
People Against Coal Expansion (PACE) occupy NCIG coal export terminal on Kooragang Island

People Against Coal Expansion (PACE) has delayed the expansion of the NCIG coal export terminal on Kooragang Island. The group occupied the construction site just 10am on May 10th. Newcastle Coal Infrastructure Group is attempting to ramp up coal exports, Australia’s biggest contribution to climate change, by 25 million tonnes at the third coal terminal, which would represent almost half of NSW’s domestic greenhouse pollution from all sources.


Julian Assange receives gold medal for human rights

Sydney Peace Foundation Statement, May 10 Julian Assange, co-founder of WikiLeaks, has been awarded the Sydney Peace Foundation’s Gold Medal at a ceremony overnight in London’s Frontline Club for “exceptional courage in the pursuit of human rights”.

Presented by veteran Australian broadcaster Mary Kostakidis, The Sydney Peace Medal recognises Assange’s leadership, courage and tenacity in journalism and publishing, and pays tribute to his enduring conviction that truth matters and justice depends on it.


The ALP must breed a Petro Georgiou

I was sharing a coffee with Simon Mead, Secretary of the WA State Labor Party on the morning of the day that Kevin Rudd would enjoy his last full day as Prime Minister when I put to him a question that Simon would laugh off. Earlier that morning a trusted insider in the ALP told me that Kevin Rudd would be deposed as Prime Minister by the evening's end and that if he did not go quietly there would be a spill/vote the next morning. Though Simon and I met for other yarns I did put this to him in passing.

Just hours to stop Uganda's gay death penalty


In a few hours Uganda could pass a law that imposes the death penalty for homosexuality. An international outcry shelved this bill last year -- we urgently need to ramp up the pressure to press President Museveni to stand up for human rights and stop this brutal law. Sign below, and tell everyone:

Thousands of Ugandans could face execution -- just for being gay.

We've helped stop this bill before, and we can do it again. After a massive global outcry last year, Ugandan President Museveni blocked the bill's progress.

Footage from "From Chernobyl to Fukushima - is there a future in nuclear?" Public Meeting

Video extracts from a public meeting organised by Friends of the Earth's Anti-Nuclear and Clean Energy Collective on 28 April 2011 under the heading "From Chernobyl to Fukushima, Is there a future in nuclear?".

Video from Engage Media by PC

Speakers were:


Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses - Warrnambool 2011 Video

During the running of the Grand Annual Steeplechase at the May Warrnambool Jumps Carnival, there was carnage on the racetrack as numerous horses fell and one horse jumped over a 2 metre fence into a crowd of spectators injuring young children and the elderly.

The Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses believes this is further proof as to why a ban on jumps racing is necessary as the sport will never be made safe.

To donate or to join the movement to ban jumps racing, please visit

Embedded video from Vimeo


Freedom is not the property of people. People are the property of freedom.

(I wrote this in the brief of the night, past midnight, tired, without proofing, having attended a Report Back of those who ventured, as I did with them, to the Curtin Detention Centre, April 21 to 26, where we were denied our right to visit our Asylum Seekers, where our Asylum Seekers were lied to that we were not coming and denied their full suite of rights, denied the right to human contact.

How NAPLAN and data is being used to trash public education and teachers rights.

The World Socialist Website has published a very compelling article on how NAPLAN is being used undermine public education and attack teachers working conditions. It also outlines how the AEU is complicit in these attacks. I agree completely with the article's contention that parents and teachers should work together outside the AEU to start a real campaign against NAPLAN before public education completely goes the why of the U.S. system.

Read the article on the website here


Sign RISE online petition against the Malaysian Solution

The refugee advocacy group RISE has created an online petition for people to sign against the Malaysian solution. Sign the petition here

Below is the text of the petition:


This petition is from Australian citizens and residents.

We draw the attention of the House to the Australian and Malaysian Refugee Trade:


Blood on the hands of all Australian Senators. We will continue the call for a Joint Committee Senate Inquiry.

