
Green illusions and the carbon tax: article by Tim Anderson

Below is a very interesting article that Tim Anderson, an academic from Sydney Uni published on his Facebook page. It includes in my opinion a very cogent critique of the embrace by the Greens and the environment movement of "market solutions" to Climate Change such as the Carbon Tax and Cap and Trade schemes. He highlights the foolishness of believeing that anything other than direct investment in renewables, regulation and removal of subsidies to fossil fuel will bring our emmissions down.

Green Illusions and the Carbon Tax: By Tim Anderson


Death in custody should be explored before the criminal justice system and the buck should not be passed as happens. 2,300 Australian deaths in custody since 1980

In terms of culpability and liability the death of the Warburton Elder in the back of a prisoner transport typifies so many unwarranted deaths in custody in Australia including the Palm Island death in custody, the impaling death of the young man in Redfern, and so many thousands of other deaths. Australia has a long tragic history of deaths in custody, and is not limited to the horrific record during the last 31 years which has claimed in excess of 2,300 lives.

Buckingham Palace protest against royal wedding invite to Saudi invaders of Bahrain

Buckhingham Palace Protest Against Royal Wedding Invite to Saudi invaders of Bahrain

Link to Guardian photo of the Palace protest

(* Peter Tatchell is sn Australian born human rights and gay activist the Australian government won't let visit Australia!
** Ciaron O'Reilly is an Austrlian anti-war and Catholic Worker activist presently based in London)

Report by Ciaron O'Reilly

Why Indymedia still matters: Facebook deletes political pages in the UK

In a lesson as to why non-corporate independant activist sites like Indymedia still matter in the Age of Facebook and Twitter, Facebook deleted 50 political pages in the UK on the day of the Royal Wedding. Facebooks lame cover for this blatant act of censorship on behalf of the UK state was that the pages had been set up as individual profiles not a group pages.

Its time to demand the Greens take real action against mandatory detention

It is time the refugee movement in Australia demands the Greens use their power in Parliament to force the ALP to end the cruel policy of mandatory detention. It is unacceptable for the Green’s to keep a racist Government in power. The Greens make regular public statements criticizing the length of time people are kept in detention and their representatives even give speeches from the platform at rallies against mandatory detention calling for a more humane policy. However as the detention system lurches from one crisis to crisis and the ALP moves further to the right in embracing ever more punitive policies towards asylum seekers the Greens continue to keep the Government in power.


Welfare bashers return in latest government robes

Gillard and Macklin are about to launch (May 2011) a Welfare Bashing program to "assist" people back into the workforce and those on meagre benefits no less.
This follows the same format as what is being used in the Northern territory as both John Pilger and Eva Cox have warned the public about this abhorrent state of affairs. See: Newatilda and Eva Cox's: "It Began with the Intervention" and other potent articles about this topic.


The Human Rights Alliance calls for a UN Special Rapporteur to enter the Curtin Detention Centre

The Human Rights Alliance
Curtin Detention Centre - UN Special Rapporteur must be called in. Independent observers must enter Curtin. The protests have ceased due to promises made by DIAC to the Asylum Seekers. The media must be allowed into Curtin Detention Centre.

WGAR News: "Keep the poison out of Muckaty" - community rally on May 7, 2011

Newsletter date: 30 April 2011

* Join the Tennant Creek community for a rally on May 7
* Background to Muckaty nuclear waste dump
* Aboriginal Sovereignty to the International Court of Justice
* Les Malezer defends National Congress of Australia's First Peoples
* Background to National Congress of Australia's First Peoples
* Tony Abbott in Alice Springs, Northern Territory
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* More on the First Nations political party
* Other Aboriginal articles

S.A. press release: Refugee rights protesters rally in Melbourne

Socialist Alternative Press ReleaseA protest action in support of refugee rights has been called in the Melbourne CBD for tonight (April 29th) at 5 pm. The protest is to begin in the Bourke Street Mall before marching to the Department of Immigration offices in the city.


