
Call for support of deaths in custody W.A. demo 15 April

Dear Supporters,
15 April 2011 marks 20 years since the release of the Report of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (RCIADIC).
In recognition of this passing and the continued need for reform, the Aboriginal Legal Service of WA (ALSWA) and the Deaths in Custody Watch Committee (DICWC) of WA are organising a peaceful protest on 15 April 2011 to remember those who have died in custody or in police presence, and to call for urgent reform including implementation of ALL the RCIADIC recommendations.

Why no justice for Veronica Baxter? Why did Paris die?

by ray jackson, president, indigenous social justice association.

Last Monday, 4th april 2011, after a three and a half hour Coronial
Inquest was held as to the reasons surrounding the hanging death of
Aboriginal transwoman, Veronica Baxter, also known as Paris to her many
friends. the NSW Deputy Coroner Mcmahon found that she had been arrested
on the 10th march 2009 for attempting to sell drugs to an undercover
police officer sting, she was refused bail (no one knows why bail was
refused), she then spent five days in the Sydney Police Cells under the

Strategic workshop on implementation of the Declaration

The Foundation for Aboriginal and Islander Research Action (FAIRA)calls for expressions of interest from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and individuals interested in participation in a workshop on the rights of Indigenous Peoples.

This workshop will be of interest to participants in the Indigenous Peoples Organisations meetings and others who have an interest in, and knowledge of, the relevant human rights or indigenous rights structures at the national and international levels.


The Shortwave Report 04/08/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (April 8) is up at the website in both broadcast quality (15.1MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) (28:59)
(NEW! If you have access to there is a higher quality version posted up there {35MB}

This week's show features stories from China Radio International, NHK Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and The Voice of Russia.

WGAR News: Updates on NT intervention, deaths in custody, Lake Tyers and native title

Newsletter date: 7 April 2011

* Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Human Rights Alliance calls again for a Senate inquiry into deaths in custody
* Interview with Lake Tyers Women's spokesperson, Leanne Edwards
* Background to blockade by Aboriginal women of Lake Tyers
* Greens table important amendments to Native Title Act
* Other articles


- Media Release

Australian Human Rights Commission:
Efforts in Alice Springs should continue for communities to thrive

Police claim they capsicum sprayed protestor to protect him!

Oliver Ball the protestor who was capsicum sprayed twice by police at the rally against mandatory detention at the Broadmeadows Detention Centre on April 2nd has spoken extensively to the mainstream media about the police violence used against him. He has also brought the video footage of this disgusting attack on a peaceful protestor to the attention of the media as well receiving coverage on John Faine's 774 show, ABC online, the Herald Sun, The Age and the report by AAP has also been circulated widely.


ACTU press release: Unions call on Indonesia to release arrested nurses

ACTU Press Release March 29th Australian unions have called on the Indonesian Government to respect international labour Conventions and human and trade union rights following the arrest of five nurses in West Papua. ACTU President Ged Kearney said it was outrageous that the nurses had been detained for nine days and were reportedly subjected to long periods of police interrogation, simply because they had supported an industrial campaign to ensure they received their contracted entitlements.

KR 191 The unfriendly atom mp3

media collage

Nukular variations, splitting Uranium atoms, Mad Scientist various versions, Tritium Springs, Goggles do nuthin, Meltdown at 3 Mile Island excerpt, Nukular, nuclear terrorist, Westinghouse Corporation promo samples, Harm and Hurt Corporation, Satsop abandoned Nuclear Power Plant, Mad Scientist Toy Lab Commercial, The China Syndrom, Energy by Clarke and Dawe, Safe power spin

sounds by Kraftwerk, MC Mad Scientist, MC Ren, Large Professor, Scar Tissue, Step It up, Supahempadoxical


More horror news on palm oil savagery

By Diet Simon, sourced on Rainforest Rescue

More horror news about the palm oil pestilence destroying ever more Third World people, with help from the World Bank.

In Honduras 25 murders of subsistence farmers are being blamed on the palm oil corporation, Dinant.

In Colombia 123 farming families violently driven off by police in 2009 at the behest of the Daabon palm oil corporation want to return peacefully to their lands.


TERRA NULLIUS - and yet another venting in response to an incredibly dense individual

SHILO HARRISON has written an impressive and well constructed article that should be read widely. The article signifies and identifies origins of thinking, inter generational premises, biases, prejudices and various attitudes and explains factual realities verse assumptions, and implications and imputations. Posted, by Gerry Georgatos.

Terra Nullius - and yet another venting in response to an incredibly dense individual
by Shilo Harrison on Friday, April 1, 2011 at 10:15am.New Terminology Does Not Make the Impossible Possible

Videos of Adelaide actions (direct and otherwise) against Israeli apartheid

The Adelaide based organisation Action For Palestine and a number of other independent activists organised an action against the Israeli cosmetics company SEACRET. This action was taken as part of the international Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign which seeks to end Israel's apartheid policies against the Palestinians (see for more info).


Video of direct action at Broadmeadows Detention Centre: Detainees escape, activists capsicum sprayed and arrested

The protest organized by the Refugee Action Collective of Victoria at the Broadmeadows Detention Centre currently houses 140 young asylum seekers from the ages of 13-18. The days event included a march and speakers attended by around 300 people but also witnessed some dramatic incidents of direct action and police repression which can be seen in the Youtube clip below.


MITA demonstration- Different activist responses

A march and rally in support of the 140+ young refugees being held in long term detention at the Melbourne Immigration Transit Accommodation (MITA )in Broadmeadows was held on Saturday April 3. Despite poor weather 200-250 people gathered thanks to a good promotional effort from protest organisers Refugee Action Collective (RAC).


Protest against children in Immigration detention at Broadmeadows

The Gillard Government made a commitment in 2010 to release all children from immigration detention by June 2011, but still 1000 children languish in the harsh environment of immigration camps around Australia. The Refugee Action Collective organised a protest yesterday outside the Broadmeadows Detention Centre which currently houses 140 young asylum seekers from the ages of 13-18.

Related: Melbourne Protests report | MITA demonstration - different activist responses | Video of direct action at Broadmeadows Detention Centre: Detainees escape, activists capsicum sprayed and arrested | Youtube Videos - speech by Nicole Mousely, Video by izzywombat | Flickr photos by Takver | Refugee Action Collective - Vic


Blockaders claim victory at Tara: Queensland Gas Company in breach of environmental authority

Lock the Gate Press Release April 3rd 2011 The blockaders at the Tara residential estate claimed victory today in their campaign to stop QGC (British Gas) from building a pipeline on to their estate. The police have packed up and left, telling the protest group this was a "civil matter now". QGC have stopped all work on the pipeline.

Related: Drew Hutton arrested at gas pipeline blockade (31/3/11) |
Arrests begin at Tara gas pipeline blockade (16/3/11) |
Gas exploration faces grassroots stand off in Southern Queensland (28/2/11)


The Human Rights Alliance is disappointed in The Greens and the Senate for watering down the call for a Senate inquiry into Australian deaths in custody

The Human Rights Alliance's Response to the Australian Senate and to the Greens:

Senate backs Motion Acknowledging Deaths in Custody: This is not Enough. We have called for a Joint Committee Senate Inquiry into Australian Deaths in Custody.

The Human Rights Alliance, and with apologies, has quickly crafted this Media Release to express our disappointment that our campaign for a call for a Joint Committee Senate Inquiry into Australian Deaths in Custody has been watered down to a Senate Motion acknowledging what we already know. This is attrition.
