
New films on plight of Brazil's Guarani mark UN Human Rights Day

Survival International has released two short films highlighting the plight of the Guarani Indians in Brazil, to mark UN Human Rights Day (December 10th).

The film ‘One must have courage’ reveals the Guarani’s determination that their lands, which have been stolen from them to make way for ranches, soya and sugarcane plantations, must be returned to them.

In the film ‘The Gunmen’, Guarani express their anger and apprehension as the ranchers who have taken over their lands employ gunmen to shoot at them.

Video and photos from Sydney Wikileaks rally

Over 1000 people rallied to support Wikileaks in Sydney on Friday 10th December. Members of the crowd held signs declaring "Julian not Julia", "Supporting Assange not Terrorism" and "In Wikileaks we trust". There were chants of "We are all Julian Assange" as well as condemnation for the Australian government's bid to dismiss and silence Wikileaks with cries of "Shame, shame!"


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Hundreds take to streets for second Wikileaks protest in 24hrs in Brisbane

Queenslander Julian Assange, in custody in the U.K., can take comfort from the many hundreds of people coming to his defence around the world, but especially in Brisbane, the capital of his home state. Today about 400 people from all walks of life took to the streets of Brisbane, stopping traffic in the CBD.

Protestors rallied outside the Department of Foreign Affairs in stifling heat, before marching through the city centre.


Riot Police Seize the University of Puerto Rico

After midnight on Thursday, December 9, 2010 the Puerto Rican police force, including SWAT forces broke into the Rio Piedras campus of the University of Puerto Rico (UPR), as well as other campuses. In multiple police cars, jeeps, and passenger vans, various branches of the police force, including the SWAT team in full riot gear entered the campus, after being prohibited from doing so for over 31 years.

The Shortwave Report 12/10/10 Listen globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (December 10) is up at the website in both broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) (28:59)
(NEW! If you have access to there is a higher quality version posted up there {26.7MB}

This week's show features stories from China Radio International, Radio Netherlands, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.

Friends of the Earth respond to military greenwashing of US-Aust joint war games

Friends of the Earth Brisbane have released our response on the AECOM Public Environment Report for Excercise Talisman Sabre 2011, the U.S.-Australian joint war games. TS11 is the biggest military operation outside of war and takes place in several places in Australia, including the Shoalwater Bay area in QLD, the Great Barrier Reef and the Coral Sea. The PER has no legal standing and is not an EIS. It is an elaborate greenwashing excercise for a toxic, dangerous and murderous industry: militarism.


Leaked embassy cables lend credence to prior allegations of State Department spying

Documents Released by WikiLeaks Could Serve as Evidence In Ongoing Congressional Investigation Focused on State Department, CIA

Documents made public recently by the nonprofit media organization WikiLeaks seem to show that U.S. State Department diplomatic employees are being asked to essentially serve as spies charged with gathering specific intelligence on foreign leaders.


Swedish king a liability ?

I wonder how the King of Sweden fares these days.
The news about him was released in the same week, as the Swedish accusations against Julian Assange :

The King of Sweden, besides other European and global functions, is the guy who hands over the nobel prize for economics and finance...but only to the utmost vetted contenders, who are NOT rattling the cage about the DEBT FINANCE system. It is separate from the other nobel prizes.

'Knowledge is power': NSWALC Scholarships open for 2011

December 8, 2010

The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) is proud to announce applications are now open for the 2011 NSWALC Education Endowment Fund.

NSWALC Chairwoman Bev Manton has encouraged all eligible Aboriginal applicants to apply for funding grants to assist in their education.

She said the grants are available for a broad range of educational and vocational opportunities from primary school assistance right through to tertiary level.

Solidarity with Julian Assange outside Westminster Court in London

Peace and Catholic Worker activist Ciaron O'Reilly, managed to hold a solidarity speakout outside Westminster Court in London while Julian Assange was denied bail! In this account he details a relatively impromtu act of solidarity for a fellow activist from Queensland. Watch Youtube video or download video at end of story (This is an abridged account from Ciaron's email and article on UK Indymedia - Takver)

Hackers take down Mastercard site after Wikileaks donations are banned

Hackers have launched a DDOS attack on the website, following its announcement that card holders may no longer use their cards to donate to the besieged likiweaks.

The action follows an attack yesterday on the Swiss bank Switzerland Post Finance which announced that it had frozen the funds in Wikileaks spokesperson Julian Assange's Defence account.


Wikileaks, West Papua and commemorating the 1854 Eureka rebellion at Ballarat

The persecution of Julian Assange and wikileaks for publishing diplomatic cables, and information on the Afghanistan and Iraq wars is just the latest in government suppression of freedom of speech and human rights and liberties, which past generations have fought for including the men and women of the Eureka rebellion in Ballarat in 1854. I have just returned from Ballarat where I was part of the commemoration of the Eureka Rebellion in 1854 - the 156th anniversary. The struggle for democratic rights and liberties and against corrupt government continues in 2010.

Calling All Activists - Join Us on the Ground in Palestine!

Join the Palestine Solidarity Project in Beit Ommar, Palestine, and become part of the growing international movement to support Palestinian non-violent resistance. We are in need of volunteers to join us this winter and spring as we struggle to end the Israeli occupation in all its forms and to promote justice and self-determination for the Palestinian people. We have a wide range of programs lined up for the next few months, and are in need of dedicated, enthusiastic volunteers to help make our goals a reality.