
Deaths in Custody rally in Perth calls for end of prison privatisation

A rally in Perth on March 22 by the Deaths in Custody Watch Committee protested the increasing moves for prison privatization and in particular the death of Aboriginal elder Mr Ward while he was in private prison transport. The rally called for these services to be returned to public operation where they are accountable to the public through parliament.

The secretary of Western Australia's prison officers union, John Welch, called on the government to tear up its contract with the private company responsible for prisoner transport.


Nuclear waste legislation must wait until Muckaty landowners objections heard in Federal Court

The Federal Government should not try to pass legislation that would allow a national radioactive waste dump on Muckaty Land Trust in the Northern Territory before the Federal Court case opposing it lodged by some traditional owners of the Land Trust is heard, Oxfam Australia said today.

The National Radioactive Waste Management Bill 2010 is due to be debated in Parliament this week in the face of opposition from some Aboriginal traditional owners of Muckaty Land Trust who lodged the case with the Federal Court contesting the process used to nominate the land as a radioactive waste site.

End the US-led armed intervention in Libya

Akbayan (Citizens Action Party) supports the democratic opposition in Libya that seeks to end the 43-year-old dictatorship of Muammar Ghadafie. It cannot, however, support the massive armed intervention launched by the United States, France, and Britain on Sunday, March 20.

Climate deniers rally while poll finds majority support carbon tax

Canberra was the focus of action today over climate change and the Government's proposed carbon tax, with an action for climate change petition presented, youth climate activists from AYCC in town to meet politicians, and the No Tax on Carbon rally attended by climate deniers and conservatives that had been actively promoted on shock-jock talk back radio as a "people's tax revolt".

People opposed to a carbon tax rallied at noon in Canberra, Melbourne and Brisbane. The protest in Canberra was organised by the Consumers and Taxpayers Assoc Inc. and 2GB broadcaster Chris Smith.


WGAR News: International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination / Harmony Day - 21 Mar 11

Newsletter date: 23 Mar 2011

* International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination / Harmony Day - 21 March 2011
* Nuclear waste legislation must wait until objections heard in Federal Court
* Background to Muckaty Station nuclear waste dump
* Opposition leader, Tony Abbott, calls for new Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* More on the blockade by Lake Tyers Aboriginal women
* Background to blockade by Aboriginal women of Lake Tyers

Support Middle Eastern democracy struggles! No Intervention!

No to imperialist intervention in the Libya! Saudi, UAE troops out of Bahrain!
Support Middle Eastern democracy struggles! End imperialist wars in Iraq, Afghanistan!

On March 17, 2011, the UN Security Council passed a resolution authorising military intervention by the Western imperialist powers or their puppets in Libya. The justification for this is to prevent further loss of life in fighting between forces remaining loyal Muammar Gaddafi and forces supporting the uprising that began on February 15 against his 42-year-old rule, and to support the pro-democracy forces.

M20 for Manning Reports/Photos/Youtubes & a (n Irish Australian) Catholic Worker Reflection on it All!

A(n Irish Australian based in London) Catholic Worker Reflection on M20 for Brad Manning!
by Ciaron O'Reilly (originally from Brisbane, presently Giuseppe Conlon House, London)

The Catholic Worker (CW) in England primarily consists of three live in communities and extended communites around these experiments carrying out the "acts of mercy" to the homeless and nonviolent resistance resistance to the warmakng state.

Sydney rally in solidarity with Bradley Manning

A small but vocal crowd braved crazy Sydney rain and wind to demand freedom for 23-year-old alleged WikiLeaks whistleblower Bradley Manning. Manning has been detained in maximum custody under horrendous conditions for over 10 months without trial. On March 20, 2011 demonstrations were held all over the world to call for freedom and justice for Bradley Manning including one in outside the U.S. consulate in Melbourne


"Cant eat coal - cant drink gas" Sydney pre-election rally

Heavy rain didn't stop over 1000 anti-coal mining and coal seam gas activists from around New South Wales have holding a protest in Sydney on March 20th in the build up to the NSW state election. The rally was organised by the "Lock the Gate" Alliance which is urging the state government and opposition to introduce stricter controls on the industry were farmers and environmental groups. Dozens of protestors arrived on buses from the Hunter Valley and mid-north coast.


