
20th. anniversary "New Year's Message of Solidarity & Love" from the ANZUS Plowshares - 20 years on from our B52 disarmament......

1) ANZUS PLOWSHARES introduction, action/description
2) ANZUS PLOWSHARES/B52 Disarmament, Statement of Faith
3) Sue & Bill Frankel- Streit Reflections New Year’s Day 2011
4) Ciaron O’Reilly and Moana Cole Reflections New Year’s Day 2011
5) ANZUS Plowshare community member’s links
6) Youtube (15 mins) honouring the Plowshares communities of the last 30 years

Sea Shepherd locates whaling fleet before the slaughter

For the first time in seven years of campaigning in the southern ocean Sea Shepherd have been able to locate 2 harpoon vessels in the whaling fleet before whaling was able to begin.

The Sea Shepherd vessels Bob Barker located on New Year's Eve 2010 an unidentified harpoon vessel on the edge of the Antarctic ice at 148 degrees west. Shortly after the Sea Shepherd flagship, the Steve Irwin, found the Japanese harpoon vessel Yushin Maru #2 sitting in the ice some 60 miles to the north.

Update: Indybay IMC: Whaling stymied by Sea Shepherd: First clashes among the Antarctic ice | Video: Dancing with Death Machines at the Bottom of the World
Wikileaks: Garrett stood his ground on whaling compromise; Sea Shepherd tax status targeted


Iranian TV interview (4 mins 30 secs) Ciaron O'Reilly on the war, NV resistance, Julian Assange & Bradley Manning

IRANIAN TV interview (4 mins 30 secs) Ciaron O'Reilly on the War, NV Resistance, threatened extradition of Julian Assange, present imprisonment of Bradley Manning

*Interview with Ciaron O'Reilly commences at 9 min 45 secs into this Press TV program and concludes at 14 mins 15 secs

The Shortwave Report 12/31/10 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (December 31) is up at the website in both broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) (28:59)
(NEW! If you have access to there is a higher quality version posted up there {26.7MB}

This week's show features stories from China Radio International, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.

Let the people elect judges

Retired Brisbane Supreme Court Judge Geoff Davies QC is correct; (Courier Mail September 1, 2006) government stacking the courts with political favourites is the main evil in the administration of justice in Australia. But I disagree with his proposal to create a seven-man panel including the Queensland Law Society, church leaders and newspaper editors to oversee the appointment of judges.

Australian anti-war activist compromises perimiter security at British military HQ in London

Dec 29 - London CW's in Solidarity with Bradley Manning at Northwood HQ
( **8 of the 30 anti-war activists involved in this action in London are Australians living in, or visiting, London!)


LONDON-Catholic Worker Anti-War Resistance at Northwood HQ on the "Feast of Holy Innocents" (D29)


Global warming a potent brew for coffee and tea drinkers

Okay, climate change is now getting serious with global warming set to impact on the enjoyment of a nice strong cup of Assam tea or a good brew of Columbian coffee. Already the subtle flavors of Assam tea are starting to change. For the tea and coffee connoisseurs in the developed world we might find the price increasing on that skinny latte or cup of tea.

While we might bemoan subtle favor changes or price rises from the comfort of our street cafes and comfortable dwellings, the real hardship will be felt by the thousands of small growers in the developing world. Those who are dependent on tea or coffee as a major cash crop and boost to their local economies face the problems of increasing temperatures and changing rainfall patterns.

Coffee and Conservation | Oxfam Fairtrade coffee campaign | FairTrade Tea | Youtube videos: Two degrees up - Part One: Columbia | Sri Lanka Tea and Drought


Dioxin risk from Sunshine Coast garbage collection opt-out

Plastic bags and other plastics, paper varieties and a whole range of other household waste turns into dioxin, the second-most toxic chemical after radioactive waste, when burnt.
That’s the risk posed in the Sunshine Coast rural hinterland by a council move to allow hard-to-access remote properties to opt out of wheelie bin rubbish collection.
A former Noosa shire councillor, Steve Walton, believes people on outlying properties will incinerate waste, producing dioxin which will be breathed in and will get into rainwater as it’s harvested into tanks.