The Human Rights Alliance

The Human Rights Alliance, on this occasion led by its PhD Law researcher into Australian Deaths in Custody, will continue to urge Australian Senators for the need to call for a Joint Committee Senate Inquiry into Australian Deaths in Custody.

WGAR News: NT nuclear waste dump plans contested

Newsletter date: 10 May 2011

* NT nuclear waste dump plans contested
* Background to Muckaty nuclear waste dump
* Interview with Walpiri man Ned Hargraves on the NT Intervention
* Speech by Aboriginal activist Barbara Shaw on the NT Intervention
* Video: Lake Tyers fight for rights to self-determination
* Background to blockade by Aboriginal women of Lake Tyers
* More on Tracker, the Aboriginal rights-based magazine
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other Aboriginal articles

Nuclear adviser resigns over Japanese government's increasing level of allowable radiation exposure for children

Nuclear Adviser Resigns over Japanese Government's Increasing Level of Allowable Radiation Exposure for Children

Interview with Michio Kaku, theoretical physicist and author of "Physics of the Future" , conducted by Scott Harris

How corporate IT ripped off our technology

How corporate IT ripped off our technology

We started using computers back in the day of the commodore 64 & the IBM compatable computer, we were the ones who got the blank screens to work & do things, remember we only had blank screens to work with & the circuit boards of the computer & modems, the public were ripped off on mass, if we had our way you would only pay for the device which would be a small fee on account of mass production economics by robotics, the software interfaces were never payed for or licensed out

Labor politicians see Gillard and ALP diminished by Malaysian refugee solution

By the Human Rights Alliance

Also on this issue

Labor Parliamentarians describe that Gillard and the ALP will be diminished because of their cowardice towards a Malaysian Solution. Some are utterly embarrassed and distressed at the new low by the ALP.

Refugee groups oppose Gillard’s offshore ‘solutions’ in Malaysia and PNG

Refugee Action Coalition media release detailing immediate concerns with MALAYSIAN SOLUTION.

Also on this issue.

Julia Gillard's announcement of a deal to send asylum seekers attempting to arrive in Australia by boat to Malaysia is just the latest chapter in Australia's attempts to dodge its international obligations as a signatory to the UN Convention on Refugees, according to the Refugee Action Coalition.

WGAR News: Interviews with Barb Shaw and Michael Anderson; speeches by Pat Anderson and Les Malezer

Newsletter date: 7 May 2011

* Speech by Pat Anderson, co-author of the "Little Children are Sacred" report, on the NT Intervention
* Interview with Barbara Shaw, of the Intervention Rollback Action Group, on the NT Intervention
* Justice for Aboriginal workers in the NT - Petition to be presented to Parliament next week
* Interview with Michael Anderson on the New Way Sovereignty Summit, now concluded
* Background to New Way Sovereignty Summit, last updated 6 May 11
* Speech by Les Malezer, Co-chair of the National Congress of Australia's First Peoples

Brutal attack on endangered tribe in India

An illegal road brings poachers and tourists into
the heart of the Jarawa’s land. ©Survival

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, 6 May 11 - - A man from one of the world’s most endangered tribes has been attacked and seriously wounded trying to stop intruders hunting his tribe’s game. The police are treating the attack as attempted murder. Three men have been arrested over the incident.

Town camp leader speaks in Sydney: Stop the Intervention, justice for Aboriginal workers

Stop the Intervention Collective

Media release 4/5/11 for immediate release

Town camp leader speaks in Sydney: Stop the Intervention, Justice for Aboriginal workers

Barbara Shaw, a town camp leader from Alice Springs, will speak out in Sydney on Thursday May 5 against recent calls for a “second Intervention”.

A coalition of unions, the Greens and Aboriginal rights groups are staging the rally, highlighting gross breaches of Aboriginal workers rights under the NT Intervention. The rally will take place at 12pm outside the office of Indigenous employment Minister Mark Arbib.