
Young Hazari man hangs himself in Qld detention centre

A 20 year old man was found dead at the RAAF Scherger detention centre near Weipa on the 16th of March 2011. According to refugee advocates, the young man of Hazari origin from Afghanistan has recently had his refugee application rejected and was very depressed. The Australian Government has over recent months taken a much harder line on Hazari's claiming that the situation for them has improved in Afghanistan. This is refuted by the Hazari community in Australia and the record number of civilian and military deaths in Afghanistan in 2010 would suggest otherwise.


Another Night of "SHOCK and AWE" on Christmas Island

"When the AFP and TRG boarded the plane for Christmas Island at 4pm last Friday, the Christmas island protest had just begun. It was a totally peaceful action with groups of men walking the 15 kilometres through the jungle to the inhabited parts of the island." writes Pamela Curr, Co-ordinator of the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre in Melbourne.

Over the next two days some went to the Mosque, some to the Construction Camp to visit family, some went swimming and some went to the airport to sit. No crime, no theft, absolutely peaceful.


Detention uprising

Ramesh Fernandez a former immigration detainee gives his view of the Detention Centre protests via the R.I.S.E. website
On Thursday 11 March, after waiting many months for a decision regarding their visas, several asylum seekers received rejection letters from DIAC. In the early hours of the next day, between 50 and 150 asylum seekers broke through iron gates and escaped the Christmas Island detention centre. Though the SERCO guards immediately tried to catch the escaped detainees, they were largely unsuccessful.


Horrific treatment of Amazon Indians exposed 100 years ago

Thousands of Indians were enslaved and killed
during the rubber boom. ©W Hardenburg

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, 17 March 2011 - - 30,000 Amazon Indians were enslaved, tortured, raped and starved in just 12 years during the rubber boom, according to a historic report submitted by Irish investigator Roger Casement, 100 years ago on 17 March 1911.

Boy protests detention at Broadmeadows detention centre in Melbourne

A teenager climbed five metres into a tree at 7AM on Friday 18th March at a detention centre in Broadmeadows Melbourne and refused to come down for eight hours. The ABC reported he was was perched on a branch about five metres off the ground and frequently waved his shirt to attract the attention of media helicopters, whilst firefighters and staff tried to coax him down.


Breaking Australia's silence: WikiLeaks and freedom forum held in Sydney

Breaking Australia's silence: WikiLeaks and freedom' was a public forum held on 16 March 2011 at the Sydney Town Hall. The event was staged by the Sydney Peace Foundation, Amnesty, Stop the War Coalition, and supported by the City of Sydney.

Chaired by Mary Kostakidis, it featured speeches by John Pilger, Andrew Wilkie MP (the only serving Western intelligence officer to expose the truth about the Iraq invasion) and Julian Burnside QC, defender of universal human rights under the law.


Seven years of clearfelling commences in Gippsland's domestic water supply

Friends of the Earth Melbourne Press release 17th March 2011 Friends of the Earth today warned that the South Gippsland communities of Toora, Welshpool and Port Welshpool, could start to experience declining quality of drinking water after observing yesterday that logging had commenced in the water supply for these communities. The logging probably started three weeks ago said Friends of the Earth Landuse Researcher Anthony Amis. The logging is being conducted by Hancock Victorian Plantations (HVP) in the headwaters of the Agnes River system.


Spinning Fukushima

Below is an article from FOE Mellbourne's website explaining how Austalian nuclear scientists/boosters have tried to spin the ongoing crisis in Fukushima in Japan.

How have Australian scientists handled the difficult task of keeping us informed about the unfolding nuclear disaster in Japan? The first thing to note is that precious few Australian scientists have featured in the media. The most prominent have been Prof Aidan Byrne from the Australian National University, RMIT Chancellor Dr Ziggy Switkowski, and Prof. Barry Brook from Adelaide University.

More tear gas and fires on Christmas Island

Sydney Refugee Action Coalition Media Release 18 March, 2011 Police have used a stronger version of tear gas that has badly affected protesters inside the Christmas Island detention centre tonight (Thursday night), around 10.00pm Christmas Island time. Over 250 asylum seekers were involved in the protest. The protests started in response to a letter asylum seekers received from Canberra Thursday afternoon. While the whole content of the letter is not known, the letter says in part that security checks for those waiting would be completed by the end of April.


Melbourne vigil for the people of Japan

A candlelight vigil in Melbourne on the steps of the GPO heard from people with close relatives caught up in the tragedy of the devastating earthquake, tsunamis and escalating nuclear crisis in Japan.

See Photos

Origami peace cranes cascaded down the old GPO steps into the Bourke Street Mall where many office workers stopped briefly to watch on their journey home.


Refugee advocates urge restraint as tear gas used on peaceful protest on Christmas Island

Refugee Action Coalition Media Release 17 March 2011 Following the use of tear gas and a bean bag round to break an asylum seeker’s leg on Sunday night, more evidence of heavy-handed policing on Christmas Island has emerged. Asylum seekers on Christmas Island have told the refugee Action Coalition that tear gas was used on a peaceful protest on Christmas Island last night (ie Wednesday night).A group of around 400 asylum seekers were walking in the open area of the detention centre in an attempt to speak to media representatives on the island.


Permanent protest camp set up by Aboriginal protestors at Iluka sand mine in Victoria

A protest camp was set up by an Indigenous group, outside the Iluka mine in late February, in north-west Victoria. The group demands a stop to mining due to damage of culturally sensitive sites. Aboriginal Affairs Minister Jeannette Powell has stated that while the reported discovery of stone artefacts is still being investigated, she is confident the mining company is meeting its cultural heritage obligations.


Killer cops must be arrested, charged and jailed for murder, no more cover ups!!

Below is an article by Nathan Paull from the Townsville Bulletin which extensively quotes Palm Island Mayor Alf Lacey on the indigenous communities reaction to the outrageous decision by the Qld police to not charge the police who sabotaged the investigation into Cameron "Mulrunji" Doomadgee death at the hands of police whilst in custody on Palm Island.


Stop Qaddafi


The Arab League has just formally proposed a resolution at the UN Security Council to create a no-fly zone over Libya. After weeks of international deadlock, this is the moment of truth -- and if we don't persuade the UN to act now, we could see in Libya one of the worst bloodbaths of our new century.

Qaddafi's forces are crushing the rebellion town by town. If they retake the country, brutal retribution awaits Libyans who challenged the regime. Already, reports of torture and killing are flowing from retaken areas.

Arrests begin at Tara gas pipeline blockade

Up to 70 protesters have gathered at Tara to physically blockade the Queensland Gas Company workers moving in to build a gas pipeline. Some have climbed trees near a key access road, holding banners that say: "Don't gas Tara".

Others, including farmers, landowners and green groups, have rallied outside the company's Tara office.


ANTaR update on Lake Tyer women's blockade - the blockade WILL continue!

A group of women have started a blockade at Lake Tyers Aboriginal community in Victoria's far south east. The spokesperson for the blockaders is Leanne Edwards.

They set up their blockade on International Women's Day and on Friday released a second statement affirming that their blockade continues after having met with people from Aboriginal Affairs Victoria and Minister Jeannette Powell's office and recieved no joy as to their concerns.


Germany temporarily switching off seven nukes, may rescind longer running times

Areas directly endangered in Germany in case of a nuclear fuel meltdown in a German or near-border foreign nuke.

The emphatically pro-nuclear German government has ordered all seven nuclear power stations that began working up to the end of 1980 to be temporarily taken off-line.

After meeting with the premiers of states that have nuclear power plants, Chancellor Angela Merkel announced that in response to the nuclear disaster in Japan, the safety of all 17 German nukes is to be reviewed by 15 June.


Paving paradise - Coomoora Reserve falls to the bulldozers for Dingley arterial road

Coomoora Woodland Flora and Fauna Reserve was a small oasis of biodiversity in an urban environment. Located in the City of Greater Dandenong in outer Melbourne, it was listed by the National Trust for it's local and regional environmental and heritage significance and provided an environmental refuge for remnant native bushland and wildlife. It was a place of tranquillity where people could reconnect with the natural environment, where school groups could study biology and ecology. But it's listing by the National Trust could not prevent it's destruction by Vicroads and the State Government to make way for the Dingley Arterial.


WGAR News: Federal Court challenge over nuclear dump resumes in August

Newsletter date: 16 March 2011

* Federal Court legal challenge over Muckaty nuclear waste dump resumes in August
* More on the blockade by Aboriginal women of Lake Tyers
* More on 'racist' Alice Springs TV advertisement
* Other Muckaty nuclear waste dump articles
* Background to Muckaty Station nuclear waste dump
* Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention


- News

ABC: Legal battle over nuclear dump to resume in August

'No more mulesed wool!' - PETA protest at Melbourne Fashion Week show - 15 March 2011

Continuing its campaign against 'mulesing', People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) staged a protest this evening outside the Designer Award 2011 Finalist show, part of Melbourne Fashion Week sponsored by Woolmark. Two women wearing heart-shaped signs were accompanied by other campaigners holding placards reading 'No more mulesed wool', and others distributed leaflets.

Earlier, PETA had emailed more than 5oo stud merino breeders calling on them to act to stop the practice -

From PETA's blog:
