
More arrests at Tara gas pipeline blockade

There were more arrests on the 11th April at the Tara blockade of the Queensland Gas Company's construction of pipelines through private land as the campaign against the expansion of the coal stream gas industry continues.

On the 11th of April Steve Irwin's father, Bob Irwin was arrested along with two other demonstrators after refusing to stop blocking a road.

Channel Ten news coverage on Youtube of arrests


Mass arrests at protest to stop destruction of Tasmanian heritage site

Twenty one protestors have been arrested trying to stop the start of construction of a section of a road bridge that will destroy a nationally listed heritage site that contains evidence of Aboriginal occupation of Tasmania going back 42,000 years. The Tasmanian Government claims it is "too expensive" to re-route the bridge demonstrating that in 2011 Aboriginal culture and heritage is still seen as both an impediment to "progress" and disposable.


Amnesty International: Authorities must investigate unnecessary and excessive use of firearms by security forces in West Papua

16 April 2011: The Indonesian authorities must ensure a prompt, impartial and effective investigation into the unnecessary and excessive use of firearms by security forces that led to the deaths of at least two Papuans and injuries to three others.

WGAR News: Joint national call to action to reduce imprisonment of Indigenous people

Joint National Call to Action to reduce imprisonment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

Newsletter date: 16 April 2011

* Call to Action to reduce imprisonment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
* Deaths in custody - 20 years since the Royal Commission
* Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention


- Media Release

ANTaR - Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation:

Agrofuel evicts and impoverishes Guatemalan farming families

By Rainforest Rescue

Police in Guatemala have destroyed the homes and crops of hundreds of peasant families to evict them from their small land holdings.

The land is to be used to grow sugar cane and oil palms to produce ethanol and biodiesel.

The families are now homeless and dependent on food handouts.

Yvonne Margarula's letter to the UN expressing solidarity with the people of Fukushima

Below is a letter sent by Yvonne Margarula of the Mirrar people to Ban Ki Moon the Secretary General of the UN on the 6th of April 2011. The Mirrar are the traditional owners of the land that Ranger and Jabiluka Uranium mines are located on. These mines have been developed without the consent of the Mirrar people. The letter expresses solidarity with the people of Japan and sorrow that uraniun from the land of the Mirrar was used in the Fukushima plant.>

Dear Secretary-General,

Coral Reef record shows Queensland climate becoming more extreme

The Queensland climate is becoming more extreme with more frequent rain and drought events since the nineteenth century according to research on coral reef cores published in the scientific journal, Paleoceanography by Dr Janice Lough from the Australian Institute of Marine Science in April 2011.


Brisbane blacks, clean up your own back yard

" Unfinished Business in Brisbane "

A major problem and impediment to progress is the Aboriginal Bureaucracy. That layer of people between us and the Government ( read money ) the middleman ( or woman ) Mainly Administration and Management of Aboriginal and Islander and associated organisations. i.e. Legal Services, Health Services, Hostels, Youth Services, Education etc. their Supporters in the Public Services, including the mainly,One-Dimensional, Aboriginal Academics and Professionsl Agitators.

Senate's deaths in custody motion is an insult

The Human Rights Alliance
Deaths in Custody: Australia's horrific record - The Australian Senate lets us down. Motion is an insult.

By Gerry Georgatos

The Australian Senate approved the Greens Motion to acknowledge the rising Aboriginal incarceration rates and deaths in custody in lieu of Friday 15, April which marks twenty years since the release of the 339 recommendations and Final Report of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.

Keynote speech by James Anaya at the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council conference

Keynote Speech by James Anaya,
United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples,
at the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council Conference
"Be Informed, Be Involved, Be Inspired"

Speaking Notes

5 April 2011


First of all, I would like to acknowledge and pay my respects to the
traditional owners of this land, and to their ancestors as well as
their future generations. It's very much my honor and privilege to be
here to participate in this event. I would like to thank the New South

Town camp leader outraged by Bess Price claims on ABC Television's Q and A

Media release April 15 2011

Barbara Shaw, spokesperson for the Intervention Rollback Action Group in Alice Springs and resident of Mt Nancy Town camp says that comments by Bess Price on Q and A about the "success" of the Intervention ignore the huge evidence of continuing failure.

IRAG says Mrs Price's comments have caused distress amongst people living in prescribed areas under the Intervention, whose experiences of deteriorating social conditions continue to be ignored by government and mainstream media.

The Shortwave Report 04/15/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (April 15) is up at the website in both broadcast quality (15.1MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) (28:59)
(NEW! If you have access to there is a higher quality version posted up there {35MB}

This week's show features stories from China Radio International, NHK Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and The Voice of Russia.

Vimeo deletes “FMG’s Great Native Title Swindle” video after legal threats

By Michael Woodley, CEO Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation

13 APRIL 2011 - - A video exposing the interference of Fortescue Metals Group and its CEO Andrew Forrest at an illegitimate, FMG-sponsored native title meeting in Roebourne on 16 March, has been deleted from the video hosting site Vimeo after Vimeo got a lawyer’s letter from FMG threatening legal action.

Uncontacted Indians: report exposes ‘untold story’ of Repsol’s exploration


Oil giant Repsol-YPF could be threatening the existence of two of the world’s last uncontacted tribes, according to a damning new report by Survival International.

The Spanish-Argentine oil company has been targeted for its work in ‘Block 39’ in northern Peru, one of the most biodiverse areas on the planet.

More than 75 pieces of evidence have been collected showing the tribes’ presence in the region, including abandoned gardens, crossed spears and sworn testimonies of sightings.

Help give Malaysians a chance at free and fair elections

There is a revolution brewing. A dictator has clung to power for decades. He and his family have stolen billions while their people languish in poverty. The people are fed up and are calling for change. And once again we see an attack on the Internet to silence the voice of reform and democracy.

But it’s not happening in the Middle East. It’s happening in Sarawak, the island state of Malaysia where the Chief Minister Taib Mahmud has ruled with impunity for 30 years. His tenure is so long and ruthless and his wealth so immense some have called him the Malaysian Mubarak.

WGAR News: Deaths in custody and Aboriginal incarceration rates

Newsletter date: 14 April 2011

* Deaths in custody and Aboriginal incarceration rates
* Muckaty Traditional Owners speak out
* Background to Muckaty Station nuclear waste dump
* Interview with Leanne Edwards from Lake Tyres Aboriginal community
* Background to blockade by Aboriginal women of Lake Tyers
* Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other Aboriginal Articles


- Audio

Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association:

Developer destroys part of the heritage houses in Chippendale, Sydney

A Construction company has destroyed the yards at the rear of the heritage houses that the Co-op has been useing to grow plants and destroyed garden beds in our community garden. It appears this was done with out any application to the council or without notifying the co-op. 

The real problem thou is the destruction of the yards and structures of these significant houses. the yards have been bulldozed and some structures have been razed for ever.

Once agian we find ourselves at the mercy of construction companies that believe that they can do what ever they want.