Tracker Magazine

WGAR News: Declarations of Independence advanced at Brisbane Treaty Talks: Sovereign Union

Newsletter date: 24 May 2013


* Sovereign Union: Declarations of Independence advanced at Brisbane Treaty Talks
* Sovereign Union Media Release: Declarations of Independence advanced at Brisbane Treaty Talks
* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Michael Anderson, Convenor of the Sovereign Union, about the Brisbane Treaty Talks
* CAAMA Radio's Paul Wyles interviews Michael Anderson about the struggle to decolonize and achieve independence

* Sovereign Union: Italian Media: Birth of the Republic of Aboriginal Murrawarri

WGAR News: Mornington (Victoria) Book Launch: 'A Decision to Discriminate'

Newsletter date: 11 April 2013


* Mornington (Victoria) Book Launch: A Decision to Discriminate - 12 April 2013
* Megan Graham, Crosslight: Stronger Futures or just stronger measures?
* Goulburn Valley Community Legal Centre: Compulsory Income Management Unfairly Targets Young People
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention

* Amy McQuire, Tracker: Pre-Election Interview: Nigel Scullion, Shadow Minister for Indigenous Affairs

WGAR News: NT nuclear waste dump plans contested

Newsletter date: 10 May 2011

* NT nuclear waste dump plans contested
* Background to Muckaty nuclear waste dump
* Interview with Walpiri man Ned Hargraves on the NT Intervention
* Speech by Aboriginal activist Barbara Shaw on the NT Intervention
* Video: Lake Tyers fight for rights to self-determination
* Background to blockade by Aboriginal women of Lake Tyers
* More on Tracker, the Aboriginal rights-based magazine
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other Aboriginal articles

WGAR News: Interviews with Barb Shaw and Michael Anderson; speeches by Pat Anderson and Les Malezer

Newsletter date: 7 May 2011

* Speech by Pat Anderson, co-author of the "Little Children are Sacred" report, on the NT Intervention
* Interview with Barbara Shaw, of the Intervention Rollback Action Group, on the NT Intervention
* Justice for Aboriginal workers in the NT - Petition to be presented to Parliament next week
* Interview with Michael Anderson on the New Way Sovereignty Summit, now concluded
* Background to New Way Sovereignty Summit, last updated 6 May 11
* Speech by Les Malezer, Co-chair of the National Congress of Australia's First Peoples

WGAR News: Elders speak out on the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention

Newsletter date: 21 Apr 2011

* Elders speak out on the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Tracker: New magazine focusing on Aboriginal rights launched
* Co-Chairs of National Congress of Australia's First Peoples elected
* Background to National Congress of Australia's First Peoples
* More on New Way Sovereignty Summit, at Easter, in Canberra
* Commemorating Indigenous people who died in the Frontier Wars
* Aboriginal Deaths in Custody