Testimonial of the physical and mental abuse of unaccompanied minors at Broadmeadows and Maribyrnong Detention Centre

Press Release 29.4.11 New laws further persecute refugees "The new laws against detainees who commit an "offense" will potentially block their permanent protection, while the crimes committed against detainees by SERCO, the Immigration Department and the Police go unchecked and the mental anguish of indefinite detention fuels the fire that pushes them to desperation point," says refugee advocate Izzy Brown.


The Shortwave Report 04/29/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (April 29) is up at the website in both broadcast quality (15.1MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) (28:59)
(NEW! If you have access to there is a higher quality version posted up there {27MB}

This week's show features stories from China Radio International, NHK Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and The Voice of Russia.

Darwin gathering for Aboriginal people living in prescribed areas under the NT Intervention


Newsletter date: 29 Apr 2011

* Request for Support for Prescribed Area Peoples’ Alliance Gathering - Darwin June 19-21, 2011
* Deaths in Custody: A Crikey Investigation
* Aboriginal summit - Call for dramatic return to proactive political action
* First Nations political party and the NT elections
* Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* National Congress of Australia's First Peoples
* Background to National Congress of Australia's First Peoples

Community controlled solar power

Jura Books is on the way to becoming solar-powered! Jura is a not-for-profit bookshop, community library and social space run by a democratic, volunteer, anarchist collective. The solar system Jura hopes to install will be a community-owned renewable energy resource in the heart of Sydney's inner west. It will be a model of community-controlled renewable energy.


What a rightwing propaganda rag "The Australian" is

Abbott flies into heart of intervention debate in Alice Springs

Larissa Behrendt: Lies, damn lies, and The Australian’s statistics

What a rightwing propaganda rag "The Australian" is.

In his efforts to support Abbott, Shanahan refers to " key traditional
Aboriginal leaders" and " indigenous leaders who support the intervention"

7-Eleven franchise fined but workers still owed thousands in back pay

UNITE Media Release 27.4.2011 A decision was made in the Melbourne Magistrates Court last week to fine the former operators of two 7-Eleven stores $150,000. At the same time Magistrate Kate Hawkins ordered Bosen to back-pay six workers close to $90,000. Unfortunately these workers will probably never see their money. The scam was uncovered by UNITE who exposed the 7-Eleven franchise for paying as little as $9 per hour. The company Bosen Pty Ltd was ordered to pay $120,000 in penalties while the operators Hao Chen (Eddie) and Xue Jing (Jane) have been individually fined $20,000 and $10,000 respectively.


RISE Media Release: stop the villification of Villawood detainee protestors

RISE MEDIA RELEASE: Wednesday 27/4/2011 RISE is concerned about the portrayal in the mainstream media of the latest protests by asylum seekers incarcerated in Sydney’s Villawood immigration detention centre. The images of fires and other distressed acts carried out by incarcerated asylum seekers coupled with sound bites from mainstream media commentators, radio shock-jocks and politicians are being used to whip up flames of hysteria in the Australian community at large.


24 months on, International News Syndicate’s website still “undergoing redevelopment” – why?

This month marks the 2nd anniversary of the Australia News and Features Services (ANFS) website and International News Syndicate (INS) website putting up a statement:

“This site is currently undergoing redevelopment. We apologise for any inconvenience. It is, however, still business as usual for us here at International News Syndicate Limited. Please, simply contact us on”

Climate finance monsters mp3

explicit language !

media sample collage, The Planet by Bill Hicks, Nature is wise by Mitchell and Webb, excerpt Now Show, Leaf Currency by Hitch Hikers Guide to the Universe, Global Warming by Mitchel and Webb, Win Win by Norel Pref, Mad by George Carlin, Unobtainium by Tanya

music by Paris Acid Reflux Dont stop the movement

29:53 min 128 kbps stereo 27.3 MB