Heavy metals released into flood waters

Queensland Friends of the Earth Press Release 29th December 2010: Queensland's environmental regulator the Department of Resource Management (DERM) is powerless to stop flood waters creating massive pollution from mine sites across the state. Mines will be releasing huge amounts of heavy metals into the flood waters and much of this will pile up behind weirs in catchments like the Fitzroy and be a pollution problem for many years. Pollutants include dangerous levels of copper, uranium, zinc, aluminium, lead, arsenic, cobalt and nickel.

Related: Wiradjuri elder warns of risk of groundwater poisoning from gold mine at Lake Cowal


Don’t let them shut Glebe Post Office

The historic Glebe Post Office is going to be shut down for good in just a few weeks....unless the community says NO.

Australia Post has announced 27 post office closures around the country claiming many are no longer “profitable”.

Thousands of pensioners and people with disabilities will be affected by the decision to close Glebe Post Office.

Since when does a government owned community service organisation need to be "profitable"?

In any case shouldn't there be cross subsidization - the profitable post offices pay for the smaller ones?


Scientist warns against global warming complacency due to cold spells, floods

An Australian scientist has warned against misinterpreting the cold spells in Europe and North America and the heavy rains and flooding in Australia as climate change not occurring. Barrie Hunt, an Honorary Research Fellow with the CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, said that seasonal cold spells will still be expected under enhanced greenhouse conditions and that the long term trend is that the global climate is warming.

First Mumbulla koala protest charges decided in Bega Local Court.

Bega Valley Shire Councillor Keith Hughes has become the first person to successfully defend a charge for his role in the Mumbulla koala forest blockades earlier this year. (See Traditional owners, conservationists protest far south coast logging)

Cr Hughes was found “not guilty” in Bega Local Court last week (21st December 2010) on 2 out of 3 police charges alleging that he blocked log trucks on Mumbulla Creek Road. He was found guilty of a third charge.


Announcing 40 scholarships in Authentic Journalism in Mexico, May 2011

Narco News announces 40 scholarships for the 2011 session of the School of Authentic Journalism in Mexico.

By Al Giordano

We’re on a roll, kind readers. Narco News’ School of Authentic Journalism is coming back, again. The next session will be held May 11 to 21, 2011, in Mexico City and surrounding mountains.

New radio show with Aboriginal content looking for feedback and involvement

We’ve started a weekly two-hour show with Aboriginal content on Noosa Community Radio. There have been two editions, 14 and 21 December. We’d like some feedback. And we’d like lots of Indigenous participation, especially from The Sunshine Coast.
Here are the shows:
21 December:

Wharfies strike over conditions at Patrick Stevedores

Maritime Union of Australia members in Patrick Stevedoring facilities at Fremantle, Albany, Melbourne's Webb Dock, and Geelong have voted overwhelmingly to take protected action after a secret ballot conducted by the Australian Electoral Commission.

Wharfies in Fremantle took industrial action on the 27th December, with workers in Albany to follow on December 30. Webb Dock and Geelong have not yet provided notice when they are taking action.


How defending abortion rights becomes a free speech battle

The abortion wars have not abated. In Victoria, they have recently escalated into a full-on free speech fight as Melbourne City Council targets Radical Women for harassment, including large fines, as they attempt to defend an abortion clinic from far right anti-abortion activists. This has become an important test case not only in the campaign for abortion rights but for the right to protest in Melbourne.

Related: The Age | Radical Women Website


Farm loses organic certification due to contamination by Monsanto GM canola

In Western Australia organic farmer Stephen Marsh has had his organic accreditation suspended after independent testing showed his oats and cereal crops had been contaminated by genetically modified (GM) seeds from a neighbouring property in Western Australia's Great Southern region. Tests by the WA Department of Agriculture have confirmed the contamination.

Related: GM canola growing in Melbourne suburb (Nov 2009) | Gene Ethics Network | Countercurrents: Wikileaks Memos Reveal U.S. Gov't Pushing Gene-Altered Crops Worldwide


"Living in Mount Druitt isn't as bad as it's made out to be"

Jura is pleased to be screening a new Australian film that documents the voices of Mount Druitt youth. Come with film-maker Saad as he explores the lives of youth across this misconceived suburb in the City of Blacktown, in Western Sydney,that has a notorious reputation for crime and drugs.

This documentary is not explicitly political or left, but it gives a fascinating perspective on the realities of growing up working class in Sydney today. The film will be followed by critical discussion.

"Living in Mount Druitt isn't as bad as it's made out to be."