secular ethics in education

I just wanted Australia to go the way of secular ethics in education. Like there is in India. Not adhering to Judeo-Christianity as a dominant force in a country that has oppressed its people, mostly Indigenous, in a very disheartening way for too long. Also not Islamic nor Hinduism, nor any other religion. We want the religion of the human heart and of respect for all peoples and nationalities and all living creatures. Do not get me wrong. I am not saying I am against people practising their religions, far from it. All I am saying is that we have laws based on sharing and caring for our entire citizens in Australia. There are different levels and ways of doing this so I reckon we must delve into these things. Teachers ought get together and figure this stuff out. Materialism has continued unabated for too long and it is killing everything living.

When I mention we ought do away with the monetary system, people say it is impossible. This is quite a radical thought to many people but it is already occurring in an organic way. The collapse of the banking system, for instance. A system based on the exchange of resources is not impossible. It worked quite well in Tibet and we could improve it with all of this technology and science we have at our finger tips. Food, shelter, education, health care, artistic expression and a safe community is of course a necessity for all of the world's citizens so that ought be the priority rather than coca-cola and the corporate world. If for example we want a solar powered car for our community , we design the outside structure according to our own aesthetics, engineers design the engine for it to run efficiently and then whoever wants one, in any part of the world, we exchange it or give it if they have nothing to exchange it with. Anyhow, I prefer we have horses to get around on and then there is enough fodder for them issued by farmers so that horses are not only for the rich but for everybody. Also, horses ought not be used for tourist rides. I find this cruel. That an animal is exploited in this capitalistic and commercial manner. Too many things including animals and young girls have been commodified for way too long and it is high time that all of that changed for a more positive and self empowered world and individual.
A world where the means of production, distribution and exchange is in the hands of the people and NOT in the hands of multinationals and corporations. Do away with this. That is outdated and greedy thinking and artifical living in suits and ties. C'mon, we were born naked and in the heat of the desert one must be naked. It is too hot for clothes in the desert and white people, like me!, do not do so well in this heat....

We do not want religion to be the basis of education here but the Law of the Land. Judeo Christian manipulation has caused too much pain for too many centuries so it is time for something based on the 'real law'. This is Australia and there is already a law here. An Indigenous law which has many aspects based on sharing and caring as is the case with others but still people do not give spontaneously enough. When somebody wants or needs something, give it to them. It is much better for your own mind to give than to keep it for yourself. Tuning in to people's needs is important.



yes indeed and i think that we have a lot to learn about non Jude Kelly says, we need to go back in order to move forward..

"When somebody wants or needs something, give it to them. It is much better for your own mind to give than to keep it for yourself. Tuning in to people's needs is important."

I think the guy who started all the Judeo-Christain stuff you so obviously despise would support your comments.