Sydney International Women's Day march for equality

I’m still riding a high from the IWD march now more than a week ago in my life. Marching along with a few thousand like minded people and being smiled at by pedestrians brings much joy. From the outset the energy was high, the celebration was just as important as the struggle for what we still confront to achieve Equality and Fairness for Women in this world we live in. I love the diversity of those who come to IWD, I love the different groups of women – our Indigenous sisters, those from other Nations, unionists, Lesbians, community groups, our elders of the feminist movement.


Launch of' International Year of the Forests' a Sham

SFER Press Release 21st March South East Forest Rescue has slammed the National Association of Forest Industries and the woodchipping industry, Forests NSW, Vic Forests and Forestry Tasmania for what they say is misuse of the UN International Year of the Forests logo on a website and reported NAFI to the UN. NAFI is the lobby group for Forests NSW, Vic Forests and Forestry Tasmania. The group say these public companies are the biggest destroyers of forests for woodchips in Australia.


Statement by Helen Caldicott on Fukushima disaster

“I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds”. Robert Oppenheimer, quoting the Baghavad Gita, on witnessing the first atomic bomb test, 1945

As I write this – on the afternoon of March 16 in the United States – the situation at the Fukushima Nuclear Plant No. 1 is, tragically, looking increasingly grim. Radiation levels are increasing, mass evacuations in the area surrounding Fukushima are underway; and experts are speculating –with trepidation, but understandable caution – about how far the radiation will spread, both within Japan and to other parts of the planet.

WGAR News: Protest blockade by Lake Tyers Aboriginal women continues

Newsletter date: 21 Mar 2011

* Protest blockade by Lake Tyers Aboriginal women continues
* Background to blockade by Aboriginal women of Lake Tyers
* Aboriginal workers and the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention & other related articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Interview with Kylie Sambo, Mark Lane and Dr. Jim Green about Muckaty nuclear waste dump
* Background to Muckaty Station nuclear waste dump
* SBS Highlight: Closing The Gap - Are We There Yet?


Why military action in Libya is wrong.

As a leftist who supports the inspiring democracy uprising in Libya I was very disturbed to see the start of military action by France, Britain and the U.S. Let me be chrystal clear from the start, I believe Gaddaffi to be an odious ruthless dictator who has no legitimacy and violently oppresses his own people. However I do not believe the intervention is a good thing for the following reasons:


Australian​s join protests in Afghanista​n

Monday 20 March Media Release An international delegation of activists have joined locals protesting in Afghanistan this weekend. A vigil will be held in Melbourne tomorrow, which will include the wife of an Australian participant in Afghanistan and an ex-Australian Army officer. The protests in Afghanistan included a public vigil outside the UN compound, and a candlelight vigil.


Melbourne vigil joins global day of solidarity for Bradley Manning

As part of the March 19-20th Global Day of Action in solidarity with Bradley Manning a small group of protestors gathered outside the U.S. Consulate in Melbourne. Similar vigils and protests occurred around the world with the primary rally occurring outside the brig in Quantico where Manning is being held in the U.S. Protestors expressed that if Bradley Manning is “guilty” of giving information to Wikileaks he is a hero not a criminal for revealing war crimes. The hypocrisy of the U.S. bombing Libya to support democracy whilst it tortures Bradley Manning was also pointed out.


Bradley Manning & Going to see Laverty/Loach's "Route Irish" with my mate Ben an SAS Iraq War veteran!

Brad Manning & Going to see Laverty/Loach's "Route Irish" with my mate Ben an SAS Iraq War veteran!
by Ciaron O'Reilly Cathoilic Worker/ Plowshares

Last night I went to see Ken Loach/ Paul Lavety's latest effort, the film "Route Irish". I was invited along by a friend, Ben Griffin, who is an Iraq S.A.S. combat veteran.

Brisbane rally for same sex marriage : March 19th 2011

About 400 people attended a rally for same sex marriage in Brisbane's Queens park on Saturday March 19th as part of a National Day of Action. Braving the wet weather conditions the rally marched and chanted calling for equality for all Australians regardless of their sexuality.

Speakers included:
Shelly Argent: PFLAG Spokesperson and Senior Australian of the Year
Hannah Gadsby: Comedian
Tom Ballard: Triple J Presenter and one of SameSame's 25 most influential Gays and Lesbians
Andrew Dettmer: President of QLD Labor Party
Linda Hibbert: Peer Mentor w/Open Doors and Trans Activist
