
Confederacy of indigenous Arab nations - can the Arab tribes unite?

By Kahentinetha, MNN Mohawk Nation News, Feb. 24, 2011.

If the Arab Indigenous nations can bring down the dictators, can they unite? Indigenous are united by blood to our families, clans, communities, nations and tribes. Our natural affiliation can’t be erased. Colonial relationships are artificial, changeable and will die out.

Are there similarities between us and the Arabs? Bankers crave the resources of the Indigenous people worldwide. They fear we may once again govern ourselves.

Help to stop Murdoch buying nearly half of the British mass media

The world's largest and most dangerous media baron wants to buy nearly half of the British mass media, boosting his power to undermine global efforts on everything from peace to the environment. We only have 48 hours to press the UK government to stand up and stop Rupert Murdoch:

Rupert Murdoch has exploited his vast media empire to push war in Iraq, elect George W Bush, spread resentment of muslims and immigrants, block global action on climate change, and undermine democracy by viciously smearing politicians who refuse his orders.

PHILIPPINES: Marcos' legacy cannot be rehabilitated

Akbayan Youth on the 25th Anniversary of EDSA and the Marcos burial issue

The corpse of Ferdinand Marcos remains preserved in a mausoleum. It is a spectral remnant of a past that refuses to let go: a time when Marcos fashioned himself to be a leader who used “utopian causes” to centralize power and justify his authoritarianism.

Legal challenge against new Xstrata coal mine at Wandoan

Late last week Friends of the Earth Brisbane lodged an objection in the Queensland Land Court against development of a massive open cut coal mine proposed by Xstrata Coal for west of Wandoan in South West Queensland, citing the contribution this mine will make to severe weather events through greenhouse gas emissions contributing to climate change.


Help write to the UN Human Rights Council about Internet freedom

Access has been invited to speak at a UN Human Rights Council event on Friday in Geneva on the topic of internet freedom in front of foreign ministers, UN ambassadors, and other high-level foreign officials.

Over the last few weeks you've been a big part of our efforts to promote digital freedom around the globe, now together we have a chance to tell the UN, in front of the world's media, what they should be doing to support digital rights, and we’d like you to help us write the speech!

Carbon pollution subsidies outstrip climate change funding

New analysis done by the Australian Conservation Foundation shows that while funding and subsidies for solar power and climate change related programs has increased by $500 million per year, subsidies and concessions for fossil fuel carbon pollution related activies soared by $1.5 billion per year, 3 times as much.



It has been said: Corruption in any democratic country, island, state of territory, can only exist with the support of every member of the ruling and opposition parties, and in the state of NSW and in relation to complaints about police I have found this to be so true.

It took me ten years to discover how publicly funded authorities and each publicly funded investigative authority are able to defeat evidence of police corruption, which effectively ended any automatic claim of compensation from being made by victim of police corruption.


WGAR News: Legislation passes enabling a nuclear waste dump to be built at Muckaty, NT

Newsletter date: 1 March 2011

* Legislation enabling a nuclear waste dump to be built at Muckaty passes House of Representatives
* Background to Muckaty Station nuclear waste dump
* Aboriginal 'Freedom Ride' re-enacted
* Activist Jude Kelly from the Aboriginal Tent embassy gives up citizenship
* Importance of bilingual education in remote Indigenous schools
* Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention


Gas exploration faces grassroots stand off in Southern Queensland

“You’ve found your own slice of heaven, a few acres in the country where you’ve set up home. It’s tranquil, it’s peaceful and you’re living the dream. Then one day the gas company calls and it’s not to read the meter. They’ve come to tell you — not ask you, but to tell you — they’re going to build … a gas well, right in your own backyard, and the law says there’s nothing you can do to stop them.”

Gas exploration threatens to foul land and water in prime farmland. More info:



Australian eyewitness in Afghanistan slams Aussie military role

An Australian woman recently returned from Afghanistan says foreign militaries have been a hindrance to peace and stability and is leading to increased civilian casualties.

"It is clear that the Australian Government has spent billions of dollars propping up a corrupt and violent regime that is harassing their own population who are working for peace and democracy" Jessica Morrison said.

"People scoff at the Parliament, saying that the best thing about it is that it puts all the most dangerous people in the one place and keeps them occupied." she continued.


Perth setting new summer temperature records

It is a long hot summer in Perth with new temperature records being set. Perth has just broken its record for the greatest number of consecutive warm nights. The last 14 consecutive nights the temperatures has remained above 20 degrees. The previous record was 13 days in February-March 1985 and February-March 1990.

OZ Catholic Workers Blockade London Court as Julian Assange Extradition Verdict Recited Within!

Free Manning! Free Assange! Free all War Resisters! End the War!

Feb. 24th. -Associated Press Photo (Matt Dunham) - Catholic Workers Ciaron O'Reilly (originally from Brisbane, left, and Roland Gianstefani (orignially from Melbourne), right, are removed by police and security officers after sitting in the road after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange departed after his extradition hearing at Belmarsh Magistrates' Court in London, Thursday, Feb. 24, 2011.

WGAR News: The NT Intervention and the UN Universal Periodic Review of Australia 2011

Newsletter date: 27 Feb 2011

* UN Universal Periodic Review of Australia 2011
* WCC Statement on the Situation of Indigenous Peoples of Australia
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention


- Special Compilations

Background info:
Human Rights Law Resource Centre:

Protestors killed in Iraqi "democracy"

At least 15 protesters have been killed on Friday 25th February during a "Day of Rage" in Iraq. Iraqis across the country, joining their Arab brother and sisters, have organised themselves via social media to protest against corruption, lack of jobs and the lack of basic services in Iraq eight years after the invasion. Like in other Arab countries these protests have not been party political or sectarian. In fact many of the countries leading religious figures advised their followers to not join the protests.

“Come out and camp with us” - Traditional owners challenge government to meet over Muckaty waste dump

Beyond Nuclear Initiative Media Release 25.02.2011 Muckaty Traditional Owners met outside the offices of the Northern Land Council in Tennant Creek today to protest the passing of the National Radioactive Waste Management Bill through the House of Representatives.


Rann cements lawlessness in Australia - on example of dog mismanagement

When a decent man take the problems of government this is often an automatic justification that it is only an overlook. I thought so, but there is plenty of evidence that government acts in most cases against truth, against justice, against common sense and against best public interest.

The website below opens a possibility to access a number of related pages. Please examine and reexamine, discuss and then act. Someone have said: the government is only as bad as we let one be.


Gillard announces interim carbon tax to tackle carbon pollution and climate change

Australia is to get a carbon tax from 1 July 2012 as one cornerstone policy for tackling the challenges of climate change, announced Prime Minister Julia Gillard, Greens leader Senator Bob Brown, and Independents Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor in Canberra yesterday. The interim carbon tax is proposed to run for 3-5 years, rising by a set amount each year, to be followed by a full cap and trade emissions trading scheme linked to international markets. There would be no international offsets allowed for the interim mechanism and agricultural emissions would initially be excluded from the tax.

Related: Youtube videos - Press Conference | Christine Milne | Press Conference photos


WGAR News: A further conversation with Elders - impacts of living under the Intervention

Newsletter date: 25 Feb 2011

* A Further Conversation with Elders
(7 Feb 2011 Forum at Melbourne Uni)
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention


"A Further Conversation with Elders" Forum was an initiative of 'concerned Australians':

- Special Compilations:

'concerned Australians':