Just hours to stop Uganda's gay death penalty


In a few hours Uganda could pass a law that imposes the death penalty for homosexuality. An international outcry shelved this bill last year -- we urgently need to ramp up the pressure to press President Museveni to stand up for human rights and stop this brutal law. Sign below, and tell everyone:

Thousands of Ugandans could face execution -- just for being gay.

We've helped stop this bill before, and we can do it again. After a massive global outcry last year, Ugandan President Museveni blocked the bill's progress.

But political unrest is mounting in Uganda, and religious extremists in Parliament are hoping confusion and violence in the streets will distract the international community from a second push to pass this hate-filled law.

We can show them that the world is still watching. If we block the vote for two more days until Parliament closes, the bill will expire forever.

We have no time to lose. 700,000 have signed already. We have just hours before the bill is brought to the floor -- let's get to 1 million. Sign now and forward to your networks!



Uganda has a big AIDs problem did you know out of every body with HIV/AIDs in Australia 84% are male homosexuals and in America 86% are male Homosexuals. If you are for human rights why do you turn a blind eye to these killers who use their bodies in such a dangerous manner, it effects innocent people women and children dont you think the innocent should be protected first? before you delete this comment tell me what is not fact in what I have said if the truth hurts thats your problem not mine.
maybe Uganda's solution is extreme but it will be interesting to see if it has an effect.