
Indians take on Amazon loggers

Ceramic pots found in the Isconahua reserve are
evidence of the presence of these isolated Indians.
© Pepe Villacorta / ProNaturaleza

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, 29 March 2011 - - Peruvian Indians have been forced to set up a guard post to protect an uncontacted Indians’ reserve, after the authorities ignored their repeated pleas for action.

Byron loves Bradley: March 20th solidarity action

Sunday 20 March, 2011 was the global day of action in support of Bradley Manning, the young US armyman accused of leaking classified documents to Wikileaks. Despite the rain, Byron shire supporters of Bradley Manning sprouted like mushrooms in the most unlikely of places, including the Byron markets, the streets, the beaches and at shopping centres.


WGAR News: Urgent UN petition to restore human rights to NT Aboriginal people

Newsletter date: 29 Mar 2011

* Urgent UN Petition to restore Human Rights to NT Aboriginal People
* Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other Aboriginal Articles


- Petition

'concerned Australians':
Restore Human Rights to NT Aboriginal People
"Letter to the Human Rights Commissioner, Navi Pillay, who will visit Australia in May. Your signature is needed by 7 May.

Anarchism and Ireland

Text of talk delivered at the Loophole Community Centre at a discussion organised by the Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group

I first became influenced by anarchist-communist ideas in my teenage years after a political background in Irish Republicanism. The key difference being anarchism strives for real self-determination in the sense of workers and community control. Real liberation, not merely an exchange in masters or bosses, or one set of state bureocrates with another.

Help make Jura anarchist bookstore in Sydney solar powered

Many people in the Jura community are actively fighting climate change and building the grassroots movement for a sustainable planet. Recently some of us went to Newcastle and (along with hundreds of other people) successfully blockaded the world's largest coal port and stopped the coal ships for a whole day.

Now we want to make Jura solar powered. We believe that community-owned and controlled renewable energy systems are part of the solution to the climate crisis. We would like you to join us in owning a renewable energy system.


"Biggest ever" anti-nuclear protests in Germany

More than 200,000 people took part in anti-nuclear protests in Germany on Saturday on the eve of state elections where criticism of Chancellor Angela Merkel's nuclear policies has already given her opposition the edge.

Organisers called it the biggest anti-nuclear demonstration Germany has seen, with police estimating 100,000 turned out in Berlin alone. Hamburg, Munich and Cologne also saw big rallies.


ALP hacks in Trades Hall target Socialist Party

Below is an article from the Socialist Party in Melbourne promoting an upcoming meeting at Trades Hall in Melbourne against the NT intervention. However it also outlines how Anthony Main and the Socialist Party have been targetted for helping to support a Melbourne Anti-Intervention action on International Women's Day which targetted Jenny Macklin speaking at Trades Hall for her support of the NT intervention.


Vigil in support of Afghan youth peace volunteers – 21 March 2011

On the 21st March, the Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers, with international supporters, planned to plant trees and hold a candlelight vigil in Kabul, Afghanistan. They had asked people around the world to also hold vigils in support. In Melbourne, a small group of peace activists held banners and handed out leaflets outside St Paul’s cathedral…

Among them were army veteran Chip Henriss and Jessica Morrison, recently returned from Afghanistan (see


London Indymedia report: 500,000 march for jobs, growth and justice

Report from London Indymedia Hundreds of thousands of people marched through central London today. The demonstrators protested against government austerity measures which force the bulk of the population, and especially public sector workers, to pay for the economic crisis which erupted out of the banking sector two years ago.

Dr. Helen Caldicott on the nuclear disaster in Japan

by Alex Smith, for the Radio Ecoshock show of March 25th, 2011.

Hear the audio at:

Alex Smith: As Japan suffers multiple reactor accidents, with radiation of the land and sea, sadly, one woman is vindicated again. Dr. Helen Caldicott is a physician, author, and speaker known throughout the world for her clear warnings about the dangers of nuclear weapons, and nuclear power.

Do we need a Middle Eastern study and support group?

