
Calling all activists - Join us on the ground in Palestine!

Join the Palestine Solidarity Project in Beit Ommar, Palestine, and become part of the growing international movement to support Palestinian non-violent resistance. We are in need of volunteers to join us this winter and spring as we struggle to end the Israeli occupation in all its forms and to promote justice and self-determination for the Palestinian people. We have a wide range of programs lined up for the next few months, and are in need of dedicated, enthusiastic volunteers to help make our goals a reality.

Double ‘green energy’ threat to Borneo tribes’ rainforest

December 8, 2010

Construction is already under way at the Murum
dam site. ©Survival

As environment ministers from around the world meet in Mexico for the UN climate change conference, tribes in the rainforests of Borneo are facing a double ‘green energy’ threat as hydroelectric dams destroy their rivers and their forests are cleared for palm oil plantations.

Assange prosecutor: “Lock the men up anyway”

The Swedish prosecutor out to get Julian Assange, described as “overzealous” in the prestigious German weekly, Die Zeit, once advocated that men accused of mistreating women be locked up even without a conviction to give the accusing women time and space to think.

There is heated debate in Sweden whether the hard line taken against Assange by the state attorney is right, the paper says.

“Not an international conspiracy of secret services, but an overzealous state attorney is regarded as the main reason for (Assange’s) arrest.

US-backed elite Indonesian forces target churchmen and civilians

December 6, 2010

A leading churchman in West Papua has called on President Obama to withdraw US cooperation with Indonesia’s elite ‘Kopassus’ forces, after finding himself on a military ‘enemies’ list. Kopassus soldiers murdered a previous ‘enemy’, Papuan leader Theys Eluay, in 2001.

Reverend Benny Giay, an outspoken defender of human rights in West Papua, has found himself on a list of ‘enemies’, which appears to have been leaked by Indonesia’s Kopassus forces. US assistance to Kopassus was renewed in July this year.

Alternative Nobel Prize bishop blasts Brazilian 'genocide in progress’


December 7, 2010

Bishop Erwin Kräutler (centre) marches against
the Belo Monte dam. ©Prelazia do Xingu

Catholic Bishop Erwin Kräutler has accepted the Right Livelihood Award, known as the ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’, for his work defending the rights of Brazilian tribes (

Australia and Melbourne Indymedia stand in solidarity with Wikileaks

The Australian and Melbourne Indymedia Collective stand in solidarity with Wikileaks and its spokesperson Julian Assange and condemn their unprecedented persecution. In making this statement we join other members of the IMC networks including IMC Brazil and IMC Sucre. Around the world and Australia people are joining the movement in support of Wikileaks. Australia wide protests have been called in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth and Hobart. A new website has been site up too promote these rallies at Globally resistance is taking the form of over 500 websites mirroring Wikileaks and Operation Payback taking down a bank that froze Julian Assange’s defence fund. The Indymedia Network is hosting one of these Mirrors. As Assange has now been taken into custody and Wikileaks sustained ever more attacks on its ability to function, it is not overstating it to say the freedom of whole internet is now at stake. Will we allow Wikileaks and Julian Assange to be destroyed for daring to tell the world the truth about wars and the criminal deeds of governments around the world?


Peace activist speaks on Wikileaks gift to democracy

Letters to the editor
The Cairns Post
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been arrested in London and will face Court on unbelievable charges after he exposed rank lying by the US and many other governments about security, diplomacy, and our unending wars.
Wikileaks has nailed the Emporer’s new clothes.  Now it has been proven out of our leaders own mouths that current wars are based on lies, and future wars are being planned.  Julian Assange has done us all a favour.  He needs and deserves our protection.

Hackers take down website of bank that froze Julian Assange Defence Fund

A group of Internet activists calling themselves Operation Payback have taken credit for shutting down the website of a bank that earlier Monday froze funds belonging to WikiLeaks.

Announcing its successful hack on a Twitter account, the group declared, "We will fire at anyone that tries to censor WikiLeaks."

Earlier in the day, Swiss bank PostFinance issued a statement announcing that it had frozen 31,000 euro ($41,000 US) in an account set up as a legal defense fund for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.


Write to oppose military greenwashing on TS11 joint US-Aust war games by Dec 10!

The Public Environment Report for TS11 is now calling for comments by December 10. This report is NOT an Enivronmental Impact Statement and has no legal standing. It is a greenwashing excercise by the military. It serves to distract the public from the fact that under Australia’s foremost environmental law, the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (1999), war games are exempt from usual assessment procedures.

We ask you to please write a short letter in opposition to the war games.

Important points include:

Indymedias call out to support Julian Assange and Wikileaks

Hi all, we - Indymedia Brazil - published a support statement to
Wikileaks and Julian Assange on our website, you can read the english
version here:

IMC Sucre have done the same

And other Indymedias are working on doing the same thing.

Would be great if more indymedias could do it and show support to
wikileaks. Julian Assange is on his way to meet UK police which has a
arrest warrant for him. There is a great possibility if he is arrest he

Greenpeace takes action against ANZ - Australia's dirtiest bank

Tuesday, 7 December - At 7.30am Greenpeace activists re-branded ANZ as Australia's dirtiest bank – right in front of its NSW HQ in Martin Place.

The activists scaled 12 metre flagpoles, hung our re-branded banner and shone a spotlight on the offending bank.

"ANZ claim to be sustainable, but in fact, it is the biggest financer of polluting power in Australia," said Greenpeace Campaigner John Hepburn. "We're helping ANZ begin a new era of honesty with its customers."


Australian Paper - the Scrooges who stole Christmas

You may have heard the story in the media about the paper company Australian Paper attempting to force it's staff at it's Maryvale Mill to work on Christmas Day. And surprise, surprise the "Fair Work" Australia Commissioner (thankyou Gillard and Rudd for keeping Work Choices going, just renaming it) is ready to fine staff if they don't comply.

( For a more detailed explanation -


Cut emissions or lose the Great Barrier Reef

A group of climate activists visited Fitzroy Island this weekend to highlight the need for urgent action on climate change to protect the Great Barrier Reef.

The group staged an underwater action on Sunday 5th to draw attention to the predicted climate change impacts on the Great Barrier Reef and the need to stabilise atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations at or below 350 parts per million.


Hemp Hour Podcast mp3

Drug War News Commentary with Bob and Crew

[ sorry for poor sound due to transmission fault ]

Julian Assange's Nimbin background, more on Wiki's Leaking, Kim Ill jokes and China, Ras-Putin dealing from the cold, Paki-nuke-istan, national political spectrum, Michael's Report from Ethan Nadleman's recent talk in Brisbane, new legal police powers to come, Bluey's rave, poor old Willy Nelson

ATTN-Writers and Creatives get published in Vibewire!!

Vibewire is calling for submissions from aspiring writers, journalists, photographers and artists.

We are giving writers and other creatives the chance to be published online and in print.
Our current December Theme is LOVE.

We are looking for submissions that somehow reflect that theme, from under 30's.
A 1000 word limit applies, and images should be submitted in 300 DPI format.
Deadline is December 31st.

Writers can get themselves published online by submitting their work to Vibewire's Portal website.


ATTN-Writers and Creatives get published in Vibewire!!

Vibewire is calling for submissions from aspiring writers, journalists, photographers and artists.

We are giving writers and other creatives the chance to be published online and in print.
Our current December Theme is LOVE.

We are looking for submissions that somehow reflect that theme, from under 30's.
A 1000 word limit applies, and images should be submitted in 300 DPI format.
Deadline is December 31st.

Writers can get themselves published online by submitting their work to Vibewire's Portal website.
