
YOUTUBE (4 mins 37 secs) "WAR IS OVER... if you want it!" - Merry Christmas from the London Catholic Worker

YOUTUBE (4 mins 37 secs)
"WAR IS OVER!... if you want it"
- Merry Christmas from the London Catholic Worker

30 years ago Dorothy Day died peacefully in New York City leaving a legacy of 180 radical Catholic Worker communities practising the acts of mercy to the poor and nonviolent resistance to the war making state.

10 days later in New York City John Lennon, a voice of a generation was slain and silenced.

High Court writ sought to challenge Australian governments acting as a corporation registered in the US

Media release: By Michael Anderson, leader of the Euahlayi nation, Goodooga, northwest NSW, 25 December 2010.
Members and associates of the New Way Sovereignty Summit are closer to bringing to an end the farcical notion that Australia is a free and independent sovereign international state. Independent legal researchers have submitted to the United Nations in 1999 a bundle of documents, titled The Concealed Colony, that clearly demonstrate that Australia’s standing in the international community is a lie, supported by a convention of denial on the part of the international community.


Wiradjuri elder warns of risk of groundwater poisoning from gold mine at Lake Cowal

Wiradjuri Traditional Owner Neville 'Chappy' Williams continues to warn of the dangers arising from the Barrick Gold mine at Lake Cowal. With water filling Lake Cowal for the first time in 10 years, the dangers of having an open pit gold mine in a lake bed in a flood plain are becoming evident.

Related: Internationally significant environment, not clapped-out cattle country


Philippines: Palm oil and mining threaten Palawan Island, a UNESCO Man & Biosphere Reserve

Indigenous peoples and rural communities are facing the destruction of their livelihoods as natural forest on Palawan island, Philippines is being destroyed for palm oil and mining while other traditional food zones and non timber forest products reserves are being replaced by oil palm plantations.

Palawan is part of the UNESCO Man and Biosphere Reserve programme, with 49 animal and 56 plant species listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as globally threatened.

No charges over handcuffed teen's death

By Ray Jackson, president of the Indigenouse Social Justice Association

another sad example of queensland justice, especially when qld. cops are involved.

surely the two police officers involved are culpable for the death of andrew bornen. if they did in fact need to handcuff and restrain him and laying him on the roadway then they are absolutely responsible for what happened to him.

it's called 'duty of care!'

Sea Shepherd scares toothfish poacher while searching for whaling fleet

The crew on board the Sea Shepherd ship Bob Barker have recovered illegal unmarked longlines and buoys in the southern ocean set to target an endangered species, the Patagonian toothfish, also known and marketed as Chilean sea bass. A vessel was seen in the distance, but when hailed by radio fled from the Bob Barker.

Orica fails in bid to export toxic waste from Sydney to Denmark

The Danish government has now blocked a bid by the Australian chemical company Orica to export highly carcinogenic and toxic waste stored at its Botany plant in Sydney for destruction in Nyborg, Denmark,

Orica is the world's biggest explosives maker and is on track to declare a tenth consecutive annual profit increase in fiscal year 2011. While based in Australia, about sixty per cent of its earnings are generated from outside Australia. Greenpeace and the National Toxics Network have repeatedly called for Orica to spend the money on the technology to destroy the waste locally.


The Shortwave Report 12/24/10 Listen globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (December 24) is up at the website in both broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) (28:59)
(NEW! If you have access to there is a higher quality version posted up there {26.7MB}

This week's show features stories from China Radio International, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.

Aborigines ecstatic at emergency listing of Brighton historic area

The news that the Brighton historic area beside the Jordan River has received listing as one of Australia's outstanding heritage places is a fantastic boost to the chances of saving the area from destruction, Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre legal director Michael Mansell said. "The listing places the significance of the Jordan River area alongside Kakadu National Park, Uluru and the Great Barrier Reef. This is just a wonderful Christmas present to the people of Tasmania from the Australian Government."


Forum showed how journalists can give us better climate coverage

By Diet Simon

Generally speaking, we’re not happy, are we, with the way the media deal with climate change.

We get the disasters, we get the deniers, we get the appealers, we get the scientific stuff way over our heads that we put down after three paragraphs or switch off after 30 seconds on air.

And yet the media are our main source of information on climate change. So how can they do it better?

That question was addressed by more than 1,500 delegates from 95 countries at a forum in Bonn, Germany, from 21 to 23 June this year.

Big ad, newspaper backing for WikiLeaks in Germany

A WikiLeaks appeal to protect media freedom has been published in the prestigious German daily newspaper, Süddeutsche Zeitung, as a large advertisement.

It was funded by the Campact online activism group.

The ad ( demands that Visa, Mastercard, Paypal and Amazon immediately resume business relations with WikiLeaks.

“Putting themselves above the law, the quasi-monopolists are trying to make the revelations platform run aground financially,” Campact writes in an email to its supporters.

Nukak’s desperate plea to return home

Many Nukak have been forced to flee their forest
homes, and now live in refugee camps outside the
forest. ©A. Blanch/ Survival

A leader of the Nukak tribe from the Colombian Amazon has made a desperate appeal for his people’s survival before the country’s top human rights committee.

’We want to return to our forest,’ said Joaquín Nuká, ‘from where the FARC guerrillas forced us out – why, we don’t know.’

Aborigines half of the youths in criminal detention

Sydney - Aborigines account for half of Australians held in detention under the youth criminal justice system, figures released Tuesday showed.

The Institute of Health and Welfare said indigenous Australians aged 10-17, who represent just 5 per cent of the age group, were 24 times more likely to be incarcerated than other youngsters.

Another report released by the Institute of Criminology said Aboriginal women were 12 times more likely to break the law and were also over-represented as victims of crime.

Disgusting anti-union and anti-worker preferences of Labor governments relative to Aborigines

By Ray Jackson, President of the Indigenous Justice Association

the call to action from the intervention rollback action group, alice springs and the following articles clearly show the disgusting anti-union and anti-worker preferences of labor governments in power when spinning their crocodile tears relative to aborigines in the nt (and elsewhere i suspect) whilst pushing their anti-human rights agenda known as the nter.

Government must revisit Bowraville murders report


December 20, 2010

The Chairwoman of the nation's largest Aboriginal organisation has called on the NSW Government to re-look at a police report which contains "fresh and compelling evidence" surrounding the disappearance and murder of three Aboriginal children from a country mission two decades ago.

In late 1990 and early 1991, Colleen Walker, aged 16, her four-year-old cousin Evelyn Greenup, and 16-year-old Clinton Speedy each disappeared from the Bowraville Mission over a period of six months. The children lived three doors from each other.

Borneo tribes under threat from massive palm oil expansion

Palm oil companies have started to establish
plantations on Penan land. © Survival

The hunter-gatherer Penan and other tribes are under threat from new plans to expand palm oil plantations massively in the Malaysian state of Sarawak.

The Sarawak government has announced plans to double the area used for palm oil by 2020, using indigenous land which it says is ‘mostly under-utilized and without titles’.

Sydney rally against coal seam gas mining

Carrying signs such as "Coal seam gas stinks", "Gas mining under Sydney Park - no fracking way!", and "Gutless government giving in to gas", over 400 local residents and supporters rallied on December 19 at Sydney Park to protest the NSW government's secretive approval for exploratory drilling for coal seam gas (CSG) mining in the inner-western suburb of St Peters.
Read rest of article atGreen Left Weekly
Footeage of Rally on Youtube