With many Middle Eastern countries escalating into social crises, the recent uprisings and the continued conflict spanning throughout the post-World War 2 era; there is much speculation and concern from humanity, regarding the on-going's and history of this region. It may also be the case that the world is approaching a dramatic transition of the international order unprecedented in industrial times.

Top cop and weather girl at fault in Toowoomba Taser outrage

By Peter Pyke
0427 388 598

The Tasering of a lone, petite, seventeen-year-old girl by three well-built male Queensland Police officers at the counter of a fish and chip shop in Toowoomba recently should finally end disgraced Queensland police commissioner Bob Atkinson’s career.

I’m calling for the sacking or immediate resignation of police commissioner Atkinson and the disciplining of the senior Toowoomba police officer present at the incident in the Toowoomba CBD at 7.00 PM on Wednesday night 16 March.

Another unjust Doomadjee outcome

by ray jackson

the cmc and qld. police actions have again brought about an unjust outcome
for the doomadgee family, the palm island community and justice supporters
around australia and the world. the outcome, i would argue, is without
surprise as the state power brokers pulled every legal stunt possible to
slow the cmc from its course, even to the point of the six officers
in the study taking their own commissioner to court stating he could not
discipline them as he was biased. more whizz and somersaults than

Australia is not doing enough to eliminate racial discrimination in Australia

By Les Malezer

The Foundation for Aboriginal and Islander Research Action (FAIRA)
calls upon the Government of Australia to take a more prominent and
active position on the elimination of racism in Australia.

There are many areas which are in need of attention, at the highest
levels in law in Australia, to the details of disadvantage and poverty
at the local levels.

While Australia participated actively in the drafting of the United
Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial

Borneo tribes: 30-year regime ‘has destroyed everything’

Under Taib's rule the Penan have mounted countless blockades to stop their forest being destroyed. © A.Rain/N.Rain/Survival

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, March 24, 2011 - - Tribespeople in Sarawak, in the Malaysian part of Borneo, say the 30-year rule of Chief Minister Taib Mahmud has ‘raped’ their land, destroyed their rainforests and brought ‘hardship and suffering’.

Today, March 26, marks Taib Mahmud’s 30th anniversary as head of the rainforest state. Malaysia’s longest-serving Chief Minister, he has faced widespread and persistent allegations of corruption.

World Bank seeks Indigenous input on climate change

From: Les Malezer

The World Bank requests expressions of interest (in English) for consultancy from qualified firms/institutions for carrying
out case studies on impacts of climate change on Indigenous Peoples. The
deadline for expression of interest is April 7, 2011. The submission of
expression of interest should be in English.

Qualified Indigenous Peoples firms/institutions or firms with proven
experience in collaborating with Indigenous Peoples of the respective
regions are encouraged to submit their expression of interest. Those

Senate backs Greens’ motion on deaths in custody

The Senate has formally acknowledged that this year marks twenty
years since of the release of the Report of the Royal Commission into
Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, supporting a motion put by Senator
Rachel Siewert, Australian Greens spokesperson on Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander Issues.

Senator Siewert said the Senate has drawn attention to the continuing
high rate of incarceration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
people – a rate that continues to rise in an alarming fashion.

“Twenty years after the Royal Commission we are still seeing

Wind power secures electricity generation in Japan after earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident

No wind turbine was damaged by these disasters, and wind power contributes to the electricity supply in Japan

Tokyo/Bonn (WWEA) – According to data provided by the Japan Wind Power Association, no wind turbine in Japan was damaged by the recent earthquake and by the tsunami. As of the end of 2010, Japan had a total installed wind capacity of 2304 MW, with 1746 wind turbines.

WGAR News: Police used to break blockade by Aboriginal women of Lake Tyers

Newsletter date: 26 Mar 2011

* Police used to break blockade by Aboriginal women of Lake Tyers
* Other Lake Tyers blockade articles
* Background to blockade by Aboriginal women of Lake Tyers
* Aboriginal groups protest against nuclear waste dump
* Background to Muckaty Station nuclear waste dump
* Churches hope that Australia will continue to urge the Australian Government to end Intervention
* More on Tony Abbott's call for new NT Intervention
* Background to Tony Abbott's call for new NT Intervention
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles