
Fight to save sacred mountain continues

In the Worimi Nation in a town called Bulahdelah about one hour north of Newcastle is Boolah Dillah, better known to most people as Bulahdelah or The Alum Mountain. This mountain is a hugely significant Aboriginal sacred place that also has many significant sites.

In the year 2000 the roads and traffic authority announced that they had plans to build a new section of highway which would be blasted up to twenty five metres deep through this sacred mountain which would desecrate this sacred place and destroy its significant sites.


Egyptians reclaim the streets demanding to be rid of dictator Hosni Mubarak

In a day of protests in Egypt tens of thousands of people marched in the streets facing down riot police, water cannon, baton charges and tear gas. The people are chanting for freedom,the right to peaceful assembly, the right for an end to the corrupt administration of Hosni Mubarak in power for nearly 30 years, with the demand that he join the Tunisian dictator Ben Ali in Saudi Arabia.

Photoset on Flickr | Livestream - righter | Livestream - Cairo Downtown | Live updates: ahram online, Guardian | Mother Jones: What's Happening in Egypt Explained | Youtube: Tiananmen square moment. Man bravely stands in front of armored vehicle! | Indymedia Letzebuerg: ElBaradei warns of revolution in Egypt

Most agree with razing The Block

By Diet Simon

“The Block” in Redfern, an inner-city Sydney suburb, has become something like sacred ground to thousands of Aboriginal people since the 1970s, when they managed to buy the prime real estate with freehold title.

The Block was where you went to stay with relatives or friends for a while when you came to the big smoke seeking opportunities.

But it also became notorious for drug taking.

Now The Block is about to be bulldozed to build new housing. I’ve been talking about that with Paulette Whitton, a presenter at Gadigal Koori Radio in Sydney.

Whaling factory ship found by Sea Shepherd activists in the Ross Sea

This has been a disasterous year for the Japanese whaling fleet in the Southern Ocean whale sanctuary. The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has fielded 3 ships taking out of action two harpoon vessels while the Nisshin Maru fled accompanied by one harpoon ship. Now the Nisshin Maru has been found in the Ross Sea.

International call to action for solidarity demonstrations at German embassies

Liebig 14 is one of Berlin longest running autonomous housing projects, serving as a space for collective living as well as community and political organising for over 20 years. After a 4 year legal process the owners of the building have finally been given legal permission to evict the house on the 2nd of February 2011.

Andrew Forrest’s assimilationist program – GenerationOne

Former Director of Education Programs for GenerationOne, Chris Lawrence says that he was sacked by GenerationOne [a project driven by Fortescue Metals CEO, Andrew Forrest] because he spoke out about the hypocrisy of some of its staff who privately denigrated Aboriginal people while, in public, claiming to champion their interests; and because he criticized GenerationOne’s policies which acted to break up communities by moving indigenous people to jobs outside of their communities.

Black Life, White Property, Parched Justice

by ray jackson, president, indigenous social justice association

mr ryder, an aboriginal man, died after being assaulted by four white youths, in the dry bed of the todd river in the nt.

his assailants left him for dead and attempted to come up with a story of how he died. the police arrested them and they appeared in the nt supreme court charged with manslaughter.

justice brian martin stretched himself and the law to reduce the charges and consequently the amount of time each would spend in gaol.

Australia Day — No time to celebrate

By Jay McDonald

Australia Day is traditionally the most racist day of the year for Aboriginal people.

When people celebrate on January 26, there is no escaping the fact they are celebrating the day that one race of people invaded another race of people’s country and took control of Aboriginal lands and tried to dominate Aboriginal people.

Invasion Day, as it should be called, celebrates the dispossession of land, culture, and way of life of Aborigines.

Protesters call for the coal industry to foot the bill for flood clean-up

A group of concerned citizens protested outside the BHP office in Melbourne today, and presented the coal industry with a giant invoice for part of the cost of the unprecedented floods in Victoria and Queensland.

