
Territory FM – community radio or commercial crap?

If a Community Radio station plays wall to wall classic hits, replays Alan Jones and Channel 9 news, is it really a community station?

Territory FM in Darwin is currently the subject of a complaint to Mediawatch because it looks, sounds and feels like a commerciala station.

And on top of that is owned by a University! - Charles Darwin University.

One student has told Mediawatch that the station doesn’t even allow volunteers to get radio training.


Borneo tribe denied vote in crucial elections

Thousands of Penan will have no vote in Saturday's elections. © Survival

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, 13 April 2011 - - Thousands of Penan tribespeople will be unable to vote in crucial elections on Saturday in Sarawak, in the Malaysian part of Borneo, because they do not have identity cards.

The elections in Sarawak state will determine whether or not Chief Minister Taib Mahmud, already in power for 30 years, will stay in office.

The unfriendly prophets and profits mp3

Chaplin Pastor Mix, Koran burning issue Terry Jones vs. the world, Burn a koran a day by DC Douglas Bitch slaps Terry Jones, Teaparty vs. Billy Boilers, excerpt of the BBC comedy of the week - music by Beats working found the sound, Digger Rokwell, Dana Lyons, Barkersvale Brothers

30:00 min 128 kbps stereo 27.4 MB

Penguin numbers suffering with krill decline due to global warming

A new study of declining penguin populations shows a strong correlation between penguin numbers and krill availability. Krill availability is affected by reduced sea ice conditions in Antarctica due to global warming and climate change.

"For penguins and other species, krill is the linchpin in the food web. Regardless of their environmental preferences, we see a connection between climate change and penguin populations through the loss of habitat for their main food source," said Dr. Wayne Trivelpiece, lead author and seabird researcher of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Antarctic Ecosystem Research Division. "As warming continues, the loss of krill will have a profound effect throughout the Antarctic ecosystem."

Related: On the brink: Penguins face an uncertain climate future (Oct 2010)

Australian Senate motion is an insult - people will continue to die in custody and be incarcerated at unbelievable rates

The Human Rights Alliance: Deaths in Custody: Australia's horrific record - The Australian Senate lets us down. Motion is an insult.

The Australian Senate approved the Greens Motion to acknowledge the rising Aboriginal incarceration rates and deaths in custody in lieu of Friday 15, April which marks twenty years since the release of the 339 recommendations and Final Report of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.

Democracy needs reform - we are the unsatisfied lead by the unqualified

Malcolm Fraser: “There aren’t enough people who have done something before they got into Parliament” (ABC Radio, 9 April 2011)

The above is a comment made by former Prime Minister, Malcolm Fraser on ABC radio about the important of having quality people in a political system. One need just to browse through the events that have taken place in Australia politics (Federal and States) over the last few months will be able to understand why Australians are so frustrated with the lack of deep thinkers and serious policy makers in our political establishment.

Lets raise website security awareness!

We are a team of students from Melbourne University currently conducting a survey on website security and usability to assess the awareness of it and hopefully promote it in future. Did you know that 841,785 websites hacked in Australia in 2010 alone and that anti-virus does not always protect you against this? This needs to change.

The survey can be found on


Government foyer occupied to stop new Victorian coal power station

A group of five climate protesters walked into the foyer of the Victorian State Government ministerial offices at 1 Treasury place and locked on to a ladder. Outside the building another 100 protesters gathered. The protest called for the withdrawal of funding for HRL's proposed new coal fired power station in the Latrobe Valley.


Sydney demands information freedom and justice for Bradley Manning

Around one hundred people came out to Sydney’s Town Hall Square as part of an international weekend of solidarity rallies calling for an end to the persecution of alleged WikiLeaks whistleblower Bradley Manning.


Climate rally in Brisbane for a price on pollution

People gathered in King George Square in Brisbane's CBD on Saturday calling for a price on pollution and in support of the Gillard Government's proposed carbon tax. The protest was organised by Getup! and follows similar protests in Melbourne and Sydney.


The Fraudulent Marketing of Academia.

The Fraudulent Marketing of Academia.
By John R Brodie. J.P.
Senior Justice of the Peace.

Mankind has a long history of willful destruction, seen in almost every aspect of life. The meaning of the old cliché “if it aint broke don’t fix it” is ignored, as we constantly mess with the balance of things, creating one mess after another. This article highlights our capacity in the most delusional manner for willful destruction.

Thousands dying in toxic cane fields, millions threatened by Mekong dams

By Rainforest Rescue

Since ethanol blend fuel (E10) has been available at German bowsers, demand for ethanol from sugar cane keeps rising. Especially for people in Latin America this agro-fuel boom is a tragedy.

A female sugar cane worker from Nicaragua has visited Germany and reported many thousands of people killed and made ill.

The cause is the cocktail of chemicals sprayed on the huge plantations. It causes human kidneys to fail, poisons soils and waters.

Victory! Destructive titanium mine denied permission to move forward in Cambodia

Wildlife Alliance, Friday, April 8, 2011 - - In a huge reversal, Cambodian Prime Minister Sandech Hun Sen has announced that a strip mine previously approved in the heart of an elephant corridor in the Southern Cardamom Mountains will not go forward.

Free political prisoners in West Papua - rally at Indonesian consulate, Melbourne, 8 April 2011

The Morning Star flew in front of the Indonesian Consulate in Melbourne this morning as members of the West Papua community and supporters gathered to demand the release of political prisoners and an end to torture and repression.

The particular focus of the action was the case of Filep Karma - see this Amnesty USA video on YouTube - sentenced in May 2005 to 15 years imprisonment for treason.


Calling emerging NSW Indigenous music artists

By Michael Hutchings

Australia leading Indigenous owned and run music label “Gadigal music”
is calling out for submissions from NSW based Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander music artists to record an EP in the state of the art
Gadigal studios. So if you have never recorded or have recorded very
little and want to further your music career this is a great

Requirements for Submission

1. Bio to include your musical goals, career aspirations.

This should include your musical and personal history and what you
want to do with your music in the future

UN questionnaire on natural resource extraction and development projects on or near indigenous territories

The UN’s Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples is canvassing input on the rights of indigenous peoples on natural resource extraction and development projects on or near indigenous territories, pursuant to United Nations Human Rights Council Resolution15/14 of 30 September 2010.

International peace activists in Dublin to demand that Obama frees Bradley Manning!

Obama arrives in Ireland a year after Bradley Manning is taken into custody accused of exposing war crimes!

International Peace Activists in Dublin to Demand that Obama Frees Bradley Manning

Three international peace activists are in Dublin this week for a series of events they hope will encourage Irish people to demand of President Obama to stop the torture of Bradley Manning and end the wars in Iraq