
Glimmers of hope for TJ Hickey justice

by the Indigenous Social Justice Association
10 February 2011

On Monday 14 February 2011, the Hickey Family, ISJA, other Justice-seeking Groups, and concerned Community members will be holding the 7th Anniversary of the tragic and unnecessary death of 17 year old TJ Hickey arising from a police chase when TJ was returning to his Aunt’s residence at Waterloo. TJ became impaled on the spiked fence at the side of the Taurunga Housing Units in Philip Street, Waterloo after he was rammed by a police vehicle.

Queries about the provenance of conflict free diamonds leads to censorship by world's leading online diamond retailer.

Blue Nile, a Nasdaq listed company and one of the world's leading online diamond retailers has resorted to censorship in an effort to avoid answering queries about the provenance of its so-called conflict free diamonds.

Blue Nile promotes itself as a supplier of “ethically sourced” diamonds and claims to have a zero-tolerance policy towards conflict diamonds. According to the company “All Blue Nile diamonds are warranted to be conflict free”. The company promotes itself on Facebook where it has over 90,000 very active subscribers

Art of the Ashes: the 2009 ‘Emergence’ Exhibition at Federation Square

By Kristy Henderson

Inspired by the impacts of, and the recovery process that followed, the 2009 Victorian bushfires the exhibition ‘Emergence – art on the move’, currently on display in the Atrium at Federation Square, is both sobering and uplifting. It is a testament to the diverse challenges and emotions that confronted bushfire-affected communities in the wake of the fires.


Yvonne Margarula continues the Mirrar people's fight against uraninum mining in Kakadu

Yvonne Margarula continues the fight of the Mirrar people against Uranium mining on their land and within the boundaries of Kakadu National Park by calling on the Federal Government to block the expansion of the Ranger Uranium Mine. According to the ABC Online Yvonne is quoted as saying "We are worrying about what might happen, poison water". Referrig to the tailings dam she said "The water getting bigger, it's going downstream," adding ""The mining company - they wouldn't listen to us,".

Veterans group says Abbott's attitude is bipartisan

Standfast Press Release 9/2/2011 - “Tony Abbott's 'shit happens' comment in regard to the death of Lance Corporal Jared MacKinney reflects the real attitude the Liberals and ALP have for soldiers and for working people in general,” said Hamish Chitts, veteran of East Timor and spokesperson for Stand Fast, an Australian-based group of veterans and former military personnel.


Egyptian VP Suleiman personally tortured Australian citizen

In a story that is yet to be covered by the Australian mainstream press, al Jazeera has published an excerpt from Mamdouh Habib's memoirs which details in horrific details how when Habib had been "rendered" to Egypt for torture, "At one point, his interrogator slapped him so hard that his blindfold was dislodged, revealing the identity of his tormentor: Suleiman.". Habib then went on to describe how "Frustrated that Habib was not providing useful information or confessing to involvement in terrorism, Suleiman ordered a guard to murder a shackled prisoner in front of Habib, which he did with a vicious karate kick.". Mamdoub Habib was in Egupt after being sent to the U.S. through its "extraaordinary rendition" program which involved people being kidnapped and sent to to countries to be tortured for intelligence purposes. What does the Australian government have to say about U.S. attempts to have Suleiman installed as Mubarak's replacement and why is the Australian press virtually silent on this shocking Australian connection? The answers reveal the levels of both U.S. and Australian duplicity, hypocrisy and violence in its relations to the Arab world whilst they dare to talk of democracy and human rights.
Suleiman: The CIA's man in Cairo -- Imperialism and Egypt's democratic transition -- Supporters of freedom, right?


Statement on Aboriginal rights by leading Australians

Australia has faced questioning at the United Nations by member states and independent experts regarding its Indigenous policies. The failure to restore the rights of Aboriginal people is currently being scrutinised under the Universal Periodic Review process of the UN Human Rights Council and was criticised in 2010 by both the UN Special Rapporteur on Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

"Help end the Intervention nightmare"

concerned Australians organised an evening on February 7th to hear from a number of highly respected Aboriginal Elders and leaders. They raised issues of grave concern to them in relation to the impact of current policy directions in the Northern Territory. They wish to express to other Australians their desire to maintain and strengthen their cultures — these are their words:


7th February, 2011

We are the people of the land. The land is our mother. For more than 40,000 years we have been caring for this land. We are its natural farmers.

New report slams Forests NSW illegal logging

SEFR Press Release 8/2/11South East Forest Rescue have joined with the North East Forest Alliance (NEFA) in requesting that the bodies who certify timber sourced from public lands in Upper North East NSW (north from near Coffs Harbour) and the south coast as coming from ecologically sustainable and legal sources, to immediately withdraw their accreditation of Forests NSW. NEFA has today released the report ‘Audit of Compliance of Forestry Operations in the Upper North East NSW Forest Agreement Region’.


RTA Security guard shows his "respect" for fight to save Alum Sacred Mountain

This RTA/Baulderstone security guard was photoed saying, "Here, put that up on FaceBook." on Monday, 7th February, 2011. Well went one better and put it up on Independant Media! The campaign to save the Alum Sacred Mountain from RTA vandalism continues. Visit the campaign website on Facebook here


Protest succeeds: Sumatran farmers free, palm oil giant in trouble

Protest against violence mounted by the Sinar Mas corporation

Rarely have politicians and corporations responded as fast: Three days after we called for protests against shots and arrests in Karang Mendapo on Indonesian Sumatra, district government, police and the management of the palm oil transnational Sinar Mas found themselves forced to take action.

Press statement by youth group in Tahrir Square

This statement was released at a Press Conference in El-Shorook Newspaper Headquarters on the 6th of February in Cairio by a group calling themselves the 'coalition of youths of the wrath revolution:

Fellow great Egyptian citizens ... We are your daughters, your brothers and sisters who are protesting in Tahrir square and other squares of Egypt, promise you not to go back to our homes until the demands of your great revolution are realized.


Unions organising international Day of Action for Democracy in Egypt

The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC CSI IGB) has passed a statement in support of the pro-democracy protests in Egypt, and called for trade unions around the world to join a Day of Action for Democracy in Egypt on 8 February.

NSW not for sale! Antiprivitisation rally 5th Feb

A rally occurred on February 5 2011 to protest against the NSW government's sale of electricity retailers and trading rights for generators that will have severe impacts on household bills, the energy workforce and the environment. The $5.3bn sale is a disastrous deal for the people of NSW.

Speakers included: Charmaine Crowe, Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association (MC), David Shoebridge Greens NSW MP, Pepe Clarke, Nature Conservation Council, Sally McManus, Australian Services Union, Jess Moore, Socialist Alliance and John Kaye Greens NSW MP.


Garnaut warns costs of inaction on climate change will escalate

On Thursday evening Professor Ross Garnaut launched his latest climate update report - Weighing the costs and benefits of climate change action - for the Federal parliament Multi-Party Climate Change Committee, warning we are already seeing the results of global warming in the intensification of extreme weather events in Australia.


300 in warm-up for protest against delivery of nuclear waste to out-of-sight out-of-mind north German dump

[The same story with links to background]

By Diet Simon, adapting a media release.

The Northeast German Anti-Nuclear Alliance has started protests against imminent delivery of nuclear waste to an out-of-sight out-of-mind dump at the seaside resort Lubmin with a mobilisation demonstration in the Baltic port city Rostock on Saturday 5 February.

KEFAYA! Walk like an Egyptian!


“Cleopatra's Egypt was modern in ancient times and Mubarak's was ancient in modern time” - Maureen Dowd.

"...the regime that Western leaders have lauded for decades as a beacon of moderation has unleashed its salaried, plain-clothes security personnel to loot its own

cities, set fire to its streets, and attack unarmed protesters with Molotov cocktails, knives, U.S.-supplied tear gas canisters, and live ammunition." - Asli Bali and

Aziz Rana [ ]


Julian Assange video speech to Melbourne Wikileaks public meeting

On Friday 4th of February 2011, people gathered at a GetUP organised event at Melbourne's Federation Square to here a number of speakers discuss the threat to liberty posed by the assault on both Wikileaks and Julian Assange. Speakers included: Jennifer Robinson (Assange's UK lawyer), Adam Bandt (Federal MP for Melbourne), Peter Gordon (Principal of Gordon Legal), Lizzie O'Shea, (Melbourne public interest solicitor) and Christopher Warren ( Federal Secretary of the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance).


Sydney solidarity for Egyptian revolution (Feb 5)

"Mubarak out now!", "Freedom for Egypt!", "Mubarak no! Gamal no! Suleiman no!", "No to the car tire and no to the spare!" were some of the slogans chanted by a lively crowd in the 6th Sydney rally in solidarity with the Egyptian Revolution to be held over the last week. The rally occurred in Martin Place on Saturday 5th of February.