Spokesperson for the group Pablo Brait said, ”we’re presenting this invoice to the entire coal industry on behalf of the Australian taxpayer, charging them for part of the flood clean-up and the increased insurance costs all Australians will have to pay due to the impacts of global warming.”


The greed

So it appears that the truth has a fee attached to it and yet the corrupt and wealthy few get away with murder. Rudolph Elmer is a brave individual much like Julian Assange and His Holiness the Dalai Lama. People who speak the truth.

I wonder what Rudolph Elmer meant by the 'real products and services'. Was it the sex slave trade? In Nepal, Western Union is charging a criminal amount of money to send money around the world whilst young Nepalese girls are being sold to Mumbai's and the Middle Eastern sex slave trade.


Albedo feedback: Climate models underestimate loss of reflectivity in the Arctic

Loss of reflectivity in the Arctic is double the estimate used in current state-of-the-art climate models according to new analysis of the Northern Hemisphere's "albedo feedback" over a 30-year period. The research comes hard on the heels that Greenland had a record melt during 2010.

German consumers scared, farmers battered by dioxin in animal feed


Germans across the country are feeling threatened by their food supply after the second strongest poison after nuclear waste, dioxin, was found in eggs and meats. It’s unclear how much contaminated food has been eaten. But sales of eggs and pork have plunged since the scandal broke at New Year. First estimates have eggs down 20%, pork and poultry 10% each. The kilo price of pork crashed.

Wikileaks: US embassy condemned eviction of Kalahari Bushmen

The Bushmen of the CKGR were largely self-sufficient
before the government evicted them. ©Survival

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, January 20, 2011 - - The US Ambassador to Botswana strongly condemned the government’s forced eviction of the Kalahari Bushmen, according to secret US embassy cables released on 21 January.

Ambassador Joseph Huggins told his bosses in Washington in 2005 that the Bushmen had been ‘dumped in economically absolutely unviable situations without forethought, and without follow-up support. The lack of imagination displayed… is breathtaking.’

People create own grand jury

A second sitting of a people's Grand Jury will be convened in Melton, in Melbourne's outer western reaches, on Sunday February 6 at 11am.
The purpose is to give expression to the lawful rights of the people and to provide lawful recourse for those who are denied justice through the Australian legal system that is controlled by a legal profession cartel.


The Shortwave Report 01/21/11 Listen globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (January 21) is up at the website in both broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) (28:59)
(NEW! If you have access to there is a higher quality version posted up there {26.7MB}

This week's show features stories from China Radio International, Spanish National Radio, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and The Voice of Russia.

Commemorating the indigenous resistance to invasion - Tunnerminnerwait and Mauboyheenner

Under blue skies and the towers of RMIT people gathered to remember two Tasmanian aborigines who were executed on this site in Melbourne on January 20, 1842. There is a growing campaign to acknowledge this forgotten history and to give recognition to Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheenner as freedom fighters resisting the invasion and European settlement of Australia.

Photoset: Commemoration of Freedom Fighters Youtube videos: Robbie Thorpe - Welcome to country; Joseph Toscano; Sharon Firebrace; Herman Wainggai; Adam Bandt


R.I.S.E. media release on Curtin hunger strike

Over 1100 people are currently in Curtin detention centre in the middle of the desert in Western Australia where most of them have been transferred from Christmas Island detention centre after last year’s freeze on the processing of visas for Afghan detainees. This transfer was done against the recommendations of many human rights and refugee rights advocates. Professor Sev Ozdowski, of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission was reported to have said last year that Curtin was the most wretched of all the detention centres he had investigated.


Radioactive waste dump protest at Martin Ferguson's office

Around 50 people demonstrated at Resource Minister, Martin Ferguson's office against a dump at Muckaty on January 17th. Three days before Christmas the government concluded a sham committee inquiry endorsing Martin Ferguson's plans to dump nuclear waste at Muckaty in the NT Traditional Owners were not given the opportunity to speak to the committee or even to lodge a submission. Ferguson continues to refuse requests to meet with Traditional Owners opposed to the dump.
