16th December
We have been supporting the campaign to defend Ballerrt Mooroop College because we think a great injustice is occurring. The imposition of this non-Indigenous school on Aboriginal land is an attack on the idea of educating in a cultural way. Simply put, it is an extension of cultural genocide against Aboriginal people.


"Julian Assange released from custody, Bradley Manning buried alive" - some reflections on the day by Ciaron O'Reilly

At about 6pm Thursday December 16th., Julian Assange emerged from Britain's HIgh Court on the Strand, London. He had finally been released on bail after nine days in solitary confinement at Wandsworth Prison. Harsher bail conditions were added by the High Court than were imposed days earlier at the Westminister Magistrates Court.

Assange stated,

"There is an ongoing attempt by the US to extradite me to the US and that extradition is much more likely to occur if I am already in Sweden."

The Shortwave Report 12/17/10, listen globally!

Dear Radio Friend, 
            The latest Shortwave Report (December 17) is up at the website  in both broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) (28:59)
   (NEW! If you have access to there is a higher quality version posted up there {26.7MB}

     This week's show features stories from China Radio International, Radio Netherlands, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.

Authorities breach basic rights to enforce German nuclear transport

People have protested in more than 100 German cities against yet another rail consignment of nuclear waste as police and other authorities broke all kinds of constitutional rights to ram it through in wintry chaos to the Baltic seaside resort of Lubmin.
Four caskets (CASTORS) of waste, created in Germany but taken to France for processing, was railed through the two countries from Cadarache to Lubmin on the Baltic coast, right in the middle of a popular seaside tourist region.

International 24hrs of action for Tasmania’s ancient forests

December 14th/15th 2010, saw the biggest show of support for Tasmania’s ancient forests in history. In just over 24 hours, there were banner actions and film screenings in Tanzania, Reunion Island, Japan, Vanuatu, Thailand, India, France, Norway, Belgium, Denmark, England, Wales, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Austria, Ireland, Scotland, Ecuador and the United States of America.

Former ATSIC commissioner Rick Griffiths died

The nation's Indigenous community is mourning the sudden death of former Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander commissioner Rick Griffiths.

The former eastern zone ATSIC commissioner died on 13 December.

He was heavily involved in land rights for three decades and spent recent years as the chief executive of a local Aboriginal land council in the Hunter Valley.

Bev Manton, chairwoman of the NSW Aboriginal Land Council, says Mr Griffiths will be missed by many.

"It's a great loss for the Aboriginal movement in Australia," she said.

More debate on Aborigines in the constitution

by ray jackson

herewith some further contributions re the constitution and whatever proposed changes may arise from that.

our esteemed s.a. elder from the kaurna nation, ms. lynette crocker, has based her suggested changes on the 1982 inclusion of the first nations peoples into the new canadian constitution and charter of rights.

lynette believes that her suggestion, if adopted, will place our people firmly on the right path to a negotiated treaty(ies).

what is required is an inclusion to clause 9 of chapter ix a charter of aboriginal rights.

Survival International calls on Obama to support the UN Declaration on indigenous rights

The UN Declaration sets standards by which
governments' treatment of indigenous people
can be judged. ©Survival

To mark today's opening of the White House Tribal Nations Conference, Survival International has called on President Obama to support the UN Declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples. The United States is the only country in the world that still opposes the Declaration.