
Dresden: 20,000 anti-fascists against Nazis

Source: de.indymedia

Mounting many varied blockading actions, 20,000 anti-fascists from all over Germany and other European countries prevented a planned large-scale Nazi march in Dresden on Saturday 19 February.

There were massive clashes with police acting extremely brutally. They attacked the blockers with batons, pepper spray, water cannons, armoured vehicles and newly acquired pepperball guns. Several people were seriously injured.

Mitsubishi Greenwash exposed at Sustainable Living Festival over Bluefin tuna stockpiling

Mitsubishi is one of the sponsors of the Sustainable Living Festival. The Mitsubishi conglomerate is also responsible for killing over one third of endangered bluefin tuna, which they are stockpiling for when stocks become unavailable. The value of this stockpile is soaring as the tuna become scarcer. They are also responsible for financing and building dolphin banger boats and whaling ships.


Tasmanian conservationists continue forest vigil Cable loggers sent back to old growth Forest in Picton Valley

Huon Valley Environment Centre Press Release 18.2.11:“Conservationists have today returned to the threatened Picton Valley, where cable loggers have been sent back to clearfell an old growth forest area just weeks before a crucial moratorium deadline. One conservationist has climbed the cable logger and twenty five people are protesting in the forest. The Huon Valley Environment Centre is calling for the state and federal governments to take action to halt the loss of high conservation value forests,” Huon Valley Environment Centre’s spokesperson Jenny Weber said.

Private schools? Want em? Pay yourself. Every single cent

The Federal Government is currently reviewing funding for schools in Australia, after maintaining Howard's inequitable model of funding for the first four years in office. Visit the AEU For Our Future website to make a submission. If you want to read a great critique of the current arrangements, read the column below by Catherine Deveney from her Blog


Closing communique : Worldweek for the abolition of meat jan. 2011 campaign

Closing communiqué

World Week for the Abolition of Meat

Because meat production involves killing the animals that are eaten,

beacause their living conditions and their slaughter cause many of them to suffer,

because eating meat is not necessary,

because sentient beings should not be mistreated or killed unnecessarily,

therefore farming, fishing and hunting animals should be abolished.


Nuclear waste train ran 934 km through Germany

Click here for pictures and links to background

By Diet Simon
A train has just carted 56 tonnes of highly radioactive nuclear waste, including 16½ kilograms of plutonium, 934 kilometres from a recycling plant in southwest to a storage hall in northeast Germany.

Depending on the kind of isotope, less than 10 kilograms of plutonium is needed for an atom bomb.

Refugee Action Coalition protests immigration ministers at Sydney Harmony Day celebrations

Members of Sydney's Refugee Action Coalition today protested Immigration Minister Chris Bowen and Shadow Scott Morrison as they attended a Harmony Day celebration. The protest was in response to the forcible return to Christmas Island of survivors of the boat tragedy who attended funerals of those who drowned in Sydney. Scott Morrison had also objected to taxpayers' money being used to fly them to the funerals, and it was today revealed that he secretly urged the Liberal Cabinet to adopt anti-Muslim policies. SHAME
Video on Youtube


Refugee supporters say no return to Christmas Island

Refugee Action Coalition Pres Release, 17 February, 2011 Refugee supporters and relatives of the survivors’ relatives again gathered at the Miowera Road gates of Villawood detention centre at 8.30am Thursday, 17 February to call on the Minister of Immigration not to return the Christmas Island disaster survivors to the island. It is expected that the survivors will be taken from the Villawood detention centre at 9.00am Thursday for the plane trip back to Christmas Island.


Activist Films Perth Wikileaks rally video: 29th January 2011

29 January a group of freedom of speech activists rallied to defend wikileaks. The rally was in response to attacks made on wikileaks and key people involved in it by various government organisations around the world, especially America (where some senior politicians have called for him to assassinated) and also Australia.
Video on Youtube


OZ Catholic Workers gather, Ciaron O'Reilly speaks outside of Julian Assange extraditon hearing in London

Anti-War Solidarity with Julian Assange - Verdict on Extradition Thurs Feb 24th. 2011

Youtube (4mins 39 secs) - Anti-War Solidarity with Manning & Assange outside Julian Assange Extraditon Hearing in London
Verdict - February 24th 2011

London based Australian Catholic Workers - Ciaron (Brisbane), Roland (Melbourne), Rowan, (Adelaide) and Sue (Melbourne) joined with folks from WikiLeaks London Support, Justice for Assange and Anonymous over last week's three days of Julian Assange's extradition at Woolwich Courty/Belmarsh Prison.


The Shortwave Report 02/18/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend, 
            The latest Shortwave Report (February 18) is up at the website  in both broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) (28:59)
   (NEW! If you have access to there is a higher quality version posted up there {26.7MB}

     This week's show features stories from China Radio International, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and The Voice of Russia.

Latest news from Kulon Progo Solidarity Network

[this letter gives an analysis of the struggle in Kulon Progo in terms of the recent national debate about the status of the Sultanate of Jogja within Indonesia, as well as an update on the farmers' struggle including some recent actions and the attempts of local NGOs to cause divisions in the autonomous struggle]

Dear Comrades,

Yarra River, upstream of Sugarloaf Reservoir, contaminated with pesticides

[Another story you won't hear from the corporate media in this city]. Friends of the Earth today expressed alarm at the widespread pollution of the Yarra River, upstream of Sugarloaf Reservoir with agricultural pesticides.


Remember TJ Hickey Rally Feb 14th

The family and supporters of T J Hickey, an Aboriginal youth killed in Redfern in the course of a police pursuit (another death in custody that was whitewashed), thought they were going to have a small win and be allowed to have a plaque commemorating his death at the spot where he was killed. But the police are objecting to words describing his death which were taken straight from the death certicate. The truth, once again, is forbidden! This was a rally and march (on February 14, 2011) in Redfern to mark seven years since this killing.


Egyptian revolution discussed at Socialist Equality Party’s final election meeting in Broadmeadows

Egyptian revolution discussed at Socialist Equality Party’s final election meeting in Broadmeadows

By our correspondent
14 February 2011


The ‘Ever Green Revolution’ must start with justice

By Kristy Henderson

The father of India’s ‘Green Revolution’, Professor MS Swaminathan, delivered a lecture at Melbourne University on Monday night on how to feed the world’s poor in perpetuity. The evergreen revolution, as he calls this challenge, must be able to produce more, using less – less land, less water, less fertilizer.


Perth celebrates the end of Mubarak

On February 13rh, after 18 days of unrest, local Egyptians from Western Australia joined others worldwide who have long opposed President Hosni Mubarak. There was drumming, dancing, singing and lots of sweet treats. It was a wonderful atmosphere filled with joy and laughter. Game over, Mubarak.

More photos by John Vidovich On Facebook
