[ De ] Neu Jahr's Gruesse von Nimbin mp3


German language - mit Wolfgang

11:25 min 128 kbps stereo 10.5 MB

please note:

The hemp hour podcast will NOT be continued. Listeners can tune in on Nim Fm's stream Friday 12 noon - 2pm [ Sydney time ] available at:




The pathic projection is the perceived last hope of the conservative mind when it finds itself surrounded by sanity. E.g. when the evidence that the plants are the strongest boost to human creativity on the planet is so overwhelming that you cannot find a rational way around it, however ridiculous it might seem to the rest of us you can still try intimidation by turning the tables rhetorically, and that's precisely what that psychologist did. It should be mentioned in this context that substituting conservative vanities with pathic projections cannot heal anything but only feed personality cults. In short, that's what's wrong with most of the Presidential therapists out there, and they should be held accountable for it before they serve more of a certain proverbial drink to their premium customers. It might also explain why our mainstream media are describing your opposition leader as the "crazy monk."