
No dump at Muckaty! Protests continue in Martin Ferguson's electorate, 24 February 2011

To mark the one-year anniversary of the announcement of Muckaty in the Northern Territory as the chosen site for a proposed national radioactive waste dump, members of Friends of the Earth ACE (Anti-nuclear and Clean Energy) Collective* toured part of Energy and Resources Minister Martin Ferguson's Batman electorate in search of an alternative dumping ground.


Nuclear radiation killing more female than male embryos

Radiation from German nuclear dumps is killing more female than male human embryos, a scientific researcher reports.

Ralf Kusmierz, one of several authors of a study for the Helmholtz Zentrum München, a government state research institution, says they have found “significantly fewer” girls than boys being born in the vicinity of Gorleben, where nuclear waste is stored in a light-construction hall, and near the flooding underground Asse dump near Salzgitter.

The Shortwave Report 02/25/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (February 25) is up at the website in both broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) (28:59)
(NEW! If you have access to there is a higher quality version posted up there {26.7MB}

This week's show features stories from China Radio International, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and The Voice of Russia.

Les Malezer's pitch for National Co-chair of the National Congress of Australia's First Peoples


Hi Everyone

Some of you will already be aware that I am now a candidate for the position of National Co-chair of the National Congress of Australia's First Peoples.

This may surprise a number of people because my written messages for the past six months have been questioning the adequacy of this new proposed structure and I have often talked of the need to radically change the organisation if it is to pursue self-determination policies.

T J Hickey memorial protest 14 Feb - pictures and media

On February 14th 2011, a rally was held under the rallying cry "Remember T J Hickey - Stop deaths in custody". Below are some links to reports and pictures on the event.
Pictures by Peter Boyle on Picassa:

Reports of rally on Google News:

Report from Green Left Weekly: Police show disrespect at TJ Hickey rally

More Secrets mp3

Wiki Leaks, J.Assange, B Manning, Daniel Elsberg, Julian Burnside, "The Establishment", bbc news quiz excerpt, and more - collaged together with music from Paris Acid Reflux, John Lennon - Beatles - electronica - world music - samples

30:00 min 128 kbps stereo 27.5 MB

The end of commercial whaling in the Southern Ocean?

"The whale war in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary is over. The whales have won!" announced Captain Paul Watson from the Sea Shepherd vessel Steve Irwin on Saturday.

The Nisshin Maru whaling factory ship late last week made a pivotal course change north, as the Japanese Fisheries Agency announced that the whaling fleet had been recalled for this season.


Arabs: Power of indigenous consciousness

By Kahentinetha

MNN. 19 FEB 2011. The Kaianerekowa is the Great Law of Peace. It is not a religion. It is a philosophy of freedom meant for all. Over 100 million Indigenous people in the Western Hemisphere were killed in the biggest holocaust in all humanity. The Mohawks always peacefully resisted Canada and US colonialism and international bank directed dictatorship because we remember the genocide.

According to our birthright we can never relinquish our lands and resources. We never have.

Facebook, unfriend the dictators!

Facebook should be congratulated and condemned in one go: they've built a revolutionary platform that's catalyzed the political change sweeping the Middle East and beyond, but Facebook has also become a treasure trove of information for dictators, allowing them to identify and destroy those who oppose them.

Amazon Indians touring Europe to stop dams that will destroy them

Amazon Indians have been protesting against the
planned dams. © Prelazia do Xingu/ Survival

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, 22 February 2011 - - Three Amazon Indians have begun a journey through Europe to protest against dams which threaten to destroy the lands and lives of thousands of tribal people.

secular ethics in education

I just wanted Australia to go the way of secular ethics in education. Like there is in India. Not adhering to Judeo-Christianity as a dominant force in a country that has oppressed its people, mostly Indigenous, in a very disheartening way for too long. Also not Islamic nor Hinduism, nor any other religion. We want the religion of the human heart and of respect for all peoples and nationalities and all living creatures. Do not get me wrong. I am not saying I am against people practising their religions, far from it.


Sydney protest to support the Libyan people

Chanting "down down Gaddafi" and "Julia has to know, Gaddafi has to go", 300 passionate protestors expressed their support for the Libyan people and opposition to the Gaddafi regime. Protestors came from the Libyan community, the broader Middle Eastern community including Egyptians and Tunisians who have recently toppled their own dictators, as well as many supporters.


Anonymous press release on Bahrain: 17th Feb 2011

Dear free-thinking citizens of the world,

The Bahrainian government has shown by its actions that it intends to brutally enforce its reign of injustice by limiting free speech and access to truthful information to its citizens and the rest of the world. It is time to call for an end to this oppressive regime. The most basic human right is the transparency of one's government, and Bahrain's is no exception.

Anonymous press release on Libya: 21st Feb 2011

Dear United Nations:

Anonymous wishes you to act.

We are watching the developments in Libya and are shocked.
Shocked by the images we’ve seen.
Shocked by the things Libya’s Anons have told us.
Shocked by the fact that one man ignores the voices of his citizens and opens fire on them.
Shocked by the fact that even with generals and diplomats deserting, this man is still ignoring the will of his people and unwilling to accept their human rights

Why the anti-racism campaign should begin with the rule of law, not Australian values?

After a series of denied by our politicians and police chief over the past years about the existence of racism in Australia, the Gillard Government has finally found the political courage to confront the issue head on by announcing that the government will launch a nationwide campaign against racism and will restore the multiculturalism portfolio after dumping it following the 2010 election.


Activist Films: Compassion Caravan to Leonora detention centre

On the 21 January a group of about 30 activists travelled over 800km on the compassion caravan to Leonora detention centre. To protest the the inhumane treatment of refugees, particularly locking up children for years in remote detention centres.

This is the documentary of the journey to a detention centre, the human rights abuses that happen there, the secrets that the government wants to hide from the public and activists who are committed to stopping it happen.

SEFR condemns the latest in an ongoing string of illegal cutting of SE forests

SEFR Press Release Feb 21st This morning conservationists have halted logging in Glenbog State Forest Compartment 2360. Three logging machines are cabled to a tree sit 25 metres above the ground.

Forests NSW and their authorised logging contractors logging practices are being investigated, after more discoveries of breaches including the felling of dead standing trees, no marking up of habitat trees, using habitat trees as bumpers and destroying the habitat of threatened and endangered native animals.
