
WGAR News: Online petition about Aboriginal workers exploited under SIHIP housing program

Newsletter date: 2 April 2011

* Online Petition: Aboriginal Workers Exploited Under SIHIP Program
* Poster for New Way Sovereignty Summit at Easter
* Crisis in Japan and Muckaty Nuclear Waste Dump
* Background to Muckaty Station nuclear waste dump
* Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other Articles


- Urgent Petition

Jobs With Justice: A union and community campaign for Aboriginal jobs
SIHIP petition date extended and now online

Climate change action vs anti-climate science rally

Both rallies where well attended, would guess several hundred to a thousand more at the Climate Action Rally, (But really the attendance was very similar and a debate on numbers would be a distraction from the real issue).

More corporate media at the Anti Climate Science rally. Lots of independent media at the Climate Action Rally (where does it all go?).


Call for Senate inquiry into Warburton Elder and Palm Island deaths in custody

By Gerry Georgatos

The Human Rights Alliance is calling for a Senate Inquiry to be urgently convened as a Select Committee Inquiry into the deaths in custody of the Warburton Elder (Western Australia) and at Palm Island (Queensland).

April 15 shall mark 20 years since the release of the Final Report and the 339 recommendations from the 1987-1991 Royal Commission into Australian Deaths in Custody.


Rwandan ‘anti-thatch’ campaign leaves thousands of ‘Pygmies’ homeless

A family stand amidst the ruins of their home
© COPORWA/ Survival

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, 1 April 2011 - - A Rwandan government programme to destroy all thatched roofs in the country is leaving thousands of Batwa ‘Pygmies’ homeless.

Hundreds of Batwa families have seen their homes destroyed in recent months, forcing them to live in the open during the rainy season.

Real cost of nuclear power apparent at Fukushima

Nuclear power appeared on the brink of a renaissance, until the Fukushima disaster. However, the darker side of nuclear energy has been exposed by Japan's struggle to contain radiation from the reactor damaged by the earthquake and tsunami. Measures to protect nuclear reactors from earthquakes in the future might be so expensive that investors will think twice before believing that an investment in nuclear energy can be profitable.

Libya: dragged away for reporting rape


Last Saturday, a young woman lawyer named Iman al-Obeidi burst into a Tripoli hotel and pleaded with foreign journalists for help, showing bruises and crying that she had just been gang-raped by 15 of Qaddafi's men. She screamed as she was dragged away by Libyan agents and has not been seen since. Words cannot express the courage Iman showed in speaking out -- and we can only imagine the terror she must be facing right now in the hands of Qaddafi's infamous thugs. Her life is in danger, but we can help, if we act fast.

Is wide spread corruption in Australia possible without media involvement?

No, it's impossible in my opinion and experience. Before we go to corruption itself, let us see how possibly media could play a role in developing corruption. There are number of definitions of corruption, and I talk about a wide aspect of it, when things do not work as they should and nothing can be done about it. So faulty and malfunctioning procedures, offices, policies and officials and governments is of great importance to the normal functioning of society. Not everyone work for the government nor has access to the documents and knowledge what is happening.


Help sought on ‘Closing the Gap’ research in Year 12 or equivalent

Urbis is seeking your assistance with an important research project on ‘Closing the Gap’ in Year 12 or equivalent attainment.

We are an independent social research company who has been commissioned by the Commonwealth Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations to develop case studies which showcase good practice in implementing initiatives that work toward ‘Closing the Gap’ in Year 12 or equivalent attainment for Indigenous young people.

We need your help

German government looking to insure new quake-vulnerable Brazilian nuke

Adapted from Campact by Diet Simon

Despite Fukushima the German government intends to use tax funds to secure the construction of a Brazilian nuclear power station in the middle of an earthquake area.

The Campact online action organization (similar to our GetUP! Or Aaaz) is calling on people to protest against the imminent decision.

Garnaut: Australia energy rich, but knowledge poor

By Kristy Henderson

“Climate change is a diabolical policy problem” according to Ross Garnaut, who in Melbourne on Tuesday night released the eighth climate change review paper: Transforming the electricity sector.

Speaking about the review in the most carbon intensive state in Australia, Garnaut optimistically touted Victoria’s history of innovation, and the inevitable role that this would have in transforming Victoria’s energy sector.


ANF demands release of jailed striking nurses in West Papua

ANF Press Release29 March 2011 The Australian Nursing Federation is calling for the immediate release of five nurses in West Papua who have been jailed by the Indonesian government for taking industrial action. ANF acting federal secretary Yvonne Chaperon said eight nurses and midwives were originally detained by the criminal investigation unit of the Papuan police in Jayapura for their involvement in industrial action. Five nurses remain in jail.

Drew Hutton arrested at gas pipeline blockade

On March 29th Drew Hutton, spokesperson for Friends of the Earth and leading campaigner for the national Lock the Gate campaign, was arrested at the Tara anti-coal seam gas blockade. He appeared in court the following day after spending the night in custody where he was bailed to appear in court in April.


Save St Mary's Paddock: Private school tries to steal public land

In a case that exemplifies the private school systems sense of entitlement to public money and resources, the Sophia Mundi Steiner school in Abbotsford is attempting to takeover the St Mary’s Paddock, part of the Collingwood Children’s Farm for a number of new classrooms. This attempt is opposed by the Children’s Farm itself and the Yarra Council but is supported by the Abbotsford Convent Management who is responsible for the site.


Amazon tribe’s unique fishing ritual could be their last

An intricate wooden dam is at the heart of the
Enawene Nawe's Yãkwa ritual. © Survival

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, 28 March 2011 - - The Enawene Nawe tribe of Brazil have begun their unique annual fishing ritual, amid fears that the 80 dams planned for the Juruena river basin are destroying their fish.

Tassie activists halt forest work over proposed Tamar pulp mill

SFER Press Release Twenty protesters stopped work in controversial high-conservation-value forests about 50km east of Launceston yesterday.
The protests came despite the peace negotiations between the forestry industry and environmental non-government organisations. The group Community Opposing Destruction of the Environment said the action was in response to forest facilitator Bill Kelty's statement last week that organisations must strike a deal on the Gunns Tamar Valley pulp mill or miss out on the permanent protection of 565,000ha of native forests.


Stop any backsliding on our aid budget

By Oxfam Australia

Oxfam Activists had a tremendous win in recent weeks. Their swift action in response to the Coalition’s suggestion of cuts to the Aid budget saw Tony Abbott quickly recommit the Coalition to its previous position of supporting an increased Aid budget of 0.5% of National Income by 2015.

Now it’s time to turn our focus to the Government.

Detention becomes a death sentence, anger grows at Curtin

Refugee Action Coalition Media Release March 29, 2011 Refugee supporters are appalled at the news that mandatory detention has taken another asylum seeker’s life, this time in the remote Curtin detention centre. The 20 year-old Afghan asylum seeker, Mohammad, committed suicide late yesterday (Monday) afternoon. He was found hanging in his room by others who returned to the accommodation block and found his room locked.


Australia as “last bastion for the Aryan race”

Goodooga, northwest NSW, 30 March - - An Aboriginal leader convening a summit at Easter argues that Australia’s desire to be the last bastion for the Aryan race, as was stated at Federation in 1901, continues to drive Australian governments of all political persuasions. Michael Anderson, the last survivor of the four 1972 founders of the Aboriginal embassy in Canberra and leader of the 3,000 Euahlayi, says in a media release that the New Way Sovereignty Summit in Canberra will challenge Australia’s application for a seat on the United Nations Security Council.


Sign to end pokie addiction


Profiteering poker-machine operators are gearing up to spend $20 million to derail Government plans to kick Australia’s pokie addiction. Prime Minister Gillard committed to help gambling-affected families -- but insiders fear she’ll back-track in the face of pressure from vested interests.