Another brother dead by police neglect

another brother dead by police neglect and lack of duty of care by w.a. cops.

how many more this year before something positive is done????

may he walk his lands in peace and our commiserations to his family, his community and his friends.

please distribute widely.


ray jackson
indigenous social justice association

ABC news Saturday

Man dies in Kalgoorlie police cell

A 51-year-old man has died in custody at the Kalgoorlie watch house.

The man, who cannot be named for cultural reasons, was arrested on Friday.

When police officers checked on him early this (Saturday) morning he was unwell - the Saint John Ambulance was called but the man was dead when they arrived.

The Internal Affairs Unit of WA Police is now investigating the incident and a report will be prepared for the coroner.


I am really sorry to hear the news. I don't know when these types of incidents will be erased from the Australian history?

shaolee mahboob

not only from australian history, shaolee, but as it is a world-wide phenomenon, from world history.

ray jackson
indigenous social justice association