
The Shortwave Report 05/06/11 listen globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (May 6) is up at the website (NOTE THE URL ADDRESS HAS CHANGED SLIGHTLY DUE TO SERVER SWITCH) in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27mb), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

Santander Bank suspends funding for controversial Brazilian dam

The Uru-eu-Wau-Wau are one of the tribes who will
be affected by the Madeira River dams. © Survival

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, 5 May 2011-- Europe’s largest bank, Santander, has suspended its funding for Brazil’s hugely controversial Santo Antonio dam, citing environmental and social concerns.

SERCO gets WA court security and custodial services, Human Rights Alliance deeply concerned

SERCO has been selected as the tender respondent for court security and custodial services in Western Australia. Serco's history is questionable and WA should be alerted. More people die per 1,000 prisoner population in privately run jails as compared to government run jails. Serco's management of the Curtin Detention Centre Easter protests should come before a Government Inquiry.

Stop jumps racing now Premier - three deaths too many

Animal Australia Press Release 3/4/2011 nimals Australia has slammed the jumps racing industry today after a jumps horse fell and died in the first jumping race of the Warrnambool racing carnival -- the third death of the 2011 Victorian season. Shine The Armour, a 6 year old gelding fell at the 2nd last hurdle and died in the first jumps race of the 3-day meeting. Another two horses fell in the race and Shine the Amour's jockey has been taken to hospital.


Animal Liberation Victoria occupies battery hen farm roof in Victoria

More than 20 animal rights activists have occupied the roof of the Somerville Egg Farm all day today (4th May) to protest against what they say are appalling conditions within the facility. Police are present and there is a large media contingent. The protestors say they will stay "as long it takes". There has been at least one arrest.
For updates visit Animal Liberation facebook page


Twenty years of iconic Indigenous newspaper goes online and global

4 May 2011

Twenty years – more than 35,000 pages – of an Australian publishing icon will be available online from this week, thanks to a unique project undertaken by the nation’s premier Indigenous research organisation.

koori.jpg The Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) in Canberra has partnered with the Koori Mail to digitise the newspaper’s back archive*.

How US taxpayers' money goes to support the slave trade (pt. 1)

Right now conservatives and progressives across my country, America, are considering ways to cut government spending. One of the options tossed about concerns cuts to military spending. Within this area there are so many things to consider. There are so many things to discuss and ways to break each of them down.

Mass baboon killings on South African “ecological” timber plantations

By Diet Simon and Klaus Schenck

On South African industrial pine and eucalyptus plantations 400 baboons have been killed so far this year, almost 2,000 in the past two years, although the worldwide Forest Stewardship Council has certified the plantations as ecologically managed and socially responsible.

Sydney remembers Al Nakba

The 63rd year of the Palestinian Nakba, which saw two-thirds of the Palestinian population become refugees following the 1948 War and the establishment of the State of Israel, will take place on 15th May, 2011. Many in the Australian community now recognise the enormous significance of the Nakba for the Palestinian people, millions of whom remain refugees unable to return to their homes, while others live under Israel’s harsh military occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza.


WGAR News: Indigenous Languages Forum - 8 May 2011, Mparntwe / Alice Springs

Newsletter date: 3 May 2011

* Indigenous Languages Forum - 8 May 2011, Mparntwe / Alice Springs
* Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Travelling exhibition tracing the fight for Indigenous civil rights from 1920 to 1970
* Aboriginal Deaths in Custody and Aboriginal incarceration rates
* Other Aboriginal Articles


- Forum

Bilingual Education in the Northern Territory:
Indigenous languages - politics, policy, protection and practice

May Day in Melbourne - 1 May 2011

Numbers were up on last year, partly no doubt because the day fell on a Sunday, allowing the May Day Committee to fall in line with the rest of the world, but also boosted by the arrival of a large contingent marching under the banner of Middle East Solidarity and demanding democracy in Syria...
As always, the march was led by the Ringwood RSL Pipe Band, and followed the traditional route down Russell Street to LaTrobe, Swanston Street to Collins, and so back to Trades Hall via Russell Street. Proceedings began with a Welcome to Country from Indigenous activist Sharon Firebrace.


HRA media release: The frontiers are ugly, violence and deaths on the horizon

The Human Rights Alliance
Media Release:

Urgent Action Required to Stop Detention Centre Deaths in Custody and the rise of mental illnesses. DETENTION CENTRES AT CRISIS POINT. Violence on the horizon.

Tributes for Peter Gray: Shoe thrower and environmental activist

Tributes have flowed in for activist Peter Gray, the evironmental campaigner who famously threw his shoes at John Howard last year. Read the ABC online coverage or the online obituary on Engage Media by Anna Helme which includes a link to an interview with Peter and an obituary from the Sydney Morning Herald


Respects to Saif Gaddafi & Osama bin Laden


And, to Colonel Gaddafi's grandchildren, allegedly killed in the same bombing that killed his son Saif.

So who is next?

Perhaps all they have to do now is knock me off?

Bring it on, psychos!

Whatever the winners record for 'posterity' about those they deem as 'enemies', there will always be a number, and in today's widespread underground information-web and the to-themselves cynicism toward the superpowers, a very high number of us will look down on and 'spit' on the 'official' news stories and metaphorically on those who fabricate them.

Osama: Was he guilty?

Well, if you say so. Too late for a trial now, isn't it! He's "done like a dinner". And while we are on the subject of "the guilty", is Gadaffi really the man you say he is? And was his son and grandchildren as guilty as he? I could go on all day about who is supposed to be guilty about "stuff" none of us really know anything about. What disturbs me is that whatever you feed us is all swallowed without much fuss. Easy. Job done. I don't know who to be more mad at, you or "the masses", in times like these. I mean, maybe it's all true. Who am I, or anyone else, to say?