
Another brother dead by police neglect

another brother dead by police neglect and lack of duty of care by w.a. cops.

how many more this year before something positive is done????

may he walk his lands in peace and our commiserations to his family, his community and his friends.

please distribute widely.


ray jackson
indigenous social justice association

ABC news Saturday

Man dies in Kalgoorlie police cell

A 51-year-old man has died in custody at the Kalgoorlie watch house.

The man, who cannot be named for cultural reasons, was arrested on Friday.

A dangerous sting for agriculture: climate change implicated in bee decline

The first in depth national study of wild bees in the US has established that several species have suffered a severe decline in population and range. Honey bees are important for commercial crop pollination of fruit, nut, vegetable and seed production in the United States, indeed globally.

Information overload, emotionally aroused brains and the practice of journalism.

Political scientist Markus Prior claims that “the share of politically uninformed people has risen since we entered the so-called information age”. Prior’s analysis is cited in What is Happening to News, a book authored by veteran newspaperman Jack Fuller, in which he tackles the current crisis in journalism. According to Fuller, journalism is important and is responsible for informing us about our world.

WikiLeaks: Secret whaling deal plotted by US and Japan

American diplomats proposed Japan reduce whaling in exchange for US help in cracking down on the anti-whaling activists Sea Shepherd, leaked cables reveal.

Japan and the US proposed to investigate and act against international anti-whaling activists from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society as part of a political deal to reduce whaling in Antarctic waters.

The Shortwave Report 01/07/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (January 7) is up at the website in both broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) (28:59)
(NEW! If you have access to there is a higher quality version posted up there {26.7MB}

This week's show features stories from China Radio International, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and Radio Deutsche-Welle.

Greek motorcycle cop runs over and kills 6-year-old girl

A policeman of the “DIAS” motorcycle police ran over a 6-year-old Roma girl in the area of Menidi in NE Athens.

According to eye-witnesses, the girl was run over as she was on the streets singing carols with other children. (In Greece, children sing carols on the eve of the Epiphany day, Jan 6).

The eye-witnesses also claim the policeman dragged the girl along for 150 metres and did not stop to offer any help.

Dioxin scare closes 4,709 German farms

German regional governments have closed 4,709 chicken, turkey and pig farms as a precaution after a scare over dioxin contamination of animal feed.

Most of the farms involved are in Lower Saxony, northwest Germany, and most of them raise pigs.

Until they've been checked and found clear of contamination, they will not be allowed to make any deliveries.

It was in Lower Saxony that 2,500 out of the 3,000 tonnes of contaminated fatty acids at the center of the alert were delivered in November and December, where they were used as animal fodder.

2010 was the year of the anti-nuclear movement in Germany

By contratom (translated by Diet Simon)

2010 was the year of the anti-nuclear movement in Germany. Not since the catastrophic Chernobyl meltdown 25 years ago were there as many people on German streets protesting against nuclear power production as in 2010. More than 360,000 objected to the government’s extending the operating lives of atomic power stations. But they went ahead regardless against the will of a majority of the population. Clapped out reactors will be allowed to run for years more, while the nuclear waste mountain grows constantly with no solution in sight.

The Queensland big wet, big flood and climate change

Have you noticed that no-one in the media is discussing Climate Change and the devastating Queensland floods? Floods that are directly affecting over 200,000 people, closing down three quarters of the coal mining industry in the state, plus major highways, rail links and public airports. Estimates of the damage are now running into the billions of dollars with at least 10 people killed so far.

Related: FoE: Heavy metals released into flood waters
Brisbane flood warnings, Great Barrier Reef lasting impact


[ De ] Neu Jahr's Gruesse von Nimbin mp3

German language - mit Wolfgang

11:25 min 128 kbps stereo 10.5 MB

please note:

The hemp hour podcast will NOT be continued. Listeners can tune in on Nim Fm's stream Friday 12 noon - 2pm [ Sydney time ] available at:


Aboriginal party expected to be registered this month

An Aboriginal political party ascribed a good chance of becoming kingmaker in the Northern Territory is set to be registered by the middle of the month.

The First Nations Political Party (FNPP) is being launched by Maurie Japarta Ryan, grandson of stockman Vincent Lingiari, who led the 1966-75 walk-off from Wave Hill station, then owned by British Lord Vestey.
FNNP flag.jpg

Michael Moore and John Pilger masterpieces

If your view of America as the evil empire needs refreshing, see Michael Moore's "Capitalism: A love story" and John Pilger's "The war on democracy".

Moore looks at the selling out of the millions of people devastated by the loss of homes and jobs to the interests of fat cat capitalists. Wall Street Journal: "A movie that manages brilliantly to capitalise on the populist anger that has been sweeping the nation."

Harvard scholarship for Indigenous Australians

The Roberta Sykes Scholarship Foundation and the Harvard Club of Australia
are offering a scholarship to provide talented Indigenous Australians with
the opportunity to undertake up to two years of postgraduate study at Harvard

The scholarships are directed at Indigenous Australians who have the potential
to become leaders in their field of study and in their communities. The inaugural
scholarship will be offered for study at Harvard commencing in September 2011.

The value of the scholarship will be at least $60,000 per annum to be paid over

Wikileaks: Garrett stood his ground on whaling compromise, Sea Shepherd tax status targeted

Cables released by wikileaks on January 1st, 2011 reveal Japan was pressuring the US Government to remove Sea Shepherd's tax exemption status as a sweetener to negotiating a compromise deal in the International Whaling Commission that would have reduced whale quotas but legitimated commercial whaling. The US Government and Japan were deeply involved in a compromise deal on whaling which would legitimate a commercial catch quota for Japan. Australia remained steadfast against any moves to legitimate whaling in the Southern Ocean whale sanctuary or Australian Antarctic Territory.

Related: Sea Shepherd on the wikileaks revelations

Alpine grazing action alert - Friends of the Earth

Cattle were removed from the Alpine National Park in 2005 by the government of Steve Bracks. This was an important step forward for good land management in our state. Since then, some of the long term damage caused by decades of grazing have started to heal. However, the Victorian Coalition announced in the build up to the November election that it would return cattle grazing to Victoria's alpine national parks as a tool to reduce fire risk.

Related: Alpine National Park... or cow paddock? | Victorian National Parks Association: opinion piece | Report: Science, credibility and alpine grazing | Cattle grazing in the Alps FAQ


VCAT knocks back $70 million Eastern Golf Course relocation.

Melbourne Friends of the Earth Press Release: Dec 21 2010
After a 10 day hearing in which 13 experts gave evidence, the Victorian Civil and Adminstrative Tribunal (VCAT) has overturned Council's decision to grant a planning permit to allow a controversial golf course relocation to be built in close proximity to Melbourne's water supply. The Eastern Golf Club has been planning to move from their current location at Doncaster to a new location at Yering for the past few years.


Happy New Kaputt Year mp3

collage, commentaries, and music

"earth cries" by karnage and darkness - Blak Traks 2010, North South East West by the, F**k this f**k that and Naturological by Futurehistrix, "You lied- the tangled web" by Yes Prime Minister

27:55 min 128 kbps stereo 25.6 MB