Call for support of deaths in custody W.A. demo 15 April

Dear Supporters,
15 April 2011 marks 20 years since the release of the Report of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (RCIADIC).
In recognition of this passing and the continued need for reform, the Aboriginal Legal Service of WA (ALSWA) and the Deaths in Custody Watch Committee (DICWC) of WA are organising a peaceful protest on 15 April 2011 to remember those who have died in custody or in police presence, and to call for urgent reform including implementation of ALL the RCIADIC recommendations.
The event has been arranged over lunch to allow for the greatest participation. Please show your support by volunteering on the day and encouraging as many of your family, friends and colleagues to attend. The more people who attend, the stronger message for reform we give.
To register as a volunteer or find out more information, please email or call 0415 074 602.
Please also circulate this email throughout your networks.
In Solidarity,
Ms. Tammy Solonec
Managing Solicitor
Law and Advocacy Unit
Ph: (08) 9265 6693
Mb: 0457 552 607
Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia (Inc.) (ALSWA)
7 Aberdeen Street, Perth WA 6004
(near McIver Train Station)
PO Box 8194, Perth Business Centre WA 6849