
Catholic Workers gatecrash military recruitment on Ash Wednesday in Brisbane, Australia

PEACE RECRUITMENT - Brisbane, Australia
Ash Wednesday Feb 9 2011

Last week on reading my boy’s school newsletter I saw an ad for an information night for students to join the Australian Defence Force Academy on finishing grade 12.

I sent a fairly strong email to the Principal voicing my usual objections to Catholic schools becoming military recruitment centres, but got no reply – so far.


Forests NSW slammed in court for illegal logging

SFER Press Release March 11th 2011:In an unprecedented decision yesterday, at Batemans Bay Local Court, Forests NSW were ordered to pay all costs on two matters. Eleven people were facing 31 charges over 4 days for protests over the logging of Mumbulla Mountain, north east of Bega which began in March last year. Each day was being treated as a separate court case. Crown solicitors were flown in from Sydney to prosecute on behalf of Forests NSW. The three day hearing resulted in all charges bar two being dismissed.


Tibetans, Mongolians and Uighur peoples come together

Today marks the 52nd Tibetan uprising against the Chinese Communist invasion of Tibet. Many peoples came together to demand genuine autonomy. It means that the fist of global capitalism, the fist of genocide, the fist of killing trees and nature, the fist of ownership of people's lands be handed back. Same goes in Australia. Indigenous Asutralians want their land back as do the Tibetan people, the Mongolians, the Uighurs. Stop stealing China, England and America. Wake up wake up before the floods get ya and the air you breathe chokes the shit out of you.


WGAR News: Complaint against ‘racist’ Alice Springs TV advertisements

Newsletter date: 10 March 2011

* Complaint against ‘racist’ Alice Springs TV advertisements
* Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Jude Kelly invites Kevin Rudd to Aboriginal Tent Embassy
* Rev Dr Djiniyini Gondarra speaks about Aboriginal Customary Law
* “The biggest failure in our health system”


- Statement / Report

Rollback the Intervention - Statements/Reports:
Intervention Rollback Action Group Response to ‘Action for Alice’

WEST PAPUA: Police probe stabbing of Jakarta Globe journalist investigating police sex crimes

JAYAPURA (Joyo/Agence France-Presse//Pacific Media Watch): An Indonesian journalist who was treated in hospital last Thursday after being stabbed in the stomach and chest had covered a police sex scandal, police and activists said.

Banjir Ambarita, a reporter for the English-language daily The Jakarta Globe and the news portal Vivanews, was ambushed by two men on a motorcycle in the easternmost Papua province, said Lt. Col. Wachjono, a police provincial spokesman.

He promised the case would be investigated.

International Women's Day in the Philippines

Today, women in the Philippines and all over the world gather in different places and spaces to show our collective strength and make our collective voice heard as we speak out our sufferings, challenges, triumphs and aspirations.

Australian deaths in custody and the call for a Senate inquiry – joint committee

By Gerry Georgatos
Australian deaths in custody - one of the world's worst records - has
become an obsession with me as I quickly compile a University Press
book for community and research my PhD (Law) from a criminological
aspect into the extensiveness of Australian deaths in custody. The
Human Rights Alliance is working to disseminate the facts, and is
beginning regional Deaths in Custody Advocacy Units to help affected
families especially with their rights, and we continue the campaign
calling upon the Australian Senate for an urgent Joint Committee

Science and a bi-polar climate

By Kristy Henderson: Leading climate scientists declared last Tuesday night that the recent Australian floods are not necessarily attributable to climate change. According to Professor David Karoly, Professor Neville Nicolls, and Dr Karl Braganza from the Bureau of Meteorology, the scientific basis for human induced climate change is overwhelmingly compelling, yet more research will need to be done to quantify its impacts with regard recent extreme weather events.


Sign for Libyan no-fly zone

The UN Security Council will decide on Friday whether to impose a no-fly zone on Libya's deadly air force to stop attacks on civilians. United global pressure from people around the world has helped push the Council to a unified position before -- we need it now:

As Qaddafi's jets drop bombs on the Libyan people, the UN Security Council will decide whether to impose a no-fly zone to keep the government's warplanes on the ground.



With the State election under way, I have decided to include information to help voters decide which party candidate they will give their vote.

As the polls show labor will not be returned to power, it stands to reason the opposition will, but are they more worthy to vote for, or not.

In March 1993, when the Office of the Ombudsman sent me copies of reports, statements, records of interview and all other related documents including a copy of the Police final investigation report.


IWD rally in Melbourne, 8 March, and picket of Trades Hall cocktail party

Pay Justice Action, 'a grassroots initiative of the Freedom Socialist Party',, organised a rally and march to mark the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day. At about the same time, Jenny Macklin, Minister for Indigenous Affairs, was due to address an IWD cocktail party at the Victorian Trades Hall ...


Filipino workers criticize shortcomings of EDSA (1)

The Partido ng Manggagawa (PM - Labor Party - Philippines) criticized the shortcomings of EDSA 1 as the government commemorates the 25th anniversary of the first people power uprising. “The people power uprising of 1986 turns silver today but it shines no more. That is because the social deficit outweighs the political benefits of simple political turnover between factions of the elite, which is the main achievement of the post-EDSA dispensation,” declared Renato Magtubo, PM chair.

Slumlord Frank Cassar's Fitzroy business closed by picket

On Saturday March 5 a picket involving 30 protesters closed down Inner City Towing and Smash Repairs, a business owned by notorious slum lord Frank Cassar. The crowd heard speeches from those affected by Frank and his family’s thuggery and scams and joined in chants of “Put Cassar behind bars!” and “VCAT, VCAT why so slack, Make Frank pay our money back!”. The protest received coverage on various media outlets including ABC radio and a story was broadcast on Channel 7′s current affairs program Today Tonight (to view it visit the archive at


10th of March: Worldwide solidarity action day with the 300 hunger strikers immigrants-workers in Greece


10th of March: Worldwide solidarity action day with the 300 hunger strikers immigrants-workers in Greece

Please publish, print and spread the following text

Latest Greece travel advises:

Blockade of Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust residents and shareholders

Press Release 8th March 2011

International Women’s Day

Statement by Aboriginal Women of Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust – Blockade on Road to Lake Tyers

To The World;

As from today the shareholders and residents of Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust blockaded the road to Lake Tyers. No persons or governments are allowed to come on to the trust until governments sit down and listen to our statement of claims resolve the situation.

Health service employees and the school bus are the only exceptions.

We are sick of the Northern Territory style intervention imposed on us.


World Naked Bike Day - Melbourne 2011

On Sunday March 6th, 145 Bike riders took part in the Melbourne leg of the "World Naked Bide Ride". The Mission Statement of the WNBR is "We face automobile traffic with our naked bodies as the best way of defending our dignity and exposing the unique dangers faced by cyclists and pedestrians plus all the negative effects of oil, cars, war, consumerism and non-renewable energy.".

See video of the event on Engage Media here:


Blockade against hospital privatisation outside Premier's office

United Voice Press Release: Wed 02 Mar 11 Officials and members from United Voice were involved in a protest against public hospital privatisation which blocked the traffic on St George’s Terrace this morning. Commuters were held up for around 90 minutes before police moved seven cars which stopped the traffic in front of the Premier’s office in Governor Stirling Tower.

United Voice organised for the keys of the cars blocking the terrace to be brought to the scene as soon as police said it was a public safety issue.


Senate inquiry into forced adoptions found barbaric, horrific abuses

Now that Parliament has apologised, please post your comments at to make them more easily accessible

A senate committee has recommended the federal government formally apologise for past forced adoption practices described as barbaric and a "horror of our history".


Hepburn wind farm nears completion

While Governments and business have been slow to progress action on climate change some communities are putting their money into action by financing and establishing community owned and operated utility scale wind farms. Hepburn Wind is arguably the first Australian community owned wind farm located at Leonards Hill, near the town of Daylesford in central Victoria. When completed this year its two wind turbines, each producing 2 megawatts power for the grid, will supply enough for 2,300 homes, most of the demand generated in the Daylesford and Hepburn Springs area